fabrick “fabric”
facedness TBD
faceth “faces”
facilitateth “facilitates”
factibile TBD
factionists those causing internal dissension in a group
factiously creating or promoting factions; divisive
factitive TBD
fadge to agree with suit or fit
failable TBD
failest “fail”
fain preferably; gladly
fainness TBD
faintings failings, weaknesses
faintsome TBD
faithfulest “most faithful”
faithfullest TBD
falda TBD
fallibles TBD
fallowed TBD
falses TBD
faltereth “falters”
familiarised “familiarized”
familiarness “familiarity”
familiary “familiar”
familism TBD
familists TBD
famishing starving; making scarce
fancieth “fancies”
fanes TBD
fantastics TBD
fardel TBD
fardingales TBD
farest TBD
fareth “fares”
farmest TBD
fasces a bundle of rods bound together about an ax with the blade projecting, carried before magistrates of ancient Rome as an emblem of authority.
fashioner TBD
fashionest TBD
fastenest TBD
fasteneth “fastens”
fasteth “fasts”
fastings occasions of abstaining from partaking food
fastnesses fortified places; strongholds; fortresses
fatherdom title of office of father
fathership the position of being a father
fathomless unable to be fathomed (searched out)
fatuitous futile, vain
fauces TBD
faulter “falter”
faultily done in a manner characterized by fault or done with fault
faultlessness the absence of fault
fautors TBD
favourableness “favorableness”
favourably “favorably”
favourer one who favors or approves of
favourers those who favor or approve of
favouring “favoring”
favourite “favorite”
favourites “favorites”
favouritism “favoritism”
favours “favors”
fawneth “fawns”
fawnings seeking favors or attentions by flattery or obsequious behaviors
fearings TBD
feasteth “feasts”
feastful TBD
feastings feasts or other festive occasions
federative forming, belonging to, or of the nature of a federation; federal
feelest “feel”
feeleth “feels”
feignedly not real, pretended or faked
feigneth “feigns”
felicitousness the characteristics of being apt, well-chosen, appropriate
fellowcitizen another citizen of the country; a peer relationship
fellowless TBD
fenceth “fences”
fencible TBD
fencibles TBD
feoffe TBD
feoffee (one put in possession of anything)
feoffes TBD
feoffment TBD
feoffments TBD
ferned TBD
ferventest TBD
fervour “fervor”
fervours “fervors”
festereth “festers”
fetich a material object believed among primitive cultures to have magic power
fetiches “fetishes”
fetichism the worship or belief in material objects thought to have magical power
feuar TBD
fewness the condition of consisting of a small number
fibered consisting of fibers
fibre “fiber”
fibres “fibers”
fibrine fibers
fiducial based on or pertaining to faith or trust
fiduciarily TBD
fie used to express distaste or shock
fieldward toward the field
fiendishness diabolicalness; pertaining to a fiend
fightest “fight”
fightings resisting or struggling against
figurations figurative representations, often symbolic or emblematic
filcheth “filches”
filiating TBD
filiation the condition or fact of being the child of a certain parent
filioque TBD
filthily done in a dirty or filthy manner
fingerest TBD
finishest TBD
finisheth “finishes”
finishings TBD
finited constrained to the finite
finiteness the condition of having boundaries
finitude the quality or condition of being finite
finity limited or constrained by time (opposite of infinity)
fireless lacking fire; lacking energy or zeal
firelocks “flintlocks” a type of muzzle-loading rifle
firmliest TBD
firstling the first of a kind or category; the first-born offspring
firstlings things that are the first of their kind or category; first-born offspring
firstness the condition of having come first
fishest “fish”
fishings TBD
fisked TBD
fitches TBD
fitly in an appropriate or becoming way
fitnesses TBD
fittedness TBD
fitten “fitting”
fixest “fix”
fixeth “fixes”
fixity the quality or condition of being fixed; immutability; stability
fixt “fixed”
flagellations whippings; scourges
flagitious vicious; shockingly evil; infamous; scandalous; heinous
flagitiously vicious; shockingly evil; infamous; scandalous; heinous
flagitiousness characterized by being vicious; shockingly evil; infamous; scandalous; heinous
flagstaff flagpole
flamens TBD
flameth “flames”
flappings multiple instances of flapping
flasheth “flashes”
flatterest TBD
flatterings TBD
flavour “flavor”
fleeceth “fleeces” to harvest the wool or fleece from a sheep; to swindle or cheat someone
fleeings TBD
fleest “flee”
fleshiness the tendency to cling to or rely on our flesh, especially in a spiritual sense
fleshliness the tendency to cling to or rely on our flesh, especially in a spiritual sense
fleshmonger one who sells meat; one who manages prostitutes
flexibleness “flexibility”
flexile “flexible”
fliest “flies”
flighter to pursue
flincheth “flinches”
flingest TBD
flingeth “flings”
flitteth “flits”
flittingness the condition of moving about rapidly, darting
flittings TBD
floatings TBD
floodings multiple instances of flooding
floodmark TBD
floreation TBD
flotten skimmed
flourishings prosperities, successes
floutings TBD
flowereth “flowers”
flowings continuous movements
fluentness “fluency”
flushings flood, sudden flowing
flutterings light flaps or wavers
fluxibility being able to flow or be changed
flyblow the egg deposited by a fly in the carcass of an animal; the maggot that proceeds from the egg of a fly
foeffment TBD
foetal “fetal”
foetid “fetid”
foetus “fetus”
foisonless TBD
foldest TBD
foldings “folds”
followest “follow”
fomes Latin:
fondlings affectionate caresses; a loving embrace
fontal TBD
foolisher “more foolish”
foolishest “most foolish”
footmarks footprints
foplings TBD
foraminifer “foraminiferan” (any of the unicellular microorganisms of the order Foraminifera)
foraminiferan any of the unicellular microorganisms of the order Foraminifera
foranent TBD
forbad “forbidden”
forbearest “forbear”
forbearings TBD
forcedst to have forced
forcest “forces”
forceth “forces”
foreappointed appointed before time
forebearance patience, longsuffering
forebodings senses of impending evil; premonitions
forebore forfeited
forecastings “forecasts”
forecited stated before
foredeclare (declare in advance)
foredetermined determined in advance
foregate gate, position in front
foregleams TBD
foregoest “forego”
foregoeth “foregoes”
foreknew to have known ahead of time
foreknow to know ahead of time
foreknowing knowing ahead of time
foreknown to have known something ahead of time
foreknows knows ahead of time
forelay TBD
forementioned talked about ahead of time
forensical TBD
forensically of or pertaining to debate or argument
foreordaineth “foreordains” authorizes in advance
foreordination appointed ahead of time; predestined
forepast done before, in the past
forequoted quoted before
forerevelation revealed ahead of time
foresaid said ahead of time
foresay to say ahead of time
forescience “prescience”
foreseest TBD
foreshowed shown ahead of time
foreshoweth “foreshown”
foreshowing showing ahead of time
foresights acts of looking forward
foresignified made known beforehand
foresignifying the act of making known beforehand
foresigns indications ahead of time
foreslow to make slow, to hinder, to obstruct
forespeakest TBD
forestallings precautionary measures to prevent something
foreswear to swear ahead of time
foresweareth “forswears”
foreswore to have sworn ahead of time
foresworn having sworn ahead of time
foretel to tell ahead of time
foretellest TBD
foretelleth “foretells”
foretellings TBD
foretels to tell ahead of time
forethink to think ahead
forethinkest to think ahead of time
forethoughts deliberations, considerations, planning beforehand
foretoldest TBD
forewarners those who warn in advance
forfoughten TBD
forgeteth “forgets”
forgiver one who forgives
forgivest “forgive”
forgottest “forgotten”
formedst “formed”
formers TBD
formest “form”
formings TBD
formularies “formulas”; statements or books expressing formulas or detailed instructions
formulary “formula”; a statement or book expressing formulas or detailed instructions
forsakers TBD
forsakest “forsake”
forsakings TBD
forsooth in truth, indeed
forsweareth “forswears”
forswearings swearing to do actions before they have been done
fortalice a small fort
fortifieth “fortifies”
forwardest “most forward”
fossiliferous TBD
foughtest TBD
foulsome TBD
foundeth “founds”
fountained TBD
fowler one who hunts, traps or hunts wild fowl
foyson TBD
fragmentists TBD
fragrancy characterized by a sweet and pleasant odor
franklin In England during the late medieval period, a freeholder of non-noble birth but with extensive property; a country gentleman
frantics TBD
fraughted attended, accompanied, laden
freeness the quality of being free
freeth “frees”
freets TBD
freewillers TBD
freezed “frozen”
freezest “freeze”
freezeth “freezes”
frequentation the act or practice of frequenting a place; partaking
frequentest TBD
frequenteth “frequents”
freshmanship TBD
frettest TBD
frettingly TBD
frettings fearful, worried or anxious emotions
fribbles TBD
frictions disagreements, disputations, tensions
frighted frightened; to frighten
frightenest TBD
frightenings things that cause one to be frightened
frighteth “frightens”
frighting frightening
frisketh “frisks”
friths estuaries (An estuary is a part of the wide lower course of a river where its current is met and influenced by the tides.)
fro “from”
frowardly obstinately; disobediently
frowardness characteristic of being obstinate; disobedience
frownest TBD
frowneth “frowns”
frownings TBD
fructification the producing of fruit
fruitage the process, time, or condition of bearing fruit
fruitfullest “most fruitful”
fruitional TBD
fruitions conditions of bearing fruit; gains
frumpingly TBD
frustratest TBD
fugacious passing away quickly
fugleman soldiers who served as guides or models for their companies
fulfil “fulfill”
fulfiller one who fulfills
fulfillest TBD
fulfilleth “fulfills”
fulfillings TBD
fulfilment “fulfillment”
fulfils “fulfills”
fulminations TBD
fulness “fullness”
functiounaries “functionaries” (people who hold an office or trust; officials)
furiousness extreme anger, wrath or fury
furnishedst TBD
furnishest TBD
furnisheth “furnishes”
furnishment adornment, providing
furr TBD
furtherances things or people that further or assist or help move forward
furtherers TBD
furthereth “furthers”
futilous ineffective, frivolous
futured TBD
futurition being brought into the future