baalites those who served the idol Baal; those who serve idolatry in general
baalitical related to the service of the idol Baal; related to the service of idolatry or false worship in general
babbler one who utters a meaningless confusion of words and sounds
babblers those who utter a meaningless confusion of words and sounds
babblingly done in a meaningless, unclear or babbling way
babylonish “Babylonian” referring to the ancient Babylonian kingdom
backeth “backs” supports
backful TBD
backgates secondary passageways, “back gates”
backslidden having reverted to sin or wrongdoing
backslidings acts of sin or wrongdoing
baconian TBD
bailie TBD
bailies TBD
bairn child
bairns (Scottish for children)
baitings as in, bear-baiting, a form of entertainment during which dogs were set on a chained bear
balanceth “balances”
ballasted having been balanced or stabilized, especially in character
banditti members of a band, as in a military setting; also “bandits”
bandstrings TBD
banefully destructively, perniciously, full of venom or harm
banes causes of death or destruction; slayers
baneth to cause death, destruction or ruin
banishest “banish” to drive away; to force to leave
banisheth “banishes”
banishments the acts of forcing someone to leave a country or place by official decree; exiling, driving away, expelling
bankless without a shoreline
banneret TBD
baptise “baptize” to anoint with water as a religious sacrament
baptised “baptized” anointed or immersed
baptises “baptizes”
baptising “baptizing” the act of anointing with water as a religious sacrament
baptistic relating to the sacrament of baptism; relating to Baptist theology
baptizable able to be baptized
baptizers those who perform the sacrament of baptism
baptizings “baptisms”
barbarousness the state of being primitive in culture and customs; uncivilized; savagery; cruelty; boorishness
barketh “barks” the harsh, abrupt sound uttered by a dog
barkings “barks”
barque a small boat or ship
barthian related to Karl Barth, a heretic and naturalistic theologian
bashaw a former title of honor placed after the name of Turkish military and civilian officials
bashaws Turkish military and civilian officials
bastardy relating to or taken from among bastards (illegitimate children, particularly sons)
bathest “bathe”
battalia “battalions”; tactical military units
batterest “batters”
batterings impurities, damaged areas
battlings TBD
battologize use vain repetitions
battology a needless repetition of words in speaking or writing
baubling showy, clattering
beamings things that radiate, transmit, emit
bearishness the condition of being pessimistic, negative or skeptical
beatifical showing or producing exalted joy or blessedness
beatistic blessed with the completion of celestial enjoyment
beautifieth “beautifies” makes beautiful
bebeast become like a beast
beckoneth “beckons”
becks signals, indications
becomest “become”
becomingness the condition of being appropriate, suitable, proper or pleasing to the eye
becomings TBD
bedabble TBD
bedewings TBD
bedlams places or situations of noisy uproar or confusion
bedrid bedridden
beest “be”
befal “befall” happen to, come to pass
befallings things that come to pass or happen
befals “befalls”
befel “befallen”
befilthy to make filthy
befitteth “befits”
befool to make a fool of; to hoodwink, trick, deceive
befooled to have made a fool of; hoodwinked; tricked; deceived
befriendeth “befriends” to make friends with
begannest “began”
beganst “began”
beggest “begs” to ask imploringly
beggeth “begs” to ask imploringly
beginneth “begins” to start, originate
begone used as an order of dismissal
begrudgeth “begrudges” to give with reluctance
beguilings deceits or temptations designed to mislead
behavest “behave” to conduct oneself in a proper way
behaviourism “behaviorism” a school of psychological thought emphasizing that environment determines behavior
behaviours “behaviors” (the manners in which one acts)
beheadeth “beheads” (to separate the head from; decapitate)
behearted TBD
behests orders or authoritative commands; requests or biddings
behindhand in arrears; behind time; slow
behoof benefit; advantage; use
behove require
behoved required
behoveful appropriate or fitting
behoves to be appropriate or fitting
behoveth “behooves” (to be appropriate or fitting)
belcheth “belches”
belchings loud burps or other unsavoury noises
belfrey “belfry”
believedst “believe”
believingly done with an attitude of belief or confidence in
belime burden, restrict
belimed TBD
beliming TBD
belking TBD
bellowings “bellows” roars, particularly from animals
beloveds those who are loved dearly
bemangled “mangle”
bemiracled TBD
bemiracles TBD
bemist TBD
bemisted clouded, as by a mist that restricts vision
bemoaneth “bemoans”
bemoanings TBD
bemuting TBD
bended “bent”
bendest “bend”
bendings multiple instances of bending
beneficialness being beneficial or helpful
benefitted helped, assisted, advantaged
benevolencism “benevolence”
benight make like the night, cover in darkness
benighting making like the night, covering in darkness
benights to give the appearance of night; to darken
benignest most harmless, kind or benign
benty TBD
benumbedness “numbness” the condition of being insensible, paralyzed, either physically or emotionally
benumbness “numbness” the condition of being insensible, paralyzed, either physically or emotionally
bepraised “praised”
bequeatheth “bequeaths”
bequeathment a thing or possession that is bequeathed (given as a heritage or inheritance)
bequeathments things or possessions that are bequeathed (given as a heritage or inheritance)
beseechest “beseeches” or “beseech”
beseecheth “beseeches” to request earnestly
beseechings earnest or urgent requests
beseem to be appropriate for; befit
beseemeth “beseems” (to be appropriate for; befit)
beseeming form of “beseem” (to be appropriate for; befit)
beseems form of “beseem” (to be appropriate for; befit)
besetteth “besets” to trouble persistently; to harass; to surround
beshrew to invoke evil upon; to curse
besiegeth “besieges” to surround, to harass with misfortune
besom a broom of any kind
besoms brooms of any kind
besottedness having been muddled or stupefied, especially with liquor
bespake to have spoken to; “bespeak”
bespeakest “bespeaks” or “bespeak”
bespeaketh “bespeaks” (to speak to, address)
bespot “spot” to tarnish, stain
bespots “spots” tarnishes, stains
bespotting TBD
bespread TBD
bestialized having the qualities of, or behaving in the manner of a brute; savage
bestirreth “bestirs” (to cause to become active, rouse)
bestowals presentations of a gift or honor
bestower one who presents a gift or honor
bestowest “bestow” to present with a gift or honor
bestoweth “bestows” to present with a gift or honor
bestowment “bestowal” the presentation of a gift or honor
bestowments “bestowals” presentations of a gift or honor
betaketh “betakes” to commit or apply oneself to
beteem to give, bestow
beteeme to give, bestow
beterm assign, give or bestow
betime as occasions, times or opportunity present themselves
betrayedst “betrayed”
betrothe “betroth” a promise to give in marriage at a later time; an arranged marriage
betrothedst TBD
betrothes to promise to give in marriage at a later time; to arrange a marriage
betrothings the promises to give in marriage at a latter time; the arranging of marriages
betrothment “betrothal” the promising to give in marriage at a later time; the arranging of a marriage
betrust “entrust”
betrusted “entrusted”
betrustments “entrustments”
bettereth makes better
betterness condition or state of being better
bewailest “bewails” or “bewail”
bewailings expressions of sorrow or regret; wailings or lamentations
bewitcheth “bewitches” to captivate completely, charm
bewixt TBD
bewray to disclose, especially inadvertently; betray
bewrayed disclose, especially inadvertently; “betrayed”
bewraying disclosing, “betraying”
bewrays discloses, “betrays”
beys provincial governors in the Ottoman Empire
bezoar TBD
biassed “biased” have a predisposition or pre-formed view or opinion
biasseth “biases”
biblicists experts on the Bible; those who interpret the Bible literally
bibliolatry excessive adherence to a literal interpretation of the Bible; extreme devotion to or concern with books; a superstitious adoration of the Bible
bickerings quarrels, squabbles, contentious arguments
biddest “bid” to ask earnestly
bigamic TBD
bigness the condition of being big, or large
bileless TBD
biscort an herb
bishopping TBD
bishoprick the office or rank of a bishop; the diocese of a bishop
bistoury TBD
bitings “bites” (often used for malicious and cruel words or deeds)
bitternesses unpleasant, bitter or hurtful events or actions
blackamoor any dark-skinned person, especially an African Negro
blackamoors dark-skinned people, especially African Negroes
blackamore “blackamoor” any dark-skinned person, especially an African Negro
blackamores “blackamoors” dark-skinned people, especially African Negroes
blackhole TBD
blameable worthy of blame, culpable
blameableness being worthy of blame, being culpable
blamelessness innocence; the condition of being free from blame or guilt
blamest “blame” to accuse or ascribe guilt to
blameth “blames” to accuse or ascribe guilt to
blameworthiness deserving of blame; reprehensible
blasphemations “blasphemies”
blasteth “blasts” to frustrate, ruin
blastings “blasts”
blathrie TBD
blazen to advertise; to spread abroad
blazeth the a sudden inflammation or surge in something (such as a fire)
bleedest “bleed”
bleedeth “bleeds”
blemisheth “blemishes”
blendeth “blends”
blessedest TBD
blessednesses “blessings”
bloatings TBD
blockish dull; stupid
blossometh “blossoms”
blottest TBD
blottings weak points
blowed “blew”
blowest “blows” or “blow”
blowings motions caused by currents of air
blubberings sobbing cries, usually used derogatively
blunks TBD
blunteth “blunts” to make dull
blushest “blushes” or “blush”
blusheth “blushes”
blusterings proud or boastful words intended to impress or intimidate; characteristic of a “blow hard”
boastedst “boasted”
boastfulness the tendency to brag or be boastful
boastingly done in a bragging manner
boastings “boasts”
bodiliness the condition of existing in a physical body
bogle amazes, staggers or confuses
boileth “boils”
boilings bubbling, as of emotions rising to the surface to be expressed
boke to vomit or to belch
boking vomiting or belching
bondaged put into bondage
bondaging TBD
bondmaid a female bondservant
bondman a male servant
bondmen male servants
bondslave a person obligated to serve without wages
bondslaves people under obligation to serve without wages
bondwoman a female servant
bonity goodness
boodler one who accepts a bribe or who swindles
boorishness rude, ill-mannered
booteth “boots” (usually means to cast out or kick away)
bootkins TBD
bordereth “borders”
boredst TBD
boreth “bores” to make a hole in
bothies huts or small cottages
bottleth “bottles”
boughtest “buys” or “bought”
boult to sift, separate the pure from the impure, to examine)
bounden under obligation; obliged
boundeth “bounds”
boundings TBD
bourne the terminal point of a trip or plan; goal
bowelless without pity, mercy affection or sympathy
bowelly tender, compassionate, merciful, full of emotion
bowest TBD
bowings bending; stooping
bowlders “boulders”
brabble to quarrel noisily; to wrangle
brabbles “squabbles”
brabbling the act of quarreling noisily; wrangling
braggest “brags” or “brag”
braggings multiple instances of bragging
braird TBD
brancheth “branches”
branchings branches
brandeth “brands” to mark indicating identity or ownership
brangle confound; convolute
brangled confounded; disputed contentiously; squabbled; wrangled
brasen brass, or covered with brass
braveness courage
braveries splendor, show
bravings courage in facing something; endure difficult circumstances, events or obstacles with boldness
brawlings noisy quarrels or fights
brawned muscular
brawneth TBD
brawns TBD
brayeth “brays” (to make a loud screech or cry, especially like a donkey does)
breaden (a baking analogy to brazen)
breadstuffs breads; flour, meal or grains using in making bread
breakings “breakings out” manifestations
breathest “breathes” or “breath”
breedeth “breeds”
breedings offspring; effects
breves short writs
breviate shortened version; summary
brickkilns more than one brick kiln
bridewell a house of correction for the confinement of disorderly people (so called from a hospital built in 1553 near St. Bride’s well in London, which was subsequently a penal workhouse)
bridewells houses of correction for the confinement of disorderly people (so called from a hospital built in 1553 near St. Bride’s well in London, which was subsequently a penal workhouse)
brightnesses shining brightly, as in the presence of the Lord
brinish salty
brisky “brisk”
bristleth “bristles”
brittleness fragileness; being brittle
broacher one who announces or initiates something
broachers those who announce or initiate something
broacheth “broaches” a hole pierced by a sharp object
brocard “brocade”
broidered ornamented, embroidered
brokenness the condition of being broken
broodeth “broods”
brooklet small brook; stream
broughtst “brought”
brownism TBD
brownist TBD
brownists TBD
bruik TBD
bruisedness being wounded or bruised
bruisest “bruises” or “bruise”
bruiseth “bruises”
bruisings “bruises” (marks of bodily hurt)
brutified lacking reason or intelligence; animal-like; cruel, savage; to become brutalized
brutify to make as a brute
brutifying TBD
brutishness crude in feeling or manner; sensual; carnal
brutists TBD
bubbleth “bubbles”
bubblings emotions rising to the surface
buddeth “buds”
buddings buds
budgerow a large boat
buffetings struggles; contentions
buffetted battered; struck against forcefully
buggerers contemptible or disreputable people
builded “built”
bullering TBD
bullrush any of various marsh plants
burdeneth “burdens”
burghership the office of a burgher (a town official)
burieth “buries”
burnings things that are burning
burreo mule or donkey
bursary a treasury, especially of a religious order or public institution
bursten burst; having come apart suddenly
burstings TBD
burthen “burden”
burthened “burdened”
burthenous (burden related)
burthens “burdens”
burthensome “burdensome”
busheth TBD
busieth “busies”
busk to stiffen or add support
busked to have stiffened or supported
busking TBD
busks thin, flexible pieces of wood, whalebone, plastic or metal that stiffen or support; to entertain by singing and dancing, especially in streets and public places
bustlings loud, confused or busy motion
buttings blows, quarrels, arguments, contentions