habited having habits; “inhabited”
hades hell
hadest “had”
haemorrhoids “hemorrhoids”
hagging TBD
haired having hair
halbert TBD
halberts weapons of the 15th and 16th centuries having an ax-like blade and a steel spike mounted on the end of a long shaft
halcyons fabled birds, identified with the kingfisher, that was supposed to have had the power to calm the wind and waves during the winter solstice while it nested on the sea
halegens “halogens” a group of elements
haleth “hales” comes from or originates from; greets, calls to or signals
halfpenny a British coin worth 1/2 of a penny
halloweth “hallows”
haltest “halt”
haltings TBD
halvest (divide in halves)
hammerers those who hammer
hampereth “hampers”
hamperful TBD
handeth TBD
handleable able to be handled
handlest “handle”
handsel a gift to express good wishes at the beginning of a new year or enterprise
handselled to have given a handsel (gift to express good wishes at the beginning of a new year of enterprise)
hangest “hang”
hankerest to want or desire something; to “hanker for” a particular object
hap fortune, chance
happenest “happen”
happinesses feelings of joy or pleasure
harasseth TBD
harassings repeated attacks, skirmishes, frustrations, irritations or harassments repeatedly
harborers those who grant asylum or harbor
harborous affording shelter or a harbor
harbour “harbor”
harboured “harbored”
harbourest “harbor”
harbouring “harboring”
harbourless not having a harbor
harbours “harbors”
hardenest “harden”
hardily in a hardy manner, boldly
hardlier TBD
hardliest “most hardily” (in a hardy manner, boldly)
harmonical TBD
harmonise “harmonize”
harmonising “harmonizing”
harmonist a student who collates and seeks to harmonize the discrepancies in parallel passages of Scripture, especially in the Gospels
harmonizations reconciled discrepancies
harmonizeth “harmonizes”
harper one who plays the harp
harpers those who play the harp
harrasses “harasses”
harroweth “harrows”
hasted to have caused to hurry or make haste
hatefulness being full of hate or spite
haunteth “haunts”
hauntings TBD
haver one that has, owns or possesses
havings possessions
havock “havoc”
hazardeth “hazards”
headedness as in, “clear-headedness,” the condition of being able to think clearly
headlongness TBD
headship the office or position of authority as the head
headspring a fountainhead; source
headstrongly done in a brash, impulsive or hasty manner
healings being healed
healths toasts of health, as in occasions of drinking
heapest the gather together of a great supply or heap
heardst “heard”
hearkenest “hearken”
heartedness the act of doing something heartily
hearteneth “heartens”
heartful “heart full”
heartquake used as a word picture with “earthquake”
heartquakes used as a word picture with “earthquakes”
heartsome friendly, congenial
heartwork being heartily engaged in, having the emotions fully participating in
heatest TBD
heateth “heats”
heathendom lands in which heathenism is prevalent
heathenism the religion of a tribe or land that does not acknowledge God
heathered permeated with heather (a low growing shrub)
heathery of or like heather; covered with heather
heavenlies celestial; of or pertaining to the abode of God
heavenliness of or pertaining to the abode of God
heavenlize TBD
heavenlized TBD
heavers those who life or heave
heavings the acts of breathing or emitting painfully or unhappily
hebetude dullness of mind; mental lethargy
hebraism a manner or custom characteristic of the Hebrews, especially, a Hebrew expression or idiom.
hebraists Hebrew scholars
hebrician (a scholar in Hebrew)
hectical TBD
hectorings intimidating or dominating in a blustering way
hedgeth “hedges”
heedeth “heeds”
heedy (very willing to give heed)
heighteneth “heightens”
heightenings the increasing the quality or intensity of something, intensifying
heighth “height”
heinously grossly wicked or reprehensible, abominable, odious, vile
heirdom the things, land or area that pertains to the heir
heirship the condition of being an heir, the right to inheritance
heldest TBD
heliotropium a herb with sun-tracking flowers
hellphobia TBD
helmed TBD
helpedst TBD
helpest “help”
hempen made of, or resembling hemp (a plant yielding a coarse fiber used in making cords)
hepdomadal referring to the seventh day
heptarchies jurisdictions of governors
heptarchy TBD
hereaway TBD
herefrom “from this”
hereinto “into this”
heresiarch the founder or chief proponent of a heresy
heresiarchs the founders or chief proponents of a heresy
hereticks “heretics”
heritages that which is inherited
heritor one who inherits
heritors those who inherit
hermeneutical interpretive, explanatory
herodianism TBD
heroical having or displaying the qualities of a hero; courageous, noble
heroick “heroic”
heroisms heroic characteristics or conduct; courage, gallantry
herried TBD
hesitateth “hesitates”
heterogeneal TBD
hewedst to cut, carve or chop out something
hiddenesses hidden places
hiddenly TBD
hie to go quickly; hasten, hurry
hieing going quickly, hastening, hurrying
hierarchism “hierarchical” (classified according to rank or authority) practice or principles
hieroglyphical TBD
higgle “haggle”
higglers “hagglers”
higgling haggling (bargaining, dickering)
hinderance an obstruction, impediment
hinderances obstructions, impediments
hinderer one who hinders
hinderest TBD
hinderings multiple instances of hindering
hindoo “Hindu”
hindoos “Hindus”
hing “hang”
hins TBD
hinteth “hints”
hireth “hires”
hisseth “hisses”
hissings sharp sounds similar to a sustained “s”, used to mock or express hatred
histrionical overemotional or dramatic; theatrical
hitcheth “hitches”
hitteth “hits”
hoar gray or white with or as if with age
hoarder TBD
hoardeth “hoards”
hoardings fences
hobbistical (like the philosopher Hobbes)
hodman TBD
holbard TBD
holden “hold”
holies TBD
holily done in a holy manner
hollownesses TBD
holms islands in a river; low lands near a stream
holydays “holy days”
homages TBD
homiletes TBD
homiletical dealing with homiletics (the art of preaching as a subject of theological study)
homiletist one who teaches homiletics (the art of preaching as a subject of theological study)
homiletists those who teaches homiletics (the art of preaching as a subject of theological study)
homogeneal “homogeneous”
homogeneousness the state of being homogeneous or homogeneous (like in nature or kind, similar, congruous)
homologate to ratify, assent to, approve
homologated to have ratified, assented to, approved
homonymy the quality or condition of being homonymous (having the same name)
honester (more honest)
honorableness the quality or condition of being honorable
honoreth “honors”
honourable “honorable”
honourableness “honorableness”
honourablest most honorable
honourably “honorably”
honourer (one who honors others)
honourers TBD
honouring “honoring”
hoodwinkest TBD
hooped TBD
hoord “horde” a throng or swarm
hopedst TBD
hopest “hope”
hopkinsian TBD
hopkinsianism TBD
hordeth “hoards”
horridest TBD
horridness an act that causes horror or unpleasantness
hosannahs cries to express praise or adoration to God
hottentot TBD
houghing the cutting the hamstring of; the disabling by cutting a tendon of
houghs cuts the hamstring of; to disable by cutting a tendon
houseful “house full”
houseth TBD
hout TBD
hoven swollen or raised
hovereth “hovers”
hoverings acts of remaining or lingering in close proximity
howbeit be that as it may, nevertheless
howlest TBD
howlings wails or cries characteristic of dogs or wolves
hucking haggling, as in trading
huckle to haggle or bargain
hucklest TBD
huddleth “huddles”
huggeth “hugs”
humanistically done in a humanistic fashion
humblingly TBD
humblings acts that encourage humility or discourage pride
humeist a follower of the philosopher Hume
hummeth “hums”
humorish TBD
humour “humor”
humoured “humored”
humourist “humorist”
humourists “humorists”
humourous “humorous”
humours “humors”
humoursome “humorous”
humoursomeness the quality of being humorous
hungerest TBD
hungereth “hungers”
hungerings strong desires or cravings
hungerly TBD
hungred “hungered”
hunours “humors”
huntings TBD
hurrieth “hurries”
hurryings hasty, rushing movements
hurtest TBD
hurteth “hurts”
hurtfulness something that causes hurt or pain
husbandly pertaining to or characteristic of a husband
husbandman one whose occupation is husbandry; a farmer
hustings places where political proceedings take place
huzza a shout of encouragement or triumph; a cheer
hydropic TBD
hydropical TBD
hylozoic pertaining to hylozoism (the philosophical doctrine that life is a property or derivative of matter, that life and matter are inseparable, or that matter possesses a spiritual component)
hylozoism the philosophical doctrine that life is a property or derivative of matter, that life and matter are inseparable, or that matter possesses a spiritual component
hylozoistic characterized by a belief in hylozoism (the philosophical doctrine that life is a property or derivative of matter, that life and matter are inseparable, or that matter possesses a spiritual component)
hymnary source of hymns
hymnic characteristic of hymns
hymnists composers of hymns
hymnologies the singing, composing and studying the history of hymns
hymnologists those who sing, compose, and study the history of hymns
hymnology the singing, composing and studying the history of hymns
hypallage TBD
hyperbolical using exaggerations or extravagant statements
hypochondriacal characterized by hypochondria (the persistent neurotic conviction that one is or is likely to become ill)
hypostases the natures or essences of the Trinity
hypostasis the nature or essence of the Trinity
hypostatic characterized by hypostasis, the nature or essence of the Trinity)
hypostatical characterized by hypostasis (the nature or essence of the Trinity)
hypostatically characterized by hypostasis (the nature or essence of the Trinity)
hypostatized characterized by hypostasis (the nature or essence of the Trinity)
hypothetic “hypothetical” (of or based on a hypothesis; suppositional, uncertain)
hysterologies putting things after which should in order be before