dabblings “dabbles”; efforts undertaken without serious intent
daftness the condition of being crazy or mad
dalliest “dally” to trifle; dawdle
dallieth “dallies”
dalmatic a wide-sleeved garment worn by an official at the celebration of a Roman Catholic Mass
dalmatics wide-sleeved garments worn by officials at the celebrations of Roman Catholic Mass
damnatory threatening with damnation; condemning
damner (that which damns)
damneth “damns”
damnified caused loss or damage to; “damned”
damnify TBD
dampeth “damps”
danceth “dances”
dancings “dances”
dandleth “dandles” to move up and down on the arms or legs
dantoned (weakened, damped)
darest “dare”
dareth “dares”
darkful “dark”; full of darkness
darknesses TBD
darksome “dark”
dartings TBD
dashest TBD
dastardliness “dastardliness” cowardliness, baseness
daubery the act of daubing (covering, coating with a substance)
daunced TBD
davered withered
davidic referring to King David
dawnings appearances, beginnings
dazzleth “dazzles”
deaconship the office of a deacon
deadish like or resembling the dead
deads TBD
deadthraw TBD
deathness TBD
debarreth “debars”
debasest to make base or lowly
debaseth “debases”
debateth “debates”
debatings arguments, disputes
debauchedly to corrupt morally; seduce; pervert
debauchee a person who habitually indulges in dissipation or debauchery; libertine
debauchees people who habitually indulge in dissipation or debauchery; libertines
debaucheth “debauches” to corrupt morally, seduce, pervert
deboice TBD
deboisedness “debauchery”
deboist TBD
debordings TBD
debtorship the condition of being a debtor (one who owes money or services to someone else)
decalogue the Ten Commandments
deceivable able to deceive or be deceived
deceivableness the ability to deceive or be deceived
deceiveableness being able to be deceived
deceivest “deceive”
deceivings “deceptions”
decemviri bodies of ten men acting as a ruling authority
decennial pertaining to or lasting for ten years
decennium a period of ten years; a decade
deceptiously “deceptively”
decerned (determined; decreed)
decerning TBD
decimateth “decimates”
deciphereth “deciphers”
declaratively done in a manner so as to state or declare
declaratory serving to declare or state
declaredst TBD
declarest TBD
declinatures TBD
declinest TBD
declinings “declinations” fallings off
decored adorned
decoring decorating
decorums TBD
decreaseth “decreases”
decreasings multiple instances of decreasing
decreer one who decrees
decreet “decreed”
decreeth “decrees”
decreets “decrees”
decrepitudes TBD
decretal a decree, especially a letter from the pope giving a decision on some point or question of canon law
decretals decrees, especially a letter from the pope giving a decision on some point or question of canon law
decretive having the force of a decree
decretively by way of decree; by the force of a decree
decypher “decipher”
decyphers “deciphers”
dedicateth “dedicates”
dedicatory pertaining to being dedicated
dedolency (absence of, or want of compunction)
dedolent TBD
deepliest TBD
defacest TBD
defaceth “defaces” spoils or mars
defameth “defames” attacks the good name of by slander or libel
defeatest TBD
defeateth “defeats”
defeatment “defeat”
defectibility capable of having defects
defectible able to have defects
defectiveness faultiness, imperfectness
defenced “defensed”
defenceless “defenseless”
defencelessness TBD
defences “defenses”
defendeth “defends”
defensative “defensive”
defensatives TBD
defensed TBD
deferrest TBD
defiances TBD
defier (one who defies)
defieth “defy” to resist, challenge or rebel against someone or something
defiledness “defilement” the making unclean or filthy of
defilements uncleanness, filthinesses
defilest “defile”
defineth “defines”
definitiveness the property of being final or definite
deflour “deflower” to destroy the innocence of; to violate
defloured “deflowered” to have destroyed the innocence of; to have violated
defluction TBD
defluctions TBD
defluxion TBD
deforcing TBD
deformedest TBD
deformings “deformations”
defraudings to have defrauded or cheated some one out of something lawful
defyers one who resists, rebels against or defies
defyingly done in a way to resist, rebel against or defy
degeneracies TBD
degenerateth “degenerates”
degradations reductions in worth or standing; deteriorations
dehort to discourage or counsel against (opposite of “exhort”)
dehortation discussion; advice against something
dehortations discussions; advice against something
dehorted discussed; advised against something
dehorteth “dehorts” to discuss, advise against something; opposite of “exhort”
dehorting discussing, advising against something
dehorts to discuss, advise against something
deicide murder of a deity
deifieth “deifies” to make into a god
deistical pertaining to a deist
dejectedness being depressed, melancholy or dejected
dejecteth “dejects” casts down
delate TBD
delated TBD
delator an accuser; an informer
delators professional accusers
delayest TBD
delayingly done in such a way as to waste time or delay
delayings “delays”
delegalize to make illegal
deliberateness the property of being decided or deliberate
delicates exquisitely or pleasingly fine things
delicts (those who are characteristically delinquent)
delightfullest TBD
delightfulness being pleasant or delightful
delilahs anything or anyone having the characteristics of deceit and betrayal (as in Delilah and Samson)
delineations outlines, portrayals in words
deliquium TBD
delirant one who raves or is delirious
deliverances events or occasions of deliverance
deluder one who deceives or misleads
deludest TBD
demagogueism “demagoguery” (the practices or rhetoric of a leader who obtains power by means of impassioned appeals to the emotions and prejudices of the populace)
demandant (one who makes a demand)
demandants TBD
demandeth “demands”
demarkation “demarcation” (the setting or marking of boundaries or limits)
demeanour “demeanor” deportment, manner; the way in which a person conducts himself
dementates to assert or prove to be false
demit to relinquish or dismiss
demiurgus the name used by Plato to designate the deity who fashions the material world
democratical characteristic of a democracy
demolisheth “demolishes”
demoniacal “demoniac”
demoniacs those possessed by a demon
demoralising “demoralizing”
dempster TBD
demurral a delay
deniedness TBD
deniedst TBD
deniest “deny”
denison TBD
denominateth “denominates” to give a name to; designate
denominationalism the tendency to separate into religious denominations
denotatively able to denote; designative
denoteth “denotes”
denounceth “denounces”
denouncings strong condemnations or exposures
denyingly done in a way so as to deny
denyings TBD
deodand TBD
departings “departures”
dependance “dependence”
dependedst “depended”
dependest “depend”
dependeth “depends”
dependingly done in a manner of dependence upon
depicture “depiction”
depone to testify or declare under oath
deponing TBD
deportments conduct; demeanor
deposer one who deposes or removes from office
deposeth “deposes”
depositaries people or groups entrusted with the preservation or safekeeping of something
depositary a person or group entrusted with the preservation or safekeeping of something
deposite “deposit”
depravedness “depravity”
depravement “depravity”
deprecateth “deprecates”
depreciatory diminishing in value; disparaging
deprivational TBD
deprivest “deprive”
depriveth “deprives”
deputations people or groups appointed to represent another or others; delegations
depute to appoint or authorize as an agent or representative
deputed to have appointed or authorized as an agent or representative
derangements severe mental disorders
derationalize to deprive of reason
derationalized deprived of reason
derationalizing depriving of reason
derelictions willful neglects; repeatedly abandoning
derideth “derides”
derisions mocking behaviour or words
derivatively having been derived from
derivest TBD
deriveth “derives”
dernier the latest thing
derogateth “derogate” (to detract; take away)
dervises a sect in Islam characterized by strict penances and excessive works
descendest TBD
descension (opposite of ascension))
desecrations the violation, profanation or desecration of things
desecrators those who violate, profane or desecrate
deserteth “deserts”
desertings TBD
deservedness TBD
deservedst “deserves”
deserveless TBD
deservest TBD
deservings things that are deserved
desiderate to long for
desiderated longed for
designedly done by design
designest “design”
designeth “designs”
designings “designs”
designment design; designing
desirableness “desirability”
desirablenesses TBD
desiringly TBD
desirings multiple instances of desiring
desolations miseries, wretchedness, emptiness
despairers those who give up hope or despair
despairest TBD
despaireth “despairs”
despairful “despairing”
despatch “dispatch”
despatched “dispatched”
despatcheth dispatches
despatching “dispatching”
desperations recklessness arising from despair
despicableness being despicable or utterly without good
despight “despite”
despighting TBD
despisedst TBD
despiser one who despises
despisers those who despise
despiteful “spiteful” full of malice
despitefully done in a spiteful or malicious manner
despondencies discouragements; despairs
desponding despairing
despondingly done in a dejected or depressing manner
despondings discouragements, depressions
destinate TBD
destinated “destined”
destinating TBD
destitutions deprivations; poverties
destructions things which destroy
desupernaturalize to change or attempt to change something from supernatural to natural
desupernaturalized to have changed or attempted to change something from supernatural to natural
desupernaturalizing to be changing or attempting to change something from supernatural to natural
detaineth “detains”
detecteth “detects”
detections uncovering, locating, or detecting things
determinately in a manner affirming determination; done in a way so as to determine
determinateness TBD
determinativeness TBD
determinest TBD
determineth “determines”
deterreth “deters”
detestableness being abhorrent, execrable or detestable
detester one who abhors or detests
detestest TBD
detesteth “detests”
detrusion TBD
devastations destructions; laying waste
devastator one who destroys, lays waste or devastates
devastators those who destroy, lay waste or devastate
developement “development”
devilism TBD
devisings things which are devised or contrived
devotedness the quality of being dedicated or devoted to
devoteth “devotes”
devotionists those characterized by devotion or dedication
devoutest most devout
devoutness “devotion”
dextrously “dexterously” done in a clever or artful manner
diabolism dealings with or worship of the devil or demons
diaconal pertaining to the office of a deacon
diaconate deacons
dianoetic TBD
diaphony dissonance
diastoles TBD
diatactic TBD
dichotomic being divided into two usually contradictory parts or opinions
dicotomist one who divides into two usually contradictory parts or opinions
dictions clarity of enunciations in the use of words
didactical “didactic” expository; instructive
didest “did”
diestical TBD
dieteth TBD
dietetical TBD
differedst TBD
differenced made different or distinguished
differenceth “differences” makes different
differencing making different or distinguishing from
differentia that which differentiates one thing from another; an attribute that characterizes and distinguishes a species from others of the same genus
differentiations differences or distinguishing marks
difficulted TBD
difficulter more difficult
difficultest “most difficult”
difficultly done in a difficult manner
diffide (to act with diffidence)
diffuseness the characteristic of being spread out or dispersed
diffuseth “diffuses”
diffusiveness the quality of being spread out or dispersed
digamists “bigamists”
digesteth “digests”
digestions the assimilation of ideas; understanding after some time and thought
digged “dug”
diggest TBD
dignation TBD
dignifieth “dignifies”
digresseth TBD
dijudication a judgment
dilapidators one who brings into a state of ruin, decay or disrepair
dilations the acts of making wider or larger
dilection TBD
dilling TBD
diminishers those who reduce, decrease or diminish something
diminisheth “diminishes”
diminutions the acts or processes of diminishing, reducing or decreasing
dimmeth “dims”
dineth “dines”
diplomated given a diploma
diplomating giving a diploma
dippings TBD
dipt “dipped”
directer more direct
directest TBD
directively TBD
directoress female director
directure “directive”
diremption a forcible separation; the forced separation of a man and wife
dirtieth “dirties”
disableth “disables”
disaccord lack of agreement
disacquaintance TBD
disaffecteth “disaffects”
disagreeth “disagrees”
disalloweth “disallows”
disanimated TBD
disannul to make void, cancel
disannulled made void, cancelled
disarmeth “disarms”
disassent “dissent”
disbeliever one who rejects or refuses to believe in something
disbelievers those who reject or refuse to believe in something
disbelieveth “disbelieves”
disbursers those who pay out or expend
discalced barefooted (said of certain orders of monks)
discase TBD
discerner one who perceives or detects
discerners those who perceive or detect
discernest TBD
dischargest “discharge”
dischargeth “discharges”
discipled TBD
discipling the act of making students, followers or disciples
disclaimeth “disclaims”
discloseth “discloses”
discolour “discolor”
discoloured “discolored”
discomfortable “uncomfortable”
discommend to show or voice disapproval of
discommendable of or pertaining to showing disapproval
discommendation the act of showing or voicing disapproval of
discommends shows or voices disapproval of
discommunicating TBD
discomposedness the state of being agitated or perturbed
discomposeth “discomposes”
discomposures TBD
disconceit TBD
disconceits TBD
disconformed TBD
disconformity not being conformed to
disconsolateness the quality of being beyond consolation, hopelessly sad
disconsolations the qualities of being beyond consolation, hopelessly sad
discontentments things that cause discontentment
discordancy of or pertaining to being disagreeable or conflicting
discorporated TBD
discountenancers TBD
discountenanceth “discountenances” (to view or treat with disfavor)
discouragements things which discourage or cause downheartedness
discourageth “discourages”
discourser one who expresses something verbally or in writing
discoursers ones who express something verbally or in writing
discourseth “discourses”
discoursings TBD
discoursive being expressive verbally or in written form
discourted removed from the court or the influence of the court
discovenanted TBD
discoverest “discover”
discoverings TBD
discreetest TBD
discrepance “discrepancy”
discretions qualities of being cautious or prudently reserved
discretive TBD
discretively TBD
discriminateth “discriminates”
discruciate TBD
discruciates TBD
discumbency TBD
disdainest TBD
disdaineth “disdains”
disembogued emptied at the mouth, used of a river
disenable render unable; incapacitate
disenabled to have rendered unable; incapacitated
disencouragement discouragement
disengagedness TBD
disengenuous TBD
disentanglement getting untangled from something
disesteemeth “does not esteem”
disestimation TBD
disfavour “disfavor”
disfit “unfit”
disfits “unfits”
disfitted made unfit
disfitting “unfitting”
disframing TBD
disgracements something that makes one dishonored, disreputable or disgraced
disgraceth “disgraces”
disguisements “disguises”
disgustingness the characteristic of being disgusting (repugnant, loathsome)
disheartedly done in a dispirited manner
dishonourable “dishonorable”
dishonourably “dishonorably”
dishonoured “dishonored”
dishonourer one who dishonors
dishonourers those who dishonor
dishonouring “dishonoring”
dishonours “dishonors”
disimputed TBD
disinclinations lack of willingness, reluctance
disingenious not straightforward, crafty
disingenuity the quality of being not straightforward, being crafty
disingenuousness the quality of being not straightforward, being crafty
disinheriteth “disinherits”
disjunct TBD
diskindness TBD
diskindnesses TBD
dislikest TBD
disliketh “dislikes”
dismisseth “dismisses”
dismission “dismissal”
dismissions TBD
disobeyers those who disobey
disobeyeth “disobeys”
disobligations TBD
disoblige to refuse or neglect to act in accord with the wishes of
disobliged to have refused or neglected to act in accord with the wishes of
disobligement the act of refusing or neglecting to act in accord with the wishes of
disobligeth “disobliges”
disobliging the act of refusing or neglecting to act in accord with the wishes of
disorderedness “disorderliness”
disorganisation “disorganization”
disorganised “disorganized”
disorganizers TBD
disownest TBD
disowneth “disowns”
disparagements acts of discrediting or lowering the esteem of
disparagest TBD
disparageth “disparages”
dispeace TBD
dispelleth “dispels”
dispensational characterized by a specific arrangement or system to dispense or administer something
dispensationalism TBD
dispensative having the quality of dispensing or distributing
dispenseth “dispenses”
dispensible “dispensable” unimportant; condonable
dispeopled TBD
dispeopling TBD
disperseth “disperses”
dispersings multiple instances of dispersing
dispicable “despicable”
displacence envious displeasure; lack of complacency or gratification
displacency envious displeasure; lack of complacency or gratification
displacent TBD
displayest TBD
displayeth “displays”
displeasant unpleasant or displeasing
displeasedness TBD
displeaseth “displeases”
displicence (Discontent, dislike)
disponded TBD
dispone TBD
disponed TBD
dispones TBD
disposedness disposition; demeanor
disposer one who disposes (arranges, sets in order)
disposers those who dispose (arrange, set in order)
disposest TBD
disposeth “disposes”
disposings setting in order, arranging
dispositional TBD
dispositive TBD
dispositively done not in a positive manner
dispossesseth “dispossesses”
disposure “disposal”
dispraiseth makes to be unworthy of praise
disprofit makes to be without profit
disproportionable “disproportionate”
disproportioned out of proportion, in relative shape, size or extent
disproven “disproved”
disproveth “disproves”
disputacity disputing, controversy
disputer one who disputes, argues
disputers those who dispute, argue
disputest “dispute”
disputeth “disputes”
disqualifications things that render disabled or unqualified
disqualifieth “disqualifies”
disquietedness a state of worry or uneasiness, anxiety
disquietest TBD
disquieteth “disquiets”
disquietment a state of worry or uneasiness, anxiety
disquietments states of worry or uneasiness, anxieties
disquietness a state of worry or uneasiness, anxiety
disquisitions formal discourses or treatises, often in writing; dissertations
disregardful not paying attention or heed to
disrelish to have distaste for or dislike of
disrelished to have had a distaste for or dislike of
disreputation “disreputableness”
disseisin TBD
disseisor TBD
disseize TBD
disseized TBD
dissemblest “dissemble” (to disguise the real nature of)
dissemblings TBD
dissensions “dissentions”
dissenteth TBD
dissentient one who dissents, especially from the sentiments or policies of a majority
dissentients those who dissent, especially from the sentiments or policies of a majority
dissention “dissension” a difference of opinion, especially one that leads to contention or strife
dissentions “dissensions” differences of opinion; especially those that lead to contention or strife
disserviceable not able to be used in service
dissimilitudes lack of resemblance; differences
dissipations dispersing, scatterings
dissolubly TBD
dissolutions TBD
dissolveth “dissolves”
dissolvings TBD
dissuadeth “dissuades”
dissuasives “dissuasions” (exhortations against a course of action)
dissweeten TBD
dissweetened TBD
distasted offended, displeased
distastefulness unpleasantness; being distasteful
distastes offends, displeases
distasting offending, displeasing
distemperature TBD
distempereth “distempers”
distich a couplet, especially one used in a Latin or Greek elegiac
distichs couplets, especially those used in a Latin or Greek elegiac
distilleth “distills”
distinctionless without difference, distinguishing features or distinction
distinguisher one who distinguishes
distinguishest TBD
distinguisheth “distinguishes”
distinguishingness distinctness
distrain to seize and hold property to compel payment or reparations, as of debts
distrained to have seized and held property to compel payment or reparations, as of debts
distraining TBD
distrains TBD
distresseth “distresses”
distributer one who apportions, assigns or distributes
distributively referring to distribution
distrustest TBD
distrusteth “distrusts”
distrustfulness not able to be trusted
disturbeth “disturbs”
dittay TBD
dittology TBD
divergences the acts of differing, as in opinions or manners
divergencies the acts of differing, as in opinions or manners
divergency the act of differing, as in opinions or manners
diverteth “diverts”
divertisements diversions
diveth “dives”
divinations the act of foretelling future events by means of supernatural agencies
divinest to divine foretell or reveal; most divine
divinitized made divine
divised “devised”
divorcement “divorce”
divorceth “divorces”
divulgeth “divulges”
doat “dote” (to lavish excessive love or fondness)
doated “doted”
doatest “dote” (to lavish excessive love or fondness)
doating the act of lavishing excessive love or fondness
doatingly “dotingly”
doatment TBD
doats “dotes”
docetic influenced by the teaching that Christ had no physical body
docetism the doctrine, espoused by an heretical sect, that Christ had no human body and only appeared to have died on the cross
docetists TBD
docible TBD
doctoress wife of a doctor
doctress female doctor
doctrinalist TBD
doctrinalists TBD
doctrinals TBD
dodgeth “dodges”
doggeth “dogs” pursues closely
dogmata Latin: doctrine, philosophic tenet, teaching
dogmatical “dogmatic”
dogmaticalness TBD
dogmatician one who holds to a dogma (a system of doctrines proclaimed to be true)
dogmaticians those who hold to dogmas (systems of doctrines proclaimed to be true)
dogmatics the holding of dogmas, systems of doctrines proclaimed to be true
dogmatising “dogmatizing” making an issue a dogma (a system of doctrines proclaimed to be true)
dogmatisms assertions of beliefs
dogmatistic like a dogma
dogmatize to assert belief in a system of doctrines
doits An ancient piece of small Scots copper-coin, in value the twelfth part of a penny sterling; at that time current, but not so now; small parts of something; bits
dolefullest most doleful or more mournful
dolesome TBD
dolors sorrows, grievances or mournful pains
dolour “dolor” sorrow, grief or a mournful pain
dolours “dolors” (sorrows, grievances or mournful pains)
domestical “domestic”
dominancy “dominance”
domineerer dominator
domineereth “domineers”
dominical of or associated with the Lord Christ
donaries things given to a sacred use
donatists TBD
donative a benefice
donatives benefices; benefits
doolie a bedstead with curtains around it, usually carried on the shoulders of four men
dooryards “yards”
dorsers TBD
dotedst TBD
dotest (act of doting upon a thing)
doteth “dotes”
dotings TBD
doubleness TBD
doubleth “doubles”
doubtedly TBD
doubtest TBD
doubtfuls TBD
doubtings “doubts”
doubtsome “doubtful”
downmost least in importance or value (opposite of uppermost)
dozened TBD
drachm “drachma” (basic monetary unit of Greece)
draineth TBD
dramatical “dramatic”
draughted drafted; as in a military lottery-based draft
draughting TBD
draughtsman “draftsman”
drawest “draw”
drayman a driver of a dray (low, heavy cart without sides, used for hauling)
dreadest “dread”
dreadeth “dreads”
dreadfullest “most dreadful”
dreadfulness extreme unpleasantness or terribleness
dreamedst TBD
dreamest “dreams”
dregginess related to dregs
dreggish TBD
dreggy least desirable
drenchings TBD
drest “dressed”
driftage deviation from a set course
drily “dryly”
drinkables beverages able to be drunk, probably a reference to liquor
drinkest “drink”
drinkings TBD
drivelled slobbered; drooled
drivelling slobbering; drooling
drivellings TBD
drivest “drive”
droil drudgery
droiled having done mean labor; toiled; drudged
droiling TBD
drolled to have clowned, jested or made fun of
drolling to be clowning, jesting or making fun of
droopeth “droops”
droopingly in a drooping manner
droopings TBD
droppest TBD
droppingly TBD
dropsical related to the dropsy
dropsies diseases affecting the body tissues
dropt “dropped”
drossy characterized by dross (waste products or impurities)
drownest TBD
drowneth “drowns”
drownings TBD
drumlie dreary or gloomy
drumly turbid, muddy
drunkennesses TBD
duad “duo”; two-entity version of a triad
dubitation “doubt”
ducture leading
duellers those who duel
duellist one who duels
dulleth “dulls”
dulness “dullness”
dumpish gloomy, melancholy
dunced TBD
dunging fertilizing with dung
dungs waste products
duplicature TBD
durations periods of time
durst “dare”
dustieth “dusts”
dutifulness “duty”
dwarfishness being small in comparison to
dwine TBD
dyeings coloring with dyes
dyings TBD
dyke “dike”
dyvors TBD
dyvour “devour”