caballing to secretly scheme or plot
cabined TBD
cachexia a general wasting of the body during a chronic disease
cadency “cadence” balanced, rhythmic flow, as of poetry or oratory
calcined TBD
calean TBD
calibre “caliber”
calumniously slanderously; defamatorily
calxes TBD
camomile a medicinal herb used to make tea
campbellism TBD
campings TBD
cancelled “canceled”
cancered TBD
candidating process of being a candidate
candour “candor” frankness or directness
candyism weakness, such as would be if a diet consisted solely of candy rather than substantial nutrition
cankered to cause to become decayed or become corrupt
cankering the act of causing something to become decayed or corrupt
cannonier TBD
canonicalness the condition of appearing in the biblical canon
canonicity the condition of appearing in the biblical canon
canonise “canonize” to include in the biblical canon; to declare to be a saint by the Roman Catholic Church
cantillated TBD
cantillation TBD
capableness “capability”
capacitate to render fit; make qualified; enable
capacitated rendered fit; made qualified; enabled
capacitates to render fit; make qualified; enable
capacitating rendering fit; making qualified; enabling
capitally referring to a crime punished by death (a capital offense)
capitation a counting or assessing of individuals by head; a per capita or poll tax
capitulations the acts of surrendering under certain circumstances; coming to terms
caprificus (a pesky plant)
captiously marked by a disposition to find fault and make petty criticisms; likely to perplex
captivateth “captivates”
captived “taken captive”
carbonading cutting up or across in order to broil
carcanet a jeweled necklace, collar, or headband
carcase “carcass” a dead body
carcases “carcasses” dead bodies
cardinalship the position or role of being a Cardinal (a high church officer)
careerings moving or running at full speed; rushing
caressest TBD
caresseth “caresses”
caretaking caring for or overseeing
carings feelings of care or concern
cark to worry, vex or grieve through anxious care
carked worried, vexed or grieved through anxious care
carking worrying, vexing, or grieving through anxious care
carkingly done in a manner of worrying, vexing, or grieving through anxious care
carkings acts of worrying, vexing, or grieving through anxious care
carnalist one who lives for and seeks after sensual, earthly or carnal things
carnalize to make earthly, sensual, or carnal
carnalized made earthly sensual or carnal
carnalizes TBD
carnalness the properties or qualities of being earthly, sensual or carnal
carnals things that pertain to earthly cares or needs
carter one who moves, carries or carts something; a porter
carveth “carves”
cassated abrogated or canceled
cassianism also called semi-Pelagianism; characterized by a belief that both grace and freewill affect salvation
casten TBD
castigatory having the characteristic of criticizing severely, punishing or chastising
casuistical of or pertaining to a casuist, one who determines what is right or wrong in matters of conscience or conduct
catabaptists TBD
catched “caught”
catchest “catch”
catchings multiple instances of catching
catchpole a sheriff’s officer, especially one who arrested debtors
catechetical of or pertaining to the instruction of Christians from a Catechism
catechetically done in a way resembling a catechism (question and answer)
catechetics TBD
catechise “catechize” to instruct from the catechism
catechised “catechized” instructed from the Catechism
catechises “catechizes” to instruct from the Catechism
catechising “catechizing” instructing from the Catechism
catechisings the processes by which someone is catechized
catechist one who instructs from the catechism with a question/answer method
catechistical related to or resembling instruction from a catechism
catechizeth “catechizes”
catechizings the processes by which someone is catechized
catena a closely linked series
catenae closely linked series
catholick “catholic” universal
catholicon a universal remedy; panacea
catiffs TBD
caul the pericardium, or membrane around the heart
causations “causes”
causatively effective; functioning as a cause
causedst “cause”
causeful TBD
causeless without a cause
causelessly done without cause
causer one who causes something to happen
causist TBD
cautelous cautious, prudence, wariness
cauteries caustic agents or instruments used to destroy aberrant tissue
cauterised “cauterized” cut off; a condition in which aberrant tissue has been destroyed or removed
cautery a caustic agent or instrument used to destroy aberrant tissue
cautional TBD
cautioner one who expresses or demonstrates caution
cautioneth “cautions”
cavillation TBD
cavilled raised unnecessary or trivial objections; quibbled about
caviller one who raises unnecessary or trivial objections; one who quibbles
cavillers those who raise unnecessary or trivial objections; those who quibble
cavilling raising an unnecessary or trivial objection; quibbling
cavillingly TBD
cavillings raising unnecessary or trivial objections; quibbles
ceasest “cease”
ceiled to have made a ceiling for
celandine a plant, also called “swallowwort”
celebrateth “celebrates”
celibrant “celebrant” (person who participates in a religious ceremony or rite)
censoriousness expressing censure or reprimand; faultfinding
censurers those who express blame or disapproval
censurest TBD
censureth “censures” to express blame or disapproval
censurings multiple instances of censuring
centinel “sentinel” one who watches over or keeps guard
centre “center”
centred “centered”
centres “centers”
centring “centering”
centrum Latin for “center”
ceremonialism characterized by an overemphasis on formal ceremony and ritual in spiritual matters
ceremonialist one who overemphasizes formal ceremony and ritual in spiritual matters
certainer (more certain)
certifieth “certifies”
certiorate TBD
certiorates TBD
certitudes complete assurances
cess TBD
cesses TBD
chace TBD
chaffered to have bargained or haggled; to have bandied words
chafings TBD
chaldee variant of “Chaldean”
chalders TBD
challengest TBD
champaigns plains; level and open countries
chancellorship the office of a chief minister of state
changeableness the characteristic of changing or being able to be changed
changefulness the characteristic of changing
changers TBD
changings TBD
chantings “chants”
chaplaincy the role or position of being a chaplain (a minister who conducts services for a military unit, legislative assembly or other such entity)
chaplainships “chaplaincies” (ministers who conduct services for military units, legislative assemblies or other such entities)
chapman a dealer or merchant
chapmen dealers or merchants
chaptered divided into chapters
charactered having good character
characterise “characterize”
characterised “characterized”
characterises “characterizes”
characteriseth “characterizes”
characterising “characterizing”
characteristical “characteristic”
charadrion (a bird, presumably mythical)
chargeableness being responsible, liable or accountable to
chargeth “charges”
charism “charisma”
charismatics TBD
charisms inspired gifts
charitative “charitable”
charlatanry of or pertaining to a charlatan (a person who claims to possess knowledge or skill that he does not have)
charmeth “charms”
charybdis from Greek mythology, a whirlpool off the Sicilian coast
chasteness “chastity” (pure or simple in a moral, literary or artistic sense)
chastenings punishments or chastisements, either physical or moral
chaster more chaste
chastest most chaste
chastisest TBD
chastisings multiple instances of chastising
chastizing “chastising”
chatterings rapid meaningless talk; a series of short, speech-like sounds (as a bird would make)
chaunt “chant”
chaunting “chanting”
cheatery the art of trickery, deceit and cheating
cheatest TBD
cheateth “cheats”
cheatings acts of deceiving by trickery; swindling
checketh “checks”
cheerest “cheer”
cheerfuller more cheerful
cheerings acts of giving joy, comfort or encouragement
cheerly “cheerfully”
chequer “checker” one who checks, examines or supervises
chequered “checkered” marked by great changes or diverse shifts in fortune
chequering “checkering”
chequers “checkers”
cherisher one who treats with affection and tenderness; one who cherishes
cherishers those who cherish
chestful “chest full”
chewings TBD
chiasmic characterized by a crossing or intersection of two things or ideas
chiasmically done in a way characterized by a crossing or intersection of two things or ideas
chid “chide”
chideth “chides” to scold, rebuke, reprimand
chidings scolds, rebukes, reprimands
chiefness the condition of being highest in rank or authority
childlikeness being like a child in behaviour or actions
childship the condition of having a relationship as of a child to a parent
chiliarch TBD
chillness “chilliness”
chinkling the sound made from metallic objects striking together
chirograph TBD
chirography penmanship
chirpeth “chirps”
chirurgeon surgeon
chirurgeons surgeons
choaked “choked”
choaking choking
choiceable TBD
choiceness the property or characteristic of being desirable, excellent, or choice
choirless without a choir (a group of singers)
chokest TBD
choketh “chokes”
cholic “colic” severe abdominal pain
chooser one who chooses
choosers those who choose
chopins some unit of measure for liquids
choppeth “chops”
chrism a sacramental anointing; a mixture used in that anointing
chrismed to have been anointed in a sacrament
christed TBD
christendom Christians collectively
christianise “Christianize” to turn to belief in Christianity
christianised “Christianized” turned to belief in Christianity
christianism “Christianity”
christianization the act of turning others to belief in Christianity
christified made to be the same as Christ
christless without a belief in Christ
christlikeness being like Christ
christocentric being centered around or focused on Christ
christocentrically TBD
christocentricism TBD
christocentricity TBD
christocentrism TBD
christologia “Christology” (the study of Christ's person and qualities)
christological relating to Christology (the study of Christ's person and qualities)
christologically TBD
christologies TBD
christology the study of Christ’s person and qualities
chronical “chronic”
chronologer one who does chronologic work
chronologers those who do chronologic work
chrystal “crystal”
churched made acquainted with the teachings and ways of the church
churchism TBD
churlishness the condition of being difficult to work with, boorish
chuse “choose”
chusers choosers
chuseth “chooses”
chusing “choosing”
chymist “chemist”
ciborium a vaulted canopy permanently placed over an altar; a covered receptacle for holding the waters of the Eucharist
cimeter TBD
circlings TBD
circumciseth “circumcises”
circumferent referring to the circumference of a circle or sphere, as of the Earth
circumgyration rotating around an object
circumscriptive having been circumscribed (encircled, confined within bounds, restricted)
circumscriptively in a manner characteristic of being circumscribed, encircled or restricted
circumspectness “circumspection” being prudent, heedful of circumstances or consequences
circumstanced situated, placed in particular circumstances or conditions
circumstantials nonessentials or incidentals; “circumstances”
circumveening TBD
cisatlantic TBD
citeth “cites”
citherns (ancient musical instruments resembling the lyre)
civilise “civilize”
civilised “civilized”
civilising “civilizing”
civils referring to the realm of civil government
clags TBD
claimable having the property or ability to be claimed
claimeth “claims”
clamorously done in a loud, obnoxious or clamorous way
clamoured “clamored”
clamourings “clamors”
clamours “clamors”
clancularly privately, secretly
clangour “clangor”
clappest TBD
clapt “clapped”
clashings “clashes”
claspeth “clasps”
claspings multiple instances of clasping
clatterings TBD
clawbacks TBD
clawest TBD
cleareth “clears”
cleavings things that one adheres, clings or sticks fast to
clecked TBD
clemently being lenient or merciful, mild
cleuchs TBD
clevering gripping hastily
climacterical TBD
climatological TBD
clingest TBD
clingeth “clings”
clippest TBD
clippeth “clips”
clipt “clipped”
clodded TBD
clodders TBD
cloistral of, resembling, or suggesting a cloister, secluded
closedness TBD
closeth “closes”
clotheth “clothes”
clothings TBD
cloudeth “clouds”
cloudings TBD
cloudland “cloud land”
clownishness behavior like a clown or buffoon
coacervation a separating out of
coact TBD
coaction an impelling or restraining force, compulsion
coactive compulsive
coaevous TBD
coalescency “coalescence” growing together, uniting
cockered pampered, spoiled or coddled
cockering pampering, spoiling, or coddling
cockeringly TBD
coercives TBD
coetaneous contemporary; of equal age, duration or period
coetaneously contemporary; of equal age, duration or period
coeternal “eternal with”
coevous contemporary with; equal in respect of age or time
cogitable can be thought of or thought upon
cogitations thoughtful considerations, meditations, reflections
cognation the characteristic of being related by origin or analogous in nature, character or function
cognisance “cognizance” conscious knowledge or recognition
cognitic TBD
cognitions that which comes to be known, as through perception, reasoning or intuition
cognize consciously know or understand
coheadship authority shared by two people
cohereth “coheres”
coincidency TBD
coincidents TBD
colateralism TBD
coldrife TBD
coldrifeness i.e. lukewarmness
colics severe abdominal pains
colleaguing TBD
collectivity the condition or quality of being collective; the people as a whole
colliquation TBD
collocutor a speaker in a dialog
collocutors speakers in a dialogue
colluvies off-scouring
cologued TBD
colourable “colorable” seemingly true or genuine
coloureth “colors”
colouring “coloring” making to appear as true or genuine
colourless “colorless”
colporteur a peddler of devotional literature
colporteurs peddlers of devotional literature
columbaries vaults with niches for urns containing ashes of the dead; pigeon holes in dovecotes
combustions burnings
comelily in a comely, attractive or pleasing manner
comelinesses qualities or properties of being attractive, pleasant or comely
comfortables things which are comfortable
comfortablest “most comfortable”
comfortest TBD
comfortings TBD
comitia a popular assembly in ancient Rome having legislative or electoral duties
commandement “commandment”
commandements “commandments”
commandress (female commander)
commencedst TBD
commencest TBD
commenceth “commences” to begin
commendest TBD
commenters (as in commentators)
commenteth “comments”
commination a formal denunciation; a threatening
comminations formal denunciations; threats
comminatory characterized by formal denunciations, threats
commissionary TBD
commissionate commissioned
commissionated “commissioned”
commissionates “commissions”
commissioneth “commissions”
commissive (characterized by commission)
committedst TBD
committer one who commits
committers those who commit
commixtion TBD
commoning acting in a way indicating equality with
commonplacing marking passages in a book for reference
commotions “commotion” (agitations, disorders)
communer TBD
communers TBD
communeth “communes”
communicatest TBD
communicateth “communicates”
communings intimate communications or conversations
compactest TBD
compages TBD
companied having had company with
companionate TBD
companionless without friends or companions
comparest “compares”
compareth “compares”
compassionable characterized by deep feeling or sympathy; “compassionate”
compassionableness TBD
compassionater one who shows compassion
compassionates those who show compassion
compassioners those who show compassion
compassions feelings of pity or sympathy
compear (to legally appear; answer a court summons)
compearance “appearance”
compeared (legally appeared; answered a court summons)
compearing (legally appearing; answering a court summons)
compellation an addressing or designating by name or title
compellations addressing or designating names or titles
compeller one who forces to yield or submit
compelleth “compels” to force to yield or submit
compellings multiple instances of compelling
compend to give a short, complete summary; an abridgement
compended to have given a short, complete summary; to have made an abridgement
compendize to give a short, complete summary, an abridgement
compendized shortened, abridged or summarized; to have given a short, complete summary or to have made an abridgement
compends to give a short, complete summary, an abridgement
compensative characterized by recompense or reimbursement, as to pay a debt
compense to make up for, to compensate
competentees TBD
competentized to make competent (capable or well qualified)
compileth TBD
complacential “complacent” completely content
complainee TBD
complainest “complain”
complaineth “complains”
complainings “complaints” feelings of resentment or dissatisfaction
compleatly “completely”
complemental complementary
completement “completion”
completer “more complete”; one who completes or finishes an action or task
completest “most complete”
completions acts of completed or finishing; totally complete beings
completory TBD
compliances submissions, repeated deference or yielding
complices associates or accomplices
compliest TBD
complieth “complies”
complimental expressing civility or courtesy
complimentally expressing compliments, as in an insincere way
complimenters those who express compliments, as in an insincere way
comportable conducting or behaving oneself in a particular manner, agreeing, corresponding with, harmonizing
comportation TBD
comportest TBD
comporteth “comports”
composedness the characteristic of being calm, serene, self-possessed
composeth “composes”
composures self-possession, calmness, tranquility; compositions
compotations TBD
compounder TBD
comprecation a praying together
comprehender TBD
comprehendest TBD
comprehendeth “comprehends”
comprehensor one who was all-knowledgeable, all-inclusive in scope
comprehensors those who understand or grasp mentally
compriseth “comprises”
comprized “comprised”
compt from the Latin comptus, means neat, spruce
conation the aspect of mental processes or behavior directed toward action or change and including impulse, desire, volition and striving
conative characterized by conation (the aspect of mental processes or behavior directed toward action or change and including impulse, desire, volition and striving)
concauses TBD
concealers TBD
concedest TBD
conceitedness holding too high an opinion of oneself; vanity
conceitest TBD
conceity conceitedness
conceivest “conceive”
conceiveth “conceives”
concentered directed toward a common center
concentering converging on a common center
concentre “con-center” to direct toward a common center
concentred “con-centered” directed toward a common center
concentres TBD
concernedness the quality of being concerned
concernment “concern”; participation, involvement
concernments “concerns”
conchoid TBD
concilience TBD
concisest “most concise”
concludable able to be concluded
concludest TBD
concludeth “concludes”
conclusiveness decisiveness; finality
concocteth “concocts”
concomitancy occurring together or in connection with another; the coexistence of the body and blood of Christ of the Eucharist in the Roman Catholic Church
concommitants “concomitants” (accompanying states, circumstances or things)
concording agreeing, concurring, in one accord
concreated created at the same time
concredited TBD
concreteness being stable, tangible or concrete
concubinage cohabitation without legal marriage; the state of being a concubine
concupiscences sexual desires, lusts
concupiscible sensual; characterized by concupiscence
concurrences events that happen concurrently, at the same time
concurrents TBD
concurreth “concurs”
concursive acting in agreement or at the same time
concursus a running together, concourse, union; a rushing together, clashing; a hostile encounter
condecencies TBD
condecency TBD
condecent TBD
condemeth “condemns”
condemnability TBD
condemnable able to be condemned
condemner one who condemns
condemners those who condemn
condemnings “condemnations” criticisms; pronunciations of judgment against
condenseth “condenses”
condescency TBD
condescendedst TBD
condescendency a voluntary coming down to an inferior level
condescendest TBD
condescendeth “condescends”
condescensions acts of coming down voluntarily to the level of inferiors with whom one is dealing
condescent TBD
condignity worthiness
condited TBD
conditionality stating or implying a condition; imposing, depending on, or containing a condition
conditionalness TBD
conditionary the party in an agreement who agrees to fulfill a condition; “conditional”
conditionless TBD
condocency TBD
condolency condolence
condonation the overlooking of an offense
conduceth “conduces” (contributes or leads)
conducible able to contribute or to lead
conducively done in such a way as to be apt, fitting or conducive
conductest TBD
conducteth “conducts”
coneys small mammals mentioned in the Old Testament (possibly rabbits)
conferments things that are bestowed upon
conferrest TBD
conferreth “confers”
confessedly admittedly
confessest TBD
confessionally TBD
confessionaries TBD
confessory TBD
confideth “confides”
confidingly in a trusting way
confineth “confines”
confirmatory confirming or verifying; a rite admitting a member into church membership (Roman Catholic Church)
confiscations seizures; appropriations
conflicteth “conflicts”
confluently flowing together; blended into one
conflux “confluence” a flowing together of two or more streams
conformest TBD
conformeth “conforms”
conformly TBD
confoundeth “confounds”
confrontive having the characteristic of confronting (opposing defiantly)
confucianists those following the teachings of Confucius
confusedness “confusion”
confusianism “Confucianism”
confuter one who proves something to be in error; a confounder
confuteth “confutes” to prove to be in error
congregationalist a form of church government in which each church is independent and church discipline is exercised only on the level of a congregation
conjunctly joined together; united
conjureth “conjures” to entreat solemnly
connatal coexisting; inborn
connatural innate, congenital, natural
connaturality the state of being innate, congenital, natural
connaturalness the state of being innate, congenital, natural; being similar in nature
connectedness the characteristic of being connected, united, joined together
connecteth “connects”
connexed “connected”
connexion “connection”
connexions “connections”
connoteth “connotes” (to mark or annotate two things together)
conpulative TBD
conquerest TBD
conquereth “conquers”
conscienced TBD
conscionableness TBD
conscionably “conscientiously” diligently
consecrateth “consecrates” to set apart as holy
consectaries TBD
consectary TBD
consentaneous consistent; accordant; unanimous
consenter one who consents, agrees
consentest TBD
consenteth “consents”
consentient characterized by consent; agreeable
consequents “consequences”
conservant TBD
conserver one who conserves, preserves
considerableness TBD
considerateness the act of being considerate, thoughtful of others
consideringly TBD
consistest TBD
consistory a level of courts in biblical Presbyterianism typically just above the level of the classis or session; a gathering, presided over by the Pope, for the solemn promulgation of papal acts
consociational coming into friendly association
consonancy “consonance” agreement, harmony, accord
consortest TBD
conspicuousness being prominent, obvious or conspicuous
conspireth “conspires”
constituteth “constitutes”
constitutively having power to institute, establish, or enact
constrainings compelling by force, restraining, confining
constructionists people who construe a disputed legal text in a certain way
consubstantial having the same substance, nature, or essence as the three persons of the Trinity
consubstantialists (those who believe in consubstantiation)
consubstantiality the condition of having the same substance, nature, or essence as the three persons of the Trinity
consubstantiated TBD
consubstantiation the Lutheran doctrine that the body and blood of Christ coexist with the elements of bread and wine during the Lord’s Supper
consubstantiators TBD
consultest TBD
consultor TBD
consumest TBD
consummateth “consummates”
consummatively TBD
consummatory bringing to completion, perfection or fulfillment
consumptionate having the disease of consumption
consumptions the wasting away of bodily tissues
contemner “condemner”
contemners “condemners”
contemnest “condemn”
contemperate existing at the same time
contemperation co-existence
contemperature co-existence, harmony
contemplations thoughtful observations
contemporaneity the quality or originating, existing or happening during the same period of time
contemporizeth “contemporizes”
contempts reproachful disdains
contendings “contentions” strivings, controversies
contentation “contention”
contentedness “contentment”
contentest TBD
contenteth “contents”
contentments being contented, happy or pleased with current circumstances
contexture the act of weaving or assembling parts; a structure of interconnected parts
continency “continence” self-restraint, moderation
contingently possibly; conditionally; dependant on
continuando TBD
continuators ones that continue, especially people who resume the work of others
continuedly “continuously”
continuest “continue”
contiquity consistency; a continuous series
contractedness closedness
contractest “contract” to make an agreement
contracteth “contracts”
contradictest TBD
contradicteth “contradicts”
contradictoriness the characteristic of being contradictory (asserting or expressing the opposite, inconsistent)
contradistinct “contradistinctive” (being distinguished by contrasting or opposing qualities)
contradistinguished distinguished by contrasting qualities
contraieties “contrarieties” discrepancies, inconsistencies
contributary TBD
contributeth “contributes”
contristation TBD
contritions sincere expressions of remorse for wrong doings
contrivement “contrivance” (the act or manner of planning or devising with cleverness or ingenuity)
contrivements “contrivances”
contriver one who plans or devises with cleverness or ingenuity
contrivers those who plan or devise with cleverness of ingenuity
contrivings “contrivances”
controllest TBD
controlment TBD
controul “control”
controuled “controlled”
controuling “controlling”
controvert to raise arguments against, voice opposition to, deny; to debate, to argue or dispute about
controverted to have raised arguments against, voiced opposition to; denied; debated, argued or disputed about
controverters those who raise arguments against, voice opposition to, deny, debate, argue or dispute about
controverting the act of raising arguments against, voicing opposition to, denying, debating, arguing or disputing about
controvertists those who raise arguments against, voice opposition to, deny, debate, argue or dispute about
controverts those who raise arguments against, voice opposition to, deny, debate, argue or dispute about
contumeliously rudely or with contempt in behavior or speech, insolently
convalescency “convalescence”
convener one who convenes (causes to come together or assemble, convokes)
conveniencies “conveniences”
conveniency “convenience”
convented convened
conventicle a religious meeting, especially a secret or illegal one, such as those held by dissenters in England and Scotland in the 16th and 17th centuries
conventicles religious meetings, especially a secret or illegal one, such as those held by dissenters in England and Scotland in the 16th and 17th centuries
conventionalisms customary usages, established practices or accepted standards
conventual TBD
convergently TBD
conversest “converse”
converseth “converses”
conversings “conversations”
convertedness TBD
conveyancer “conveyor”
conveyancers “conveyors”
conveyest “convey”
conveyeth “conveys”
convicteth “convicts”
convictingly done so as to be convicting
convincer one who convinces (persuades of a point)
convincest TBD
convincingness the act of persuading or satisfying by evidence or argument
convivialities the enjoying of feasting, drinking and good company, jovial social interaction
convocate TBD
convocated TBD
convocating TBD
convoyer (either conveyer or one who convoys)
convoyeth (either conveys or the act of convoying)
cony “coney” (a mammal mentioned in the Old Testament, possible a rabbit)
cooleth “cools”
coolings TBD
cooperations TBD
coordinations TBD
copesmates associates or companions; friends, partners
copiedst TBD
coppra clothes
copyhold TBD
corban an offering to God among the ancient Hebrews
corbie TBD
cordwainer TBD
corized TBD
corporally being of the body, bodily
corporator TBD
corporators TBD
corporeity the state of being corporeal or material; physical existence
corpulency obesity or extreme fatness
correctest “correct”
correctory TBD
correlations TBD
correlationship “correlation”
correlativity the characteristic of being related, corresponding
correption reprehension; reproof
correptory TBD
correspondencies “correspondences” similarities or analogies
correspondency “correspondence” similarity or analogy
correspondeth “corresponds”
corrival a rival or opponent; oppose or rival
corrived “rivaled”
corrodeth “corrodes”
corruptors those who destroy or subvert
corsey TBD
corus (old Hebrew unit of measure)
cosenage a fraud
cosmical “cosmic” of or pertaining to the universe, vast; harmonious, orderly
cosmogonic TBD
cosmothetic TBD
costeth “costs”
costumery exterior garments
coted (placed or kept in a cote, as in a sheepcote)
cotemporaneously TBD
cotemporaries “contemporaries” people who lived at the same time
cotemporary “contemporary” existing at the same time
cottar TBD
couchant lying down with the head raised; dormant
couldst “could”
councillor “counselor”
councillors “counselors”
counselable (able to be counseled)
counselled “counseled”
counsellest TBD
counselleth “counsels”
counselling “counseling”
counsellor “counselor”
counsellors “counselors”
countedst TBD
countenancer one who gives or expresses tacit approval to, condones
countenanceth “countenances” (gives tacit approval to, condones)
counterbalanceth “counterbalances” (opposes with an equal force, offsets)
counterfeiteth “counterfeits”
counterfeitly TBD
counterscarp an exterior slope or wall of a ditch
counterwatch watch in opposition to
counterwork work in opposition to
countest “count”
courtest TBD
courteth “courts”
courtezan “courtesan” (a professional prostitute)
courtezans “courtesans” (professional prostitutes)
courtings attempts to woo or court for marriage (can also be applied to attempts to gain support, aid or help)
courtships attempts to woo or court for marriage (can also be applied to attempts to gain support, aid or help)
cousinship cousin relationships
covenantal characteristics of a binding agreement made by two or more people or parties; a compact, contract
covenantalism TBD
covenantally done, handled or reckoned in terms of a covenant or agreement
covenantees the participants in a covenant to whom the promise is made
covenanters Scottish Presbyterians who supported either the National Covenant of 1638 or the Solemn League and Covenant of 1643
covenanteth “covenants”
covenantings the making of covenants or agreements
coverture a covering, shelter, concealment, disguise; the legal status of a married woman
covetings covetous thoughts or actions
covetousnesses TBD
covin TBD
cowardize “cowardice”
cowled TBD
cozenage the art or practice of cheating, deceiving; a deception, trickery, fraud
cozenest “cozen” (to deceive, fraud or cheat)
cozenings deceits, frauds, or cheats
crabfish “crab”
crackt “cracked”
craftmaster “craftsman”
craftsmaster “craftsman”
crasis TBD
cratch manger or crib
cravest strong desire or yearning for something
crawlers those who or those things that crawl
crawlest TBD
crawleth “crawls”
creatable able to be created
createdst TBD
createst “create”
creatorship the position or role of being a creator
creaturehood the quality of having been created
creaturely having the characteristics of one that has been created
creatureship TBD
credal pertaining to a creed (a statement of religious belief)
crediteth “credits”
credulence “credulousness” the act of believing too readily or gullibly
creedal pertaining to a creed (a statement of religious belief)
creepest TBD
crewell “crewel” a type of loosely worsted yarn used in embroidery
criedst “cried”
criminalness TBD
criminatory TBD
criminous “criminal”
cringings acts or instances of cowering or acting in a servile manner
criticise “criticize”
criticised “criticized”
criticiser “criticizer”
criticises “criticizes”
criticising “criticizing”
croakings TBD
crofts small enclosed fields or pastures near a house; small farms, especially tenant farms
cromwellian TBD
crookedest most crooked
crookednesses TBD
crosseth “crosses”
crost “crossed”
crowdest “crowd”
croweth “crows”
crowner one who crowns
cruciate cross-shaped
cruciated TBD
crucifiers those who crucify
crucifiest “crucify”
crucifieth “crucifies”
crucifyings TBD
crudenesses primitive or crude actions, behaviours or properties
crudled TBD
cruellest most cruel
crum “crumb”
crumpted TBD
crusheth “crushes”
crushingly done in a manner so as to break, pound or grind
cryeth “cries”
cryings cries
cryptical hidden, secret, or mysterious meaning
crypticism TBD
cuckows TBD
cudweed a European plant, a “cotton rose”
culleth “culls” (to pick out from others, select)
cultus Latin: tending, care; a religious cult
cummin “cumin” a plant, the seeds of which are used as a condiment
cumulations “accumulations” (acts of increasing or enlarging by successive additions)
cunningest (most cunning)
curacies the offices, duties, or terms of office of curates (clergymen)
curacy the office, duty, or term of office of a curate (clergyman)
curatory TBD
curbeth “curbs”
curer one who cures
cureth “cures”
curiousness “curiosity”
curlings TBD
currish snarling, bad-tempered
cursedness the condition of being cursed, wicked, detestable
cursers those who curse, invoking evil or injury
cursives a style of flowing script writing
curtilage the enclosed land surrounding a house or dwelling
curvity TBD
custodier “custodian”
custodiers “custodians”
customariness that which is commonly practiced or used as a matter of course
cutaneous related to the skin
cuttingness TBD
cyclopedia “encyclopedia”
cypher “cipher” an Arabic numeral or figure; to solve by means of arithmetic
cyphers “ciphers” Arabic numerals or figures; solving by means of arithmetic