labadism TBD
labelled “labeled”
laborings multiple instances of laboring
laboriousness the act of requiring long, hard work
labour “labor”
labourers “laborers”
labourest “labors” or “labor”
labourings “laborings”
labours “labors”
lackedst “lacked”
lacquey “lackey” a servile follower
lacustrine of, or pertaining to, a lake
laick of, or pertaining to, the laity, secular
laics individuals who are not part of the clergy
laidest “laid”
laird the owner of a landed estate
lamenter one who laments (mourns or expresses grief)
lamentest “laments” or “lament”
lamenteth “laments”
lamentingly mourning or expressing grief
lamentings “laments”
lanceth “lances” (cut or slice)
lancings cuts or slices
landeth “lands”
landless owning or having no land
langour sluggishness, oppressive quietness or stillness
languishingly becoming weak, fading, lingering
languishings becoming weak, fading, lingering
languishment the act of becoming weak, fading, lingering
languishments the acts of becoming weak, fading, lingering
languors sluggishness, oppressive quietness or stillness
lanthorn “lantern”
lanthorns “lanterns”
laodicean resident of Laodicea, an ancient city in Asia Minor characterized by spiritual lukewarmness
laodiceans residents of Laodicea, an ancient city in Asia Minor characterized by spiritual lukewarmness
lapsarian TBD
lapsus TBD
lapt “lapped”
lares esteemed household possessions
largeness an expanded, opened condition
largesses liberalities in giving; generosities
larum an alarm
lasheth “lashes”
lasteth “lasts”
lastingness the quality of enduring
latinity Latin style; the manner in which Latin is used in speaking or writing
latitudinarianism the act of favoring freedom of thought or behavior, especially in religion
latrons TBD
laudation the act of lauding or praise
laudations praises or commendations
laughableness the act of causing or deserving laughter or derision
laughest TBD
laughters cries of mirth or laughter
launchest “launch”
launcheth “launches”
laureation TBD
laver a vessel, stone basin or trough used for washing
lavishest “lavishes” or “lavish”
lavisheth “lavishes”
lawing going to law; litigation
laxer more lax (less restricted)
layings gifts or offerings
laywomen a female member of a congregation
lazeth lies in a lazy manner
lazieth lies in a lazy manner
lazying lying in a lazy manner
leadings acts of leading or guiding
leaketh “leaks”
leaper one who leaps
leapeth “leaps”
learnedest most learned
learnest “learns” or “learn”
learneth “learns”
learnings acquired wisdom, knowledge or skill
leavest “leave”
lectionaries books containing lessons or a list of lessons from Scripture to be read at services
lecturings “lectures”
leet TBD
leets TBD
legator a person who makes a will; a testator
legier TBD
legitimatist “legitimist” (a person who believes in or supports rule by hereditary right)
legitimatists people who believe in or support rule by hereditary right
legitimises “legitimizes” adds legitimacy or authorization to something
leigers remaining in a place
leisures recreations, relaxations, leisure times
lembics TBD
lendest “lends” or “lend”
lengtheneth lengthens
lenifies moderates, lessens, allays, makes more lenient
lenify moderate, lessen, allay, make more lenient
lenitive capable of easing pain or discomfort
lenitives things capable of easing pain or discomfort
lentest “lends” or “lent”
leprosies cases or instances of leprosy (a serious skin disease)
lesed damaged or hurt
lesseneth “lessens”
letted prevented
lettres “letters”
lettrist one who writes letters
levelled made horizontal, flat
leveller a member of an English radical political movement arising in the Parliamentarian forces of the 1640s and advocating universal male suffrage, equality before the law, parliamentary democracy, and religious tolerance; that which makes level
levellers members of an English radical political movement arising in the Parliamentarian forces of the 1640s and advocating universal male suffrage, equality before the law, parliamentary democracy, and religious tolerance; those who level; make horizontal or flat
levelleth “levels”
levelling making horizontal, flat
levitic relating to the Levites or their temple service
levitically of or relating to the Levites
liableness “liability” (an obligation or debt for which one is responsible)
libbing TBD
libellous “libelous” defamatory; containing or constituting a libel
liberalistic “liberal”
liberatings TBD
libration TBD
licence “license”
licences “licenses”
lichened covered in lichen (moss)
lictors those in charge of delivering punishment or discipline
lieger a minister or ambassador resident at a court or seat of government
liers those who lie
lifelessness having no life; inanimate
liftings actions of raising or lifting up
lightnings flashings of electricity in nature
lightsome light, nimble or graceful in movement; buoyant
likelihoods probabilities
likenesses portrayals of similar objects or people
likeneth “likens”
liker one who likes; “more like” or “more likely”; more similar to; one who likes a thing
likest “like”; “most like” or “most likely”
likings things that one likes
limbeck to distil or extract
limbecks distils or extracts
limitedness the condition of being limited, confined or restricted
limneth “limns” (to describe or depict by painting or drawing)
limpeth “limps”
lingerings TBD
lippen to confide, rely, trust
lippened confided, relied, trusted
lippening confiding, relying, trusting
lippens confides, relies, trusts
liquorish “lickerish” lascivious; lecherous; greedy; relishing pleasurable sensations
liquorishness the condition of being “lickerish” (lascivious; lecherous; greedy; relishing pleasurable sensations)
lispings speaking with a speech defect or mannerism
listenings TBD
literalised “literalized” made literal
literalists those who portray or interpret things literally
literality “literalness” word for word; verbatim
literalize to make literal
literates someone who can read or write
literatures TBD
literists TBD
litherness TBD
litigations legal actions or processes
litigiousness given to or characterized by litigation
litterateur a man of letters
littleness condition of being small
littles small or little things
littling making smaller or little; reducing
liturgics the study of liturgies (the system of public worship in the Christian church)
livedst “lives” or “live”
liveless TBD
liveness “aliveness”
loadest TBD
loadstone “lodestone” a magnetized piece of magnetite (used by sailors to guide their course)
loadstones magnetized pieces of magnetite (used by sailors to guide their course)
loathers those who detest greatly or hate
loathest “loathe”
loathings that which is despised greatly or hated
loathness hatred
lockest “locks” or “lock”
locketh “locks”
lockyers TBD
loctiers a house for carrier pigeons
lodgement “lodging”
logick “logic”
logomachies TBD
logomachy contention in words merely, or a contention about words
loiterest “loiters” or “loiter”
loitereth “loiters”
longanimity long-suffering, forbearance, patience
longsome tiresomely long
longsomeness the condition or quality of being tiresomely long
loof palm of the hand
looker one who looks
lookers ones who look
lookingglass telescope or spyglass
lookings that which is looked at
loopy TBD
looseneth “loosens”
loppeth “lops”
loppings TBD
lopsidedness the quality of being not symmetrical; being heavier, larger or higher on one side than the other
lopt “lopped”
losable able to be lost
losest “lose”
lostness the condition of being lost
loth “loath”
lothesome “loathsome”
lothness “loathsomeness”
lotted assigned by use of a lot
lotting casting of lots
loughs Irish: lakes
loungers one who lounges (to stand, lean, sit or lie in a lazy, relaxed way)
loup TBD
louring scowling
loveableness TBD
lovelessly TBD
lovelessness TBD
lovingest most loving
lovingkindness kindness, tender love
lowbel TBD
loweringly “gloweringly”
lowlily doing something in a humble, meek manner
lowness condition of being low
loyalest TBD
lozels idle, lazy peoples
lucan Latin name, Marcus Annaeus Lucanus, a Roman poet
lucidly easily understood, clearly
luciferian relating to or resembling Lucifer (the devil)
lucubrations laborious study or writing
lukewarmness the condition of being mildly warm, not hot or cold; spiritually indifferent
lullabied slowly and softly coaxed
luminiferous generating, yielding, or transmitting light
lumpishness TBD
lurketh “lurks”
lurkings TBD
lurkish characterized by “lurking” (lying in wait furtively, sneaking, slinking)
lusciousness having the characteristic of being sweet or pleasant to taste or smell
luskish lazy
lusory careless or casual
lusters those who lust
lustest “lust”
lustings acts of desiring sinful things or things tempting to sin
lustration the act of purifying by means of ceremony
lustratory TBD
lustre “luster” (brightness, splendor)
lustreless “lusterless”
lustres bright shines or sheens
lutanist a lute player
lutenist “lutanist” (a lute player)
lutinist “lutanist” (a lute player)
luxuriancy the quality of being luxuriant (exuberantly elaborate, ornate)
luxuriousness the quality of being luxurious (fond of or given to luxury)
lyar “liar”
lyingly done by deceiving or lying
lyrists those who play lyres