kain TBD
kajahs small, canoe-like boats
kazy Persian judge
keck to retch, to refuse or shrink from with an expression of disgust
keeped “kept”
keepings ways something is cared for; “kept”
keptest “keeps” or “keep”
kerygma TBD
kerygmatic TBD
kickest “kicks” or “kick”
kicketh “kicks”
kindlest “kindles” or “kindle”
kindlings small sparks or beginnings
kindnesses acts of kindness
kindredly similarly or alike
kindredness having a similar or related origin, nature or character
kindreds a group of related people: a family, clan, tribe, or the like
kine “cows”
kinless not having any family or relations
kirk a church
kirks churches
kisseth “kisses”
kissings acts of kissing, showing affection
kneelest “kneels” or “kneel”
kneelings TBD
knitteth “knits”
knockest “knocks” or “knock”
knowability able to be understood, comprehended or known
knower one who knows something
knowers those who know something
knowledgeability TBD
knowledges information or knowledge about things
kything making known (also “kithing”)