earliness happening at an early time of life or early in relation to the beginning of an event
earnested TBD
earthing TBD
earthliness concern for or concerned with things of this earth
earthlize to make earthly
easeless without any relief or comfort
easelessly TBD
easeth “eases”
eatings TBD
ebbeth “ebbs”
ebbings recedings, fallings back
ebionism TBD
ebionites TBD
ebullition the bubbling of a liquid; a boiling
ebullitions the bubbling of a liquid; boiling
eccentrical TBD
ecclesially of or pertaining to a church or congregation
ecclesiasticism ecclesiastical principles, practices and activities
ecclesiology the study of ecclesiastical art, especially in relation to the architecture and decoration of churches
eclat great brilliance; notoriety; scandal
eclipseth “eclipses”
ecstacies states of extreme delight or pleasure
ecstacy “ecstasy” a state of extreme delight or pleasure
ecstasied have been put in an ecstasy (a state of extreme delight or pleasure)
ecstatical have the properties of being extremely delightful or pleasurable
ecumenity “ecumenism” (a movement seeking to achieve worldwide unity among religions)
edgrew (late-season, low-quality grass)
editings TBD
educative for the purpose of educating
eduction the act of drawing or bringing out; eliciting; evoking
effecteth “effects”
effectually “effectively”
effectuateth effectuates
effeminated characterized by softness, weakness or lack of force
effendies “Sir” used as a title of respect in Turkey
efferate to carry away
efferates carries away
efficacies powers or capacities to produce desired effects
efficaciousness the power or capability to produce the desired effect
efficients desired results or effects
effluences the acts or instances of flowing out
effulgency resplendent radiance
efts TBD
eftsoones soon afterward; presently; once again
egested discharged or secreted from the body
egression the act of going out; emergence
eik perspiration, sweat or grease that comes from sheep
ejecteth “ejects”
ejectment the act of eviction; dispossession
ejulations wailings, lamentations
elaborations thoroughly developed details
elaboratory TBD
elderesses female elders
eldership the office of an elder
electricities interactions
elegancies tasteful opulence
elegancy refinement in appearance
elementation TBD
elementish TBD
elenctic TBD
eleusinian pertaining to the ancient religious rites of spring celebrated at Eleusis in Greece in honor of Demeter
elevateth “elevates”
elicite “elicit” or “elicited”
eligibleness TBD
elocutionize to speak publicly in a forceful manner
elohim Hebrew name for God
elohistic pertaining to Elohim (God)
elvish “elfish”
elysium from Greek mythology, the abode of the blessed after death
elysiums from Greek mythology, the abode of the blessed after death, used in the plural to poetically refer to paradises
embase to contaminate, to make more base
embased debased, degraded; brought down lower, as in position, value, etc.
embases degradations
embaseth to debase, degrade; to bring down lower, as in position, value, etc.
embasing debasing, degrading; bringing down lower, as in position, value, etc.
embassage act of debasement or degradation
embittereth “embitters”
embitterments TBD
emblematical “emblematic” (of, relation to, or serving as an emblem, symbol)
emblemed represented with an emblem
emboldener one who fosters or encourages boldness
embosom to cherish, embrace, shelter protectively
embowelled buried deeply
embracement the act of embracing (clasping, holding)
embracements acts of embracing (clasping, holding)
embracers those who embrace (clasp or hold)
embracest TBD
embraceth “embraces”
embracings “embraces” (claspings or holdings)
embracive describing someone or something that is embracing
embrue “imbrue” (to stain or saturate)
embrued “imbrued” (stained or saturated)
emergeth “emerges”
eminences positions of great distinction or superiority in achievement
eminentest TBD
emmet TBD
emmets TBD
empanellest “empanel” “impanel” (to enroll upon a panel or list)
empannelling the act of enrolling upon a panel or list
emparadised TBD
emphasise “emphasize”
emphasised “emphasized”
emphasising “emphasizing”
emphatical “emphatic” (expressed with emphasis)
empirics those who believe that practical experience is the sole source of knowledge
employest “employ”
employeth “employs”
employments works, vocations or activities
emprise “enterprise”; an undertaking
emptiedness TBD
emptieth “empties”
emptyings TBD
empyrics “empirics”
emulations efforts or ambitions to equal or surpass another
emulously eager or ambitious to equal or surpass another
enablest “enable”
enableth “enables”
enablings TBD
enacter “enactor”
enaction enactment
enactions enactments
enactments laws or statutes that are passed
enallage “analogy”
enamelled to coat, decorate or adorn
enamour “enamor”
enamoured “enamored”
enamouring “enamoring”
encampings TBD
encitements “incitements” provocations to action
enclasped embraced or held tightly
encloser TBD
encloseth “encloses”
encoffined coffined; placed in a coffin
encomiastics TBD
encompassest TBD
encompasseth “encompasses”
encompassings TBD
encountereth “encounters”
encouragements inspirations or incentives
encourager one who encourages
encouragest TBD
encourageth “encourages”
encrimsoned TBD
encroacheth “encroaches”
encroachings TBD
encyclopaedia “encyclopedia”
encyclopaedias “encyclopedias”
encyclopaedic related to an encyclopedia
encyclopedists a person who writes for or compiles an encyclopedia
endamaged having had damage done to
endangerest TBD
endangereth endangers
endearedness “endearment”
endeareth “endears”
endeavourest “endeavor”
endeavoureth “endeavors”
endeavouring “endeavoring”
endeavours “endeavors”
enduement the act of providing with some quality or trait
endurances perseverance, withstanding of hardships
enduredst TBD
endurest “endure”
endurings TBD
energetical “energetic”
energizings incitements, refreshments or encouragements
enfeoffing investing with a feudal estate or fee; surrendering or giving into vassalage
enfeoffment the investment with a feudal estate or fee; surrendering or giving into vassalage
enfiring TBD
enfoldings multiple instances of enfolding
enforcements the enforcing of particular actions or duties
enforceth “enforces”
enforcingly TBD
engagedness “engagement”
engager one who engages
engagest “engage”
engageth “engages”
engarrison (to place in a garrison)
engarrisoned TBD
engarrisons (to place into a garrison)
engendreth “engenders”
englished translated into English
englisheth translates into English
engrained “ingrained”
engravement “engraving”
engraven “engraved” carved, cut or etched
engrosser TBD
engrossers ones who are wholly absorbed in something
engrosseth “engrosses”
engrossings states of being completely absorbed, occupied or monopolized
engulphed “engulfed”
enhanceth “enhances”
enhancings TBD
enhearten “hearten”
enheartened TBD
enheartening “heartening”
enjender “engender”
enjoineth “enjoins”
enjoyedst TBD
enjoyer one who enjoys
enjoyers ones who enjoy
enjoyest “enjoy”
enjoyeth “enjoys”
enkindleth “kindles”
enkindlings TBD
enlargedly TBD
enlargedness TBD
enlargest “enlarge”
enlargings TBD
enlightener one who enlightens
enlightenest TBD
enlighteneth “enlightens”
enlightenings giving of knowledge or truth
enliveneth “enlivens”
enlivenment the act of making animated, lively or spirited
ennobleth “ennobles”
enounced “announced”
enounces “announces”
enquire “inquire”
enquirer “inquirer”
enquireth “inquires”
enquiries “inquiries”
enquiring “inquiring”
enquiry “inquiry”
enrageth “enrages”
enricheth “enriches”
enrol “enroll”
enrolment “enrollment”
enrols “enrolls”
ensample “example”
ensamples “examples”
enshrinement the act of cherishing as sacred or enclosing as if in a shrine
ensignia “insignia”
enslavements the enslaving or bringing into bondage of people or things
ensnarements TBD
ensnareth “ensnares”
ensnarings catching, as in snares
ensphered enclosed as if in a sphere
enstamped “stamped”
enstamping “stamping”
ensueth “ensues”
ensurest TBD
entailest TBD
entaileth “entails”
entelecheia in the philosophy of Aristotle, the conditions of things whose essence is fully realized; as distinguished from potentiality
entelechy in the philosophy of Aristotle, the condition of a thing whose essence is fully realized; as distinguished from potentiality
entender to make tender
entendered made tender
enteredst TBD
enterest “enter”
enterludes “interludes”
enterprised TBD
enterprizes “enterprises”
entertainable able to be entertained
entertainest TBD
entertaineth “entertains”
entertainments leisures or pleasures
enthusiastical “enthusiastic”
enthymemes syllogisms with one of the premises implicit
enticings “enticements”
entireness “entirety”
entirest TBD
entitleth “entitles”
entrencheth “entrenches” to encroach, infringe or trespass
entrenchments encroachments, infringements or trespasses
entrepot TBD
entresse (intromission, entrance)
entrustings multiple instances of entrusting
entrustment “entrusting”
entrustments things that are entrusted to us
enucleate to explain or elucidate
enucleated explained or elucidated
enucleating explaining or elucidating
enucleation the act of explaining or elucidating
enumerateth “enumerates”
enumerations detailed lists of items
enunciations announcements or proclamations
enunciative TBD
enure “inure” (to make used to something undesirable by prolonged subjection)
enured to have been made used to something undesirable by prolonged subjection
enuring the act of making used to something undesirable by prolonged subjection
enveigled “inveigled” (led astray or won over by deceitful flattery or persuasion)
envelopings multiple instances of enveloping
enviest TBD
environed encircled, surrounded
envyings acts of jealousy or envy
enwrapt “enwrapped”
epexegetical characterized by the addition of an explanation or clarification to a text
ephahs several ephah (a Jewish measure in Old Testament times)
ephod an embroidered vestment worn by Hebrew priests
epical pertaining to an epic, especially in literature
epicurean of or associated with the philosophy of Epicureanism (pursuit of pleasure)
epicurism “Epicureanism” the pursuit of pleasure; associated with the saying “eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die”
epidemical “epidemic”
epigrammatical TBD
epiphonema TBD
episcopal of or pertaining to a bishop or bishops
episcopally of or pertaining to a bishop or bishops
episcopals Episcopalians
epist “epistle”
epithalamium a lyric ode in honor of a bride and bridegroom
epitomise “epitomize” (to sum up)
epitomised “epitomized” (summed up)
epitomises “epitomizes” (sums up)
equalise “equalize”
equalled “equaled”
equalling “equaling”
equipments “equipment”
equipoised equal in distribution, balanced
eradiate radiate
eradicable the quality of having all traces removed or erased
eraseth “erases”
erastian pertaining to Erasmus and his teachings
erastianism a doctrine attributed to Erastus stressing the submission of the church to civil authority in all matters
erastians those who followed Erasmus’s teachings
erazing “erasing”
erecteth “erects”
erectness the property of being straight, firm or erect
erewhile some time ago; formerly
eristically in the form of controversy
ermined characteristic of a judge, whose state robe, lined with ermine fur, was emblematical of purity and honor without stain
errancy the condition of being in doctrinal error
errest “err” or “errs”
errings TBD
errorist one who is in error
errorists those who are in error
eructations the acts of instances of belching, or matter as belched forth
eruptings eruptions; multiple instances of erupting
escapedst “escape”
escapest TBD
escheated to have reverted land to the state in the absence of legal heirs
esoterism the quality of being understood by only a small group
espiest “spy”
espieth “espies”
espousers those who express loyalty or support to something; those who teach, enunciate or espouse an idea
espouseth “espouses”
essenced TBD
essentialness the property of being necessary or essential
essentiated defined
essentiating TBD
esses TBD
essoine “excuse”
establisher one who establishes
establishmentism TBD
estated TBD
estating TBD
esteemer one who esteems or thinks highly of
esteemest “esteem”
estop to stop, plug up
estopel TBD
estopped to have stopped, plugged up
estoppel either an obstruction (as of a watercourse) or a legal situation where one’s own act has impeded his ability to speak on his own behalf
estopping TBD
estrangedness the condition of being alienated or made hostile or unsympathetic toward
estrangements the acts of alienating or making hostile or unsympathetic toward
estrangeth “estranges” to make hostile or unsympathetic toward
eternals anything pertaining to eternal life
eternities referring to an indefinite amount of time in the future
eternized made eternal
ethicism the study of the general nature of morals and the specific moral choices to be made
ethicks “ethics”
ethnographically of or pertaining to the descriptive anthropology of technologically primitive societies
etymologic of or pertaining to etymology, the origin and historical development of a word
eucharist the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper
eucharistic pertaining to the Lord’s Supper
eucharistical pertaining to the Lord’s Supper
euge well done
eulogised “eulogized”
eulogist one who praises highly, extols
eulogists those who praise highly, extol
eulogium “eulogy”
eunuchism TBD
evangel the Christian gospel, especially, any of the four gospels of the New Testament
evangelically done in a way that pertains to or resembles the Gospel
evangelised “evangelized”
evangelising “evangelizing”
evangelization the act of teaching the gospel to
evanid vanishing, of short duration
evanish “vanish”
evanished “vanished”
evanisheth “vanishes”
evanishing “vanishing”
evaporations the changing into vapors
evenest TBD
evenliness TBD
eventuation TBD
eversive TBD
evert to turn inside out or outward
everted to have turned inside out or outward
everythingness TBD
evidenceth “evidences”
evinceth “evinces” (to show or demonstrate clearly or convincingly; manifest; exhibit)
evite avoid or evade
evited TBD
eviting avoiding or evading
evoluted evolved
evolutions progressive developments
evomitions TBD
exactings things that are required or demanded, such as payment or obedience
exactions things that are required or demanded, such as payment or obedience
exactitudes states or qualities of being exact
exactor one who requires or demands something, as payment or obedience
exactors those who require or demand something, as payment or obedience
exactress a female exactor (one who requires or demands something, as payment or obedience)
exaggeratedly in an exaggerated or inflated manner
exaltings “exaltations”
examen Latin: “testing”
examinable able to be examined
examinators “examiners”
examinest “examine”
examineth “examines”
exanimated TBD
exarchs TBD
exasperateth “exasperates”
exauctorates deposes, discharges, deprives of authority or office
exceedings those which are extraordinary or extreme
excellences characteristics of excellence
excellency superiority, pre-eminence or excellence
excells “excels”
excepteth “excepts”
exceptious (prone to taking exception to)
exceptively TBD
excerpter one who selects or picks out from a book, speech, etc.
exchangeth “exchanges”
excisive TBD
exciter one who excites
exciteth “excites”
excludeth “excludes”
exclusivism “exclusiveness”
excogitable able to be devised or contrived
excogitate to think out in great detail; devise; contrive
excogitated to have thought out in great detail; devised; contrived
excogitating thinking out in great detail; devising; contriving
excogitation the act of thinking out in great detail; devising; contriving
excommunicateth “excommunicates”
excommunications the cutting off from the sacraments, privileges, and fellowship of a church by ecclesiastical authority
excommunion TBD
excrementitious pertaining to excrement or something or someone that produces excrement
excrements waste materials
excrescences abnormal, disfiguring outgrowths or enlargements
excusation the process of being excused
excuseless without excuse
excuseth “excuses”
excusings TBD
exeemed TBD
exegeted explained or analyzed critically, especially the Scripture
exegeting TBD
exemplarily done in an exemplary manner
exemplariness the condition of being commendable; serving as a model
exemplifications examples; ones that exemplifies
exemplifieth “exemplifies”
exempteth “exempts”
exequies funeral ceremonies
exercisest TBD
exercitations displays of oratorical skill
exerteth “exerts”
exertings the acts of putting into vigorous action
exhausteth “exhausts”
exhaustiveness thoroughness, comprehensiveness
exhaustless impossible to exhaust
exhibiteth “exhibits”
exhibitive tending to exhibit
exhortatively TBD
exhorter one who urges or incites by strong argument
exhorters those who urge or incite by strong argument
exhortings “exhortations”
exigence also “exigency” a situation demanding swift attention
exigences situations demanding swift attention
exilements acts of exiling, banishing
exilic pertaining to exile or banishment
eximious extraordinary, excellent, select, choice
exinanition an emptying; an enfeebling; exhaustion; humiliation
existences the existence of things
existencies TBD
existency the condition of existing
existently TBD
existeth “exists”
exomologesis TBD
exoner TBD
exorable responsive to entreaty
exorbitancies acts of extravagance or immoderation
exorbitancy an act of extravagance or immoderation
exorbitants TBD
exordium a beginning or introductory part, especially of a speech, treatise or the like
exoteric not belonging only to an inner circle of disciples or initiates
exotical “exotic”
expectants one who waits in confident expectation
expectedst “expected”
expectest “expect”
expecteth “expects”
expectingly looking forward to something with expectation
expeded TBD
expeditely “expeditiously”
expelleth “expels”
expence “expense”
expensiveness costliness
experientialism the act of deriving something from experience
expiations atonements
expiator one who makes atonement or redress
expiatories TBD
expireth “expires”
expiscated searched out, found out by skill or laborious investigation
explainer one who explains or that which explains
explaineth “explains”
explicative serving to explain, explanatory
exploitations unethical misuses
explorable TBD
exposedness the condition of being exposed
exposest TBD
exposeth “exposes”
expositively TBD
expositorily TBD
expostulateth “expostulates”
expostulatory characterized by earnest reasoning with the goal to dissuade or correct
expounder one who expounds, gives a detailed statement of
expounders those who expound, give a detailed statement of
expoundeth “expounds”
expressest TBD
expresseth “expresses”
expressness TBD
exprobatory TBD
exprobration TBD
expulsive characterized by expelling
expungeth “expunges” to omit, erase, strike out, obliterate
exscind to excise or cut out
exscinded to have excised or cut out
exscinding excising or cutting out
exstasy “ecstacy”
exsuscitation TBD
extasies “ecstasies”
extasy “ecstasy”
extatical “ecstatic”
extemporary “extemporaneous” (impromptu, done with little or no preparation)
extemporiser one who extemporizes (performs with little or no preparation)
extensity the quality of being extensive
extensiveness the quality of having a wide range or being comprehensive
extenuateth “extenuates”
extenuations acts of partial justification
externalia the quality of being external
externalism the doctrine that only objects perceived by the senses are capable of being judged real
externality the condition or quality of being external
extinctions acts of extinguishing or making extinct
extinguisheth “extinguishes”
extolleth “extols”
extortation “extortion”
extorteth “extorts”
extortionate characterized by extortion (using one’s official position or power to obtain things to which one is not entitled)
extortioners those who commit extortion (using one’s official position or power to obtain things to which one is not entitled)
extortions the acts of using one’s official position or power to obtain things to which one is not entitled
extracteth “extracts”
extramundane occurring or existing outside of the physical world or universe
extraordinaries TBD
extravagancies “extravagances” (immoderate expenses or displays)
extravasated TBD
extremer “more extreme”
extremest “most extreme”
extrinsical “extrinsic” (not forming an essential part of a thing; inessential)
extrinsicate TBD
exuberancy “exuberance”
exulcerate characterized by an ulcer
exulcerated TBD
exulcerates TBD
exultations acts or conditions of rejoicing or being jubilant or triumphant
exulteth “exalts”
exultingly to rejoice greatly, to be jubilant or triumphant
exultings TBD
eyeth “eyes”
eying “eyeing”
eyrie a very high, remote nest such as that of an eagle in the mountains