iconomachy TBD
idiotical TBD
idlesome inactive, unoccupied, “idle”
idleth “idles”
idlings the passing of time inactively, lazily, without purpose
idolator “idolater”
idolators “idolaters”
idolise “idolize” (to regard with blind admiration or devotion)
idolised “idolized” (regarded with blind admiration or devotion)
idoliseth “idolizes”
idolising “idolizing” (regarding with blind admiration or devotion)
idoneous TBD
ignorances TBD
ignorants TBD
illapses fallings, glides, passes
illative of, pertaining to, or of the nature of an illation (the act of inferring or drawing conclusions)
illimited unlimited
illuminatingly providing illumination (light or understanding)
illuminative characterized by illumination (light or understanding)
illustrateth “illustrates”
imaginest “imagine”
imans among the Mohammedans, ministers or priests who perform the regular service of the mosque
imbase to make base; to debase
imbecilities things deficient in mental abilities or support
imbitter “embitter” to arouse bitter feelings in someone or something
imbittered “embittered” to have aroused bitter feelings in someone or something
imbitters “embitters” to arouse bitter feelings in someone or something
imbodied “embodied” to incarnate, as if with a bodily form
imbolden “embolden” to foster boldness in, to encourage
imboldened “emboldened” to have fostered boldness in, to have encouraged
imbreathe to breathe into
imbreathed to have breathed into
imbreed “inbreed” to breed or develop within
imitable that which can be imitated
imitateth “imitates”
immanuel “Immanuel” a name for Christ, meaning “God with us”
immanuel's “Immanuel’s” belonging to Christ
immanuel’s “Immanuel’s” belonging to Christ
immarcescible unfading; incorruptible; imperishable
immateriality the state or quality of having no material body or form
immaterials (nonmaterial beings)
immensities things that are extremely large, huge
immersionist one who believes in immersing the body for the sacrament of baptism
immersionists those who believe in immersing the body for the sacrament of baptism
immethodical not methodical--random
immethodically randomly
immiscible incapable of mixing or blending
immission sending or thrusting in; injection
immix to commingle, blend
immixed to have commingled, blended
immortalise “immortalize” (to make not subject to death)
immortalised “immortalized” (not made subject to death)
immortalities the qualities or conditions of endless life
immovableness incapable of being moved
immoveable incapable or being moved or incapable of movement
immutabilty the condition of not be subject to change
immutation TBD
impacific TBD
impailing “impaling” piercing with a sharp stake or point
impaireth “impairs”
impanelled to have enrolled a jury upon a panel or list
imparlance conference, meeting, parlay
impartable not able to be imparted
impartation the act of making something known or disclosing
impartest to bestow, give or impart something
imparteth “imparts” bestows; makes known
impartible capable of being imparted; not able to be parted or divided
impartings the giving or imparting of things
impassible not subject to suffering or pain
impatiences TBD
impatiency the condition of being impatient
impeacheth TBD
impeachments the acts of charging with malfeasance in office before a proper tribunal, challenging or discrediting
impeccability the condition of being without flaw, faultless
impedite TBD
impelleth “impels” to urge to action though moral pressure
impendent “impending” likely or due to happen soon; imminent
impenitency the condition of not being penitent; unrepentant
impenitently the not penitent; unrepentant
impenitents those who refuse to repent
impeopled (peopled or re-peopled)
imperate commanded or ruled
imperatory characteristic of a supreme commander
imperilled put in peril, endangered
imperilling to put in peril, endanger
imperiousness the condition of being domineering, overbearing, regal or imperial
impersonals not having reference to people in particular, generalities
impersuasibleness TBD
impersuasion the ability to not be persuaded
impertinences the quality or condition of being insolent or irreverent
impertinencies “impertinences” (the quality or condition of being insolent or irreverent)
impertinency the quality or condition of being insolent or irreverent
impery imperial or supreme authority
impetrated to have obtained by entreaty or petition
impetration the act of obtaining by entreaty or petition
impetratory characterized by entreaty or petition
implacableness the condition of being incapable of appeasement
implacatory having a tendency to involve intimately or incriminatingly
implead to sue in a court of law
impleaded to have sued in a court of law
impleadeth “impleads” (to sue in a court of law)
impleading TBD
impleads to sue in a court of law
implete filled
implicately “implicitly”
implicative “implacatory” (having a tendency to involve intimately or incriminatingly)
impliedly by implication
implieth “implies”
implunge plunge into
implunged plunged into
impoisoned TBD
impoisoner TBD
impolicy inappropriate practice
impolluted TBD
importances things that are important
importations TBD
importency “importance”
importest TBD
importeth “imports”
importunest TBD
importuneth TBD
imposeth “imposes”
imposings TBD
impository characteristic of one imposing something into or upon
impossibles TBD
imposter “impostor” a person who deceives under an assumed identity
imposthumated corrupted; as in, the separation of corrupt matter into an ulcer
imposthume the separation of corrupt matter into an ulcer
imposthumed TBD
imposthumes the separation of corrupt matter into an ulcer
imposthumous corrupt; as in, the separation of corrupt matter into an ulcer
impostume corruption; as in, the separation of corrupt matter into an ulcer
impostury TBD
impoverisheth “impoverishes”
impowered “empowered” invested with legal power; authorized
imprecateth “imprecates”
impresseth “impresses”
impressibility a condition of being able to be impressed or to have an impression made upon
impressible able to be impressed
imprest “impressed”
imprinter “printer”
imprinteth “imprints”
imprisonest TBD
imprisonments the imprisoning or the involuntary holding of people
improven “improved”
improver someone who, or something that, improves
improvest “improve”
improveth “improves”
imprudences imprudent, foolish or rash actions
imprudencies unwise, rash or injudicious acts
impudency the quality of being impertinent, rude, or disrespectful, perhaps even immodest
impugners ones who oppose or attack as false, criticize, refute
impulsions acts of impelling (pushing, thrusting) or being impelled
impulsives TBD
impurer a degree of being less pure or clean
impurest a degree of being the least pure or clean
imputability capable of being ascribed or imputed; attributable
imputatively characterized by imputation (ascribing a fault or crime to another)
imputedly TBD
imputee one who is imputed or receives an imputation
imputees those who are imputed or receive imputations
inadvertences or “inadvertencies” (the qualities of not being duly attentive)
inadvertency the quality of not being duly attentive
inanimated TBD
inanimates to kill or deprive of life
inapposite not pertinent, unsuitable
inapprehensive “not apprehensive” not being anxious, fearful or uneasy about the future
inaptly “ineptly” not suitable, appropriate or fitting
inartifical not fake or artificial
inbearing TBD
inbeing dwelling together
inbreathed “breathed into”
inbreathing the act of “breathing into”
inbringing TBD
incapacities disabilities, lacking of strength
incarnately TBD
incarnational TBD
incast TBD
incendiarism TBD
incenseth “incenses”
inceptual TBD
incessantness the condition of continuing without respite or interruption; unceasing
incests TBD
inchoative in an initial or early stage; just beginning; immature
inchoatively in an initial or early stage; just beginning; immature
incitation an act or instance of inciting, provocation, or stimulating
incitations acts or instances of inciting, provoking or stimulation
inciteth “to incite”
inclemencies conditions of being severe or unmerciful
inclinable favorably disposed; amenable
inclinableness the condition of being favorably disposed or amenable
inclinest TBD
inclose “enclose”
inclosed “enclosed”
incloses “encloses”
incloseth “encloses”
inclosing “enclosing”
inclosure “enclosure”
inclosures “enclosures”
includeth “includes”
incog “incognito” anonymous or disguised
incogitable not able to be thought of
incogitancies TBD
incogitancy a condition of not thinking, thoughtlessness
incognitancy TBD
incognizable not able to be recognized
incognoscibility TBD
incognoscible TBD
incommendable TBD
incommodities inconveniences, discomforts
incompact TBD
incomparableness incapable of being compared, unsurpassed, matchless
incompassionate “uncompassionate”
incompassionateness the quality of not showing or having compassion
incompetency the quality of not being capable or well-qualified
incompleted “not completed”
incomplex “not complex”
incompliant not compliant, unyielding
incompound uncompounded, unmixed, undiluted
incomprehensibleness incapable of being understood, unfathomable
incomprehensibles things which are incapable of being understood or fathomed
incomprehensive limited in range or scope
incomprehensively limited in range or scope
inconceivableness the condition of incapable of being conceived or thought of; unbelievable
inconcernment lack of concern
inconclusiveness the condition of being not conclusive
inconfidence lack of confidence
inconfusedly TBD
inconsideration the act or condition of being not considerate or thoughtful
inconsistence “inconsistency”
inconsolate TBD
incontestadly beyond contesting
incontestible incapable of being contested; unquestionable
incontrollable not able to be controlled
inconveniency the state or quality of being inconvenient; lack of ease or comfort
inconversant not familiar (either by study or experience)
incorporeity immateriality (having no material body or form)
incorrigibleness incapable of being corrected or reformed
incorrupt not corrupt or immoral
incorruptibleness not able to be corrupted morally, not subject to decay or corruption
incorruption the condition of not being corrupted morally or subject to decay or corruption
increaser one who increases
increasings acts of making greater or larger
incredibilities the conditions or qualities of being unbelievable
increpation TBD
incroachment “encroachment”
incrustrated TBD
inculcateth “inculcates”
inculcations acts of teaching or instilling by forceful urging or frequent repetition
inculcative TBD
incumbrance “encumbrance” (burden, obstacle, impediment)
incumbrances “encumbrances” (burdens, obstacles, impediments)
incurrest “incur”
indagation inquiry, investigation, search
indefectibility the ability to resist defect or failure; permanent; lasting
indefectible having the ability to resist defect or failure; permanent; lasting
indefectibly having the ability to resist defect or failure; permanent; lasting
indeficient complete, sufficient, without deficiency
indeliberate not done with careful thought or deliberation
indeliberately TBD
indeliberation TBD
indemonstrable incapable of being proved or demonstrated
indentical TBD
independency “independence”
independentism TBD
indetachable not able to be separated
indeterminancy the state or quality of lacking clarity or precision
indeterminateness the state or quality of lacking clarity or precision
indetermination the state or quality of lacking clarity or precision
indevotion TBD
indevout TBD
indicatory demonstrating or pointing out with precision
indicteth “indicts”
indictings TBD
indictions TBD
indifferency “indifference” (lacking interest or concern)
indifferentism the belief that all religions are all of like validity
indifferents those who do not seem to care one way or the other about a matter
indigences want or neediness
indigencies want or neediness
indigency want or neediness
indigested not carefully thought over or considered
indirectness the act of not taking a direct course; roundabout
indiscriminateness the quality of being random or haphazard or of being not properly restricted or restrained
indispensible “indispensable” essential; required; inevitable
indisposedness the condition of being mildly ill, disinclined or unwilling
indisposest TBD
indisposeth “indisposes”
indispositions unwillingness, disinclinations
indissolubly impossible to break or undo; binding
indissolute TBD
indissolvable not able to be dissolved or dismantled
indistinctness the quality of lacking distinctive qualities; undiscriminating
indistinguished TBD
indisturbance (lack of disturbance)
indite to dictate, compose or write; set down in writing
indited dictated, composed or written
inditer one who indites (to write, compose, set down in writing)
indites to write, compose, set down in writing
indocible TBD
indolency the disinclination to work
indorsed “endorsed”
indorsement “endorsement”
indorses “endorses”
induceth “induces”
indue “endue” (to provide with some quality or trait)
indued to have provided with some quality or trait
indulcerate TBD
indulgenced given indulgences
indulgency “indulgence” liberal or lenient treatment
indulgest TBD
indulgeth “indulges”
indurated TBD
induration the act of making hard or hardening
indweller one who abides consistently; one who abides as a divine inner spirit, force or principle
indwellings that which abides as a divine inner spirit, force or principle
indwelt to abide as a divine inner spirit, force or principle
ineffaceably not able to be wiped out or erased; indelible
inefficacious not producing a desired effect or result; ineffective
ineradicable that cannot be uprooted, eradicated, or erased
ineradicably done in a manner so that cannot be uprooted, eradicated, or erased
inerasable not able to be erased
inerrancy the quality of having no errors; unerring
inerrant having or making no errors, unerring
inerrantly making no errors, unerring
inevidence the quality or condition of not being evident or apparent
inevident not evident
inevitableness “inevitability” the condition of not being able to be avoided or prevented
inexcusability “inexcusableness” the condition of being unpardonable or not able to be excused
inexcusableness the condition of being unpardonable or not able to be excused
inexhausted tireless, unfailing
inexpansible unable to be expanded
inexpediency the condition of being inadvisable or not expedient (appropriate to the purpose at hand)
inexpedient not appropriate to the purpose at hand
inexpiable not capable of being atoned for
inexplainable not able to be explained
inexplicableness the condition of not being able to be explained
inexpressibleness the condition of being not able to be expressed; indescribable
inexpugnable not able to be erased or eradicated; impregnable
infair a house-warming, especially a reception, party or entertainment given by a husband upon receiving the wife to his house; “unfair”
infallibilists those who believe they are, or something is, incapable of erring
infamed TBD
infatuatest TBD
infecable TBD
infecteth “infects”
infeft TBD
infefted TBD
infeftment TBD
infelicitously done in a manner that is inappropriate or unpleasing
infeoff TBD
inferiour “inferior”
inferiours “inferiors”
inferrest TBD
inferreth “infers”
infervency TBD
infidelizing TBD
infilling inward filling
infinites beings or objects that have no beginning or end
infired “inflamed”
infires TBD
inflamers those or inflame or incite
inflameth “inflames”
inflashing inward flashing
inflicter one who “inflicts” (to cause or carry out by physical assault or other aggressive action)
inflicters those who “inflict” ((to cause or carry out by physical assault or other aggressive action)
inflictest TBD
inflicteth “inflicts” (to cause or carry out by physical assault or other aggressive action)
inflictions the acts or processes of inflicting; things that are inflicted, as blows or punishment
inflowing flowing in
inflowings TBD
influenceth “influences”
infold “enfold” (to fold inward, hold or envelope)
infolded “enfolded” (folded inward, held or enveloped)
infoldings embraces, envelopments; inward folds
infolds “enfolds” to fold inward
informations “information”
informest TBD
informeth “informs”
infralapsarian one who holds to infralapsarianism (the predestination doctrine that God allowed the fall of man and elected some from the fallen to be saved by a redeemer)
infralapsarianism the predestination doctrine that God allowed the fall of man and elected some from the fallen to be saved by a redeemer
infralapsarians those who hold to infralapsarianism (the predestination doctrine that God allowed the fall of man and elected some from the fallen to be saved by a redeemer)
infringeth “infringes”
infuseth “infuses”
ingatherings TBD
ingeminateth “ingeminates”
ingeminating reiterating, repeating, saying or stating again
ingenerable TBD
ingenerate generate within
ingenerated generated within
ingenerates TBD
ingenuities inventive skill or imaginations; cleverness
ingraff TBD
ingraffing TBD
ingraft “engraft” (to graft onto or into another entity for propagation)
ingrafted to have grafted onto or into another entity for propagation
ingrafter one who engrafts
ingrafting the act of grafting onto or into another tree or plant for propagation
ingraftment the act of grafting onto or into another tree or plant for propagation
ingrafts “engrafts” (the acts of grafting onto or into another tree or plant for propagation)
ingrafture the process of being engrafted
ingrateful “ungrateful”
ingratifying TBD
ingrediency TBD
ingrossed “engrossed”
ingulf “engulf”
ingulfed “engulfed”
ingulfs “engulfs”
ingulphed “engulfed”
inhabiter TBD
inhabitress a female inhabitant
inherency the characteristic of being intrinsic
inheretrix (female heir)
inheritest “inherit”
inheritments TBD
inhesion the condition of being inherent or innate
inhumanation TBD
initiatest TBD
initiatory introductory; initial
injaculations TBD
injurer one who injures
injurers those who injure
injureth “injures”
injuriousness the condition of being slanderous, harmful or damaging
inly inwardly
inned TBD
innitency (act of leaning on)
innocencies TBD
innocency the condition of being uncorrupted by evil, malice or wrongdoing; untainted
innocenter (more innocent)
innoxious TBD
inobservant not observant
inoperatively TBD
inopportuneness ill-timeliness
inordinacies TBD
inordinacy having exceeded reasonable limits; immoderate; unrestrained
inordinance TBD
inordinancy “inordinacy” (having exceeded reasonable limits; immoderate; unrestrained)
inordinarily in an unusual or extraordinary way
inordinary “inordinate”
inprisonment state of being held in a jail or prison
inprisonments multiple instances of imprisonment
inquirest “inquire”
inquireth “inquires”
inrolled “enrolled”
inscition TBD
inscripturated TBD
inscripturation TBD
insence “incense” (to enrage)
insensibleness “insensibility”
inserteth “inserts”
inshinings TBD
insincerities hypocritical, not sincere words or deeds
insinuateth “insinuates”
insistest TBD
insisteth “insists”
insition engraftment
insnare “ensnare”
insnared “ensnared”
insolences qualities of being presumptuous and insulting in manner or speech; arrogant
insolencies “insolences” (qualities of being presumptuous and insulting in manner or speech; arrogant)
insolency “insolence” (the quality of being presumptuous and insulting in manner or speech; arrogant)
insolvable incapable of being solved
inspireth “inspires”
instal “install”
instamped TBD
instamps “stamps”
instanceth “instances”
instancy TBD
instigateth “instigates”
instigations acts of stirring up or goading
instil “instill”
instilleth “instills”
instils “instills”
instituter (one who founds or institutes something)
instituteth “institutes”
institutor one who establishes, organizes and sets in operation
instructers “instructors”
instructest TBD
instructeth “instructs”
instructiveness the quality of conveying knowledge or information
instrumentalities the agencies or means which serves as an instrument to accomplish something
insubmissiveness the quality of not being submissive
insultation TBD
insultations insults
insultest TBD
insulteth “insults”
insultings TBD
insureth “insures”
intangled “entangled”
integrant integral
integrational TBD
intellection the act or process of exercising the intellect; mental activity
intellections acts or processes of exercising the intellect; mental activities
intellective of, pertaining to, or generated by the intellect
intelligencer one who conveys news; an informant, secret agent or spy
intelligencers those who convey news, informants, secret agents or spies
intelligences TBD
intemperances lack of temperance, as in the indulgence of an appetite or passion
intemperancy TBD
intendeth “intends”
intendment the true meaning or intention of something, as fixed by law
intenseness the extremity in degree, strength or size
intenser “more intense”
intensest the most intense
intension “intensity”
intentive “intent”
intentness alertness, focused awareness
interadventual TBD
intercedeth “intercedes”
intercepteth “intercepts”
interchangeability capable of mutual interchange
intercision TBD
intercommunion intimate fellowship between two parties
intercourses interchanges between people or groups; communications
intercurrent occurring as an interruption in a process
interdicteth “interdicts”
interesteth “interests”
interferences the acts, processes or instances of interfering
interferings TBD
interfixed TBD
interfused permanently joined together with
interfusing TBD
interiorization TBD
interlinked connected together with
intermeddle to interfere in the affairs of others; to meddle
intermeddled to have interfered in the affairs of others; to have meddled
intermeddles to interfere in the affairs of others; to meddle
intermeddling the act of interfering in the affairs of others; meddling
intermediation acting as a mediator
intermingledly to mix or mingle
intermingleth “intermingles”
interminglings TBD
intermittency the stopping and starting at intervals
intermittings TBD
intermixeth “intermixes”
interpenetration the act of penetrating between
interpenetrative adjective form of “interpenetration” (the act of penetrating between)
interpermeation TBD
interponed TBD
interposest TBD
interposeth “interposes”
interposings TBD
interpositions acts of inserting or introducing between parts
interposure TBD
interpretatively expository; explanatory
interpretest TBD
interpreteth “interprets”
interpunctions TBD
interrupteth “interrupts”
intersmelting melting or fusing together
intertrinitarianism TBD
interveniency “intervention”
intestate not disposed of by a legal will
intestates one who dies without a legal will
inthralled “enthralled”
intimateness “intimacy”
intimateth “intimates”
intimidations acts of discouraging, inhibiting, or frightening
intonings TBD
intoxicateth “intoxicates”
intradivine TBD
intransferable not able to be transferred
intreated “entreated”
intreatest TBD
intreats “entreats”
intrench “entrench”
intrenched “entrenched”
intrencheth “entrenches”
intrenching “entrenching”
intrenchment “entrenchment”
intrenchments “entrenchments”
intrest “interest”
intricated TBD
intriguer one who arouses the interest or curiosity; one who maneuvers covertly to manipulate
intrinsical “intrinsic” inherent
introducer one who introduces
introduceth “introduces”
introductive “introductory”
intromission introduction; admission
intromitting TBD
intrudeth “intrudes”
intrusionists TBD
intrust “entrust”
intrusted “entrusted”
intrusteth “entrusts”
intrusting “entrusting”
intrusts “entrusts”
intuitional of, pertaining to, or based on, intuition
inundations floods
inurest TBD
invadest TBD
invadeth “invades”
invailed TBD
invalided “invalidated”
inveigheth “inveighs” (to give vent or angry censure; protest vehemently; rail)
inveighings TBD
inveigleth “inveigles” (to lead astray or win over by deceitful flattery or persuasion)
inventeth “invents”
inveterateness the condition of being firmly established by long standing; deep-rooted; persisting in an ingrained habit
inviable not capable of living
invisibles things that are invisible
invitements “invitations”
invitest “invite”
inviteth “invites”
invocate to invoke
invocated invoked
invocating invoking
involvedly TBD
involvements being involved in situations or events
involveth “involves”
inwardest TBD
inworked worked within
inworking working within
inworks works in
inwoven “interwoven”
inwrapped “enwrapped”
inwrought having a decorative pattern worked or woven in; ingrained
irksomeness the act of causing annoyance or bother
irradiant sending forth radiant light
irreconcileable not able to be reconciled or brought together in agreement
irreconcileableness a condition of not being able to be reconciled or brought together in agreement
irreconcileably not able to be reconciled or brought together in agreement
irreferent TBD
irreformable not able to be reformed
irrefragable incapable of being refuted; indisputable
irrefragably incapable of being refuted; indisputable
irregeneracy TBD
irregenerate TBD
irrelative “irrelevant”
irreligion hostility or indifference to religion
irremedial TBD
irremissible unpardonable
irrepealable cannot be repealed
irreprehensible not blameworthy or worthy of blame or censure
irreprovable not able to be rebuked or reproved
irresistibleness the quality of being impossible to resist
irresolutely vacillating, wavering, indecisive
irresolved not resolved, vacillating
irreverences acts showing a lack of proper respect; acts of impiety, profanation or irreverence
irreverend “irreverent”
irreversibleness incapable of being reversed
irrevokable “irrevocable” irreversible
irrevoluble TBD
irritateth “irritates”
irruptions breaking in or bursting in; making an incursion or invasion
irvingism TBD
islamism “Islam”
israelitess female Hebrew
israelitish referring to the Israelites
issueth “issues”
itacistic TBD
italicises “italicizes”
itchings TBD
iterant iterating; repeating
itinerancy a state or system of traveling from place to place, especially in the role or office of public speaker, minister, or judge