jacobin “Jacobin” a radical leftist republican during the French Revolution
jacobinical TBD
jacobinism the belief system of a radical leftist republican during the French Revolution
jacobinisms sayings or beliefs of a radical leftist republican during the French Revolution
jacobins radical leftist republicans during the French Revolution
jacobites descendants of Jacob (Israelites)
jahweh “Yahweh” a name of God
jailor “jailer”
jailors “jailers”
jangleth “jangles”
janglings harsh, metallic sounds
janizaries Soldiers in an elite guard of Turkish troops organized in the 14th century and abolished in 1826
jansenism the theological principles of Cornelius Jansen, condemned as heretical by the Roman Catholic Church, which emphasize predestination, deny free will, and maintain that human nature is incapable of good
jansenist one who believes in Jansenism (the theological principles of Cornelius Jansen, condemned as heretical by the Roman Catholic Church, which emphasize predestination, deny free will, and maintain that human nature is incapable of good)
jansenists those who believe in Jansenism (the theological principles of Cornelius Jansen, condemned as heretical by the Roman Catholic Church, which emphasize predestination, deny free will, and maintain that human nature is incapable of good)
jarreth “jars”
jarrings unsettling or startling motions or actions
jeopard “jeopardize”
jeopardies hazards, threats or risks
jeoparding “jeopardizing” puts in peril or in jeopardy
jeopardise “jeopardize” to invite loss of or injury to; imperil
jeopards “jeopardizes”
jesteth “jests”
jestingly something said or done in a way to provoke amusement and laughter
jesuitical relating to the Society of Jesus (a Roman Catholic order founded by Ignatius Loyola in 1534)
jesuitry belonging to the Society of Jesus (a Roman Catholic order founded by Ignatius Loyola in 1534)
jesuits those belonging to the Society of Jesus (a Roman Catholic order founded by Ignatius Loyola in 1534)
jimmers TBD
jinglimus TBD
johannine TBD
joinest “joins” or “join”
joineth “joins”
joinings “joints”
jollities gaiety; merriment
journies “journeys”
joyeth “joys”
joyfullest most happy, excited or joyful
joyings things that one has taken pleasure in or rejoiced in
jubilate to rejoice; exult
jubilating the act of rejoicing or exulting
judaical of, or pertaining to, Jews or Judaism
judaise to bring into conformity with Judaism
judaised to have been brought into conformity with Judaism
judaiser one that proselytizes for Judaism
judaisers those who seek to bring others into conformity with Judaism (Jewish customs and beliefs)
judaising to bring into conformity with Judaism; to adopt Jewish customs and beliefs
judaistic “Judaic” of or pertaining to Jews or Judaism
judaizers those who seek to bring others into conformity with Judaism (Jewish customs and beliefs)
judaizing to bring into conformity with Judaism; to adopt Jewish customs and beliefs
judgings “judgments”
judicative having the capacity to judge; judicial
judicatively in terms of judging; judicial
judiciousness having or exhibiting sound judgment
juggleries trickeries; deceptions
jugglery trickery; deception
jugglest “juggles” or “juggle”
jugglings manipulations in order to deceive
juiceless lacking characteristics of health and livelihood
julap “julep” (a sweet, syrupy drink, especially one to which medicine may be added)
junketings feasting, banqueting, merrymaking, picnicking
jurant taking oath, or a person taking an oath
juridically of or pertaining to the law and its administration
juster “more just”
justest most noble, lawful or just
justiciaries high judicial officers in medieval England; things that pertain to the administration of the law
justiciary “justice” (one who administers the law)
justificatory serving as or promoting justification
justifiest “justifies” or “justify”
justle “jostle” to knock or push against
justled “jostled” knocked or pushed against
justles “jostles” knocking or pushing against
justling “jostling” the act of knocking or pushing together
juttings protrusions