macer TBD
macerations TBD
madcaps TBD
madded “maddened” to make angry
magians “magicians”
magisterium TBD
magistratical pertaining to or referring to a magistrate
magnetical “magnetic” having the properties of attraction of a magnet
magnifico a person of distinguished rank, importance or appearance
magnificoes people of distinguished rank, importance or appearance
magnifiest TBD
magnifieth “magnifies” to make greater, to intensify
magnifyings making something greater in size, enlarging, amplifying, intensifying
mahomet “Mohammed”
mahometan “Mohammedan” (Moslem)
mahometans “Mohammedans” (Moslems)
mahometism “Islam”
maimedness TBD
maimers those who cripple or maim
maimings TBD
maintaineth “maintains” to continue, carry on
maintenancy TBD
majestatical “majestic” (having or exhibiting stateliness or great dignity; royal; dignified)
majestical having or exhibiting stateliness or great dignity; royal; dignified
makable able to be made
makebait one who causes or creates strife
makebate one who causes or creates strife
maladministration managing inefficiently or dishonestly
malapartly saucy, impudent, bold in speech or manner
malapertness impudence, sauciness
malarious subject to the disease malaria
maledictory TBD
malefices TBD
maliced “malicious”
malices unkind, cruel, or malicious actions
maliceth TBD
malignants ones who show great malevolence, actively evil in nature
maligner one who maligns, speaks evil of, slanders, or defames
maligners those who malign, speak evil of, slander, or defame
malignest TBD
malthusian of or pertaining to the theory of Thomas Malthus, that population tends to increase faster than food supply, with inevitably disastrous results unless the increase in population can be checked
malthusianism the belief in the theory of Thomas Malthus, that population tends to increase faster than food supply, with inevitably disastrous results unless the increase in population can be checked
mammalia mammals
mammering wavering, hesitating
mammonist follower of earthly, worldly things; follower after mammon
mammonists TBD
managements the handling or controlling of things
managery “management”
manageth “manages” to contrive, arrange, exert control over
manchaneel (a West Indies tree)
mandative having the authority of a commander, order or mandate
manducation (the act of chewing)
manichean pertaining to Manichaeism (the dualistic philosophy taught by the Persian prophet Manes, combining elements of Zoroastrian, Christian and Gnostic thought)
manichees those who believe in Manichaeism (the dualistic philosophy taught by the Persian prophet Manes, combining elements of Zoroastrian, Christian and Gnostic thought)
manicheism the dualistic philosophy taught by the Persian prophet Manes, combining elements of Zoroastrian, Christian and Gnostic thought
maniest “most”
manifestative having been or being manifest (shown or plainly demonstrated)
manifestatively TBD
manifestest “manifest” to show or reveal
manifesteth “manifests” to show or reveal
manifestive TBD
manifestively TBD
manifoldness the characteristic of being manifold (of many kinds, varied, multiple)
mannerliness TBD
manness female of man
mansioned TBD
manuduction TBD
manumise TBD
manumised legally made free
manured fertilized
manurer one who fertilizers
manuring fertilization
manutenancy maintenance
manward toward man
marchest TBD
marcheth “marches”
marchings TBD
marianistic having the quality of being devoted to the Virgin Mary
mariolatry the idolatry of worshipping the Virgin Mary
mariology the body of belief relating to the Virgin Mary
marischal TBD
markable TBD
marketings TBD
marque used in “letters of marque” (a document issued by a nation allowing a private citizen to seize citizens or goods of another nation)
marr “mar” to damage or deface
marrer (one who soils or mars something)
marrest TBD
marreth “mars” to damage or deface
marriedst TBD
marrowmen TBD
marrowy choicest, inmost, essential
marshalled to have arranged, placed or set in methodical order
marshalling arranging, placing or setting in methodical order
martyrdoms the suffering deaths of martyrs; extreme sufferings
martyrologies stories of martyrs (those who died for their faith)
martyrologist one who studies martyrs (those who died for their faith)
martyrology the study of martyrs (those who died for their faith)
marvelings TBD
marvelled “marveled” to become filled with wonder or astonishment
marvellous “marvelous” causing wonder or astonishment; miraculous; supernatural
marvellously “marvelously” done in a way so as to cause wonder or astonishment; done supernaturally or miraculously
marvellousness TBD
masculineness “masculinity”; degree of masculinity; referring to the gender of a noun in the Greek
masculines “masculinity” referring to the manliness of something; a gender of nouns in Greek
maskery TBD
maskings the hidden, concealing or masking of something
massiest most massive
massilianism a doctrine which originated in Marseilles, that maintained that there was a degree of the free will of man in spiritual matters
mastereth “masters” to subjugate or exert power over
masterless not being controlled; without a master
mastership the office or title of master or one in authority
masting TBD
matcheth “matches” to correspond exactly, to equal
matchings TBD
matchpaper TBD
matin early part of the day
mattereth “matters” to be of importance
matthaean TBD
maturer more mature, complete or finished in growth or development
maturest most mature, complete or finished in growth or development
maugre in spite of, notwithstanding, in opposition to
mawkin TBD
mayhap perhaps, perchance
mayoress wife of a mayor
mayst “may”
meads meadows
meagre “meager” lean, deficient in quantity, fullness or extent
meagrim TBD
mealing eating out of the home; grinding to a fine powder
meally “mealy-mouthed” lacking substance or firmness
meaned “meant”
meanedst TBD
meannesses cruel or unkind behaviours
meantest TBD
measurely in a way that can be measured
measurest TBD
measureth “measures” to ascertain or estimate
mechanicalness a condition of being without feeling, as if done by machine or by rote; of or pertaining to machine or tools
mechanician TBD
meddlesomeness the inclination to meddle or interfere
meddlest TBD
meddlings repeated interfering with or disrupting
mediacy mediation
mediaevalization the condition of having been influenced by the ideas of the medieval period of history
mediately as a mediator
mediateth “mediates”
mediational (related to or characteristic of mediation)
mediatorial tending or striving to mediate
mediatorially done in a way as to mediate
mediatorship the ability to mediate
mediatory tending or striving to mediate
mediatress a female mediator
mediatrix a title for one who mediates
medicinable “medicinal” used as a medicine
meditatest “meditate” to resolve or settle differences by acting as an intermediary agent between two or more conflicting parties
meditateth “meditates” to resolve or settle differences by acting as an intermediary agent between two or more conflicting parties
meditativeness the ability to meditate
meed a merited gift or reward
meeken (to make meek)
meekened TBD
meekening TBD
meekens (makes more meek)
meeten TBD
meetened (made meet or ready)
meetens TBD
meeter more appropriate or meet
meetly doing something in an appropriate way
meetness readiness
meikle much
melloweth “mellows”
meltedness TBD
meltest TBD
meltingness softening
meltings soft and tender emotions
memorableness TBD
memorables TBD
memorialised “memorialized”
memorialists a person who writes memoirs
memoried TBD
memoriter TBD
menacings threatenings
mendest TBD
mendicity TBD
mensuration TBD
mensurations the processes, acts or arts of measuring
mentioneth “mentions” to refer to incidentally
mercenariness TBD
merchandize “merchandise” goods that may be bought or sold
merchantable marketable; suitable for buying and selling
merchantman a merchant, one who buys and sells
merchantmen merchants, those who buy and sell
mercified TBD
meriteth “merits”
meritor (one who merits)
meritoriousness the condition of deserving reward of praise; having merit
merks old Scotch silver coins
merlin a bird of prey
merops a type of bird
messiahship the office of Christ as the Messiah
messianically pertaining to a messiah
messuage the plot of land occupied by a house and any out-buildings
messuages plots of land occupied by houses and any of their out-buildings
metalled TBD
metallist TBD
metallists TBD
metamorphically relating to a metaphor used to establish a clear explanation; relating to metamorphosis (transformation)
metaphysique “metaphysic” (the branch of philosophy that systematically investigates the nature of first principles and problems of ultimate reality)
meteth “metes” to distribute, deal out, or allot
methinketh “I think”
methodistic TBD
methodistical pertaining to Methodist theology
methodize to systematize; to organize according to a method
methodized to have systematized; to have organized according to a method
methodizing to systematize; to organize according to a method
methought “I thought”
metonyme “metonymy” (a figure of speech in which an idea is evoked or named by means of a term designating some associated notion, e.g. “sword” meaning “military career,” etc.)
metonymical having the characteristic of a metonymy
metonymically characterized by a metonymy (a figure of speech in which an idea is evoked or named by means of a term designating some associated notion, e.g. “sword” meaning “military career,” etc.)
metre “meter”
metres “meters”
metropolitical TBD
mettled having a character or temperament showing courage or fortitude
miasm a noxious atmosphere or influence
mickle great
microscopists TBD
middled TBD
middler TBD
mids Something occupying a middle-ground
midsman man in the middle, mediator
midwifed TBD
mighties strong or powerful men
mightinesses TBD
mights those characterized by having might
mightst “might”
milch German for “milk”
millennarians those who believe in the doctrine of the millennium, the thousand-year reign of Christ
mimically TBD
mimickry “mimicry”
minatorily TBD
minceth “minces”
mindedness the condition of having a certain mindset or thinking a certain way
mindest “mind” to bring to mind; to remember; to take care of
mindeth “minds” to bring to mind; to remember; to take care of
minglest TBD
mingleth “mingles” to mix or combine
minimise “minimize”
minished “diminished” reduced in number or stature
ministerest TBD
ministerially of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a minister or of the ministry
ministress a female who provides for, cares for or ministers to
minster a monastery church, or the title of some cathedrals
minums “minnows”
minuted TBD
minuter more minute (exceptionally small, trifling)
miraculism the performing of miracles, especially for the purpose of confirming or validating authority
miraculousness TBD
mirths humorous emotions
mirthsome humorous
mirza a Persian title of honor used after the name of a prince and before the name of a hero, scholar or high official
misacted acted wrongfully
misanthropical of or characteristic of a person who hates or distrusts mankind
misbecomes is not suitable or appropriate for
misbecoming “unbecoming” unsuitable or inappropriate for
misbehaviour “misbehavior” wrong behavior, contrary to law or established rules
misbelief a wrong or faulty belief
misbeliever one who believes in a wrong or faulty way
misbelievers ones who believe in a wrong or faulty way
misbelieving the act of believing in a wrong or faulty way
miscarrieth “miscarries” to go astray; to fail to reach the proper conclusion
miscensure punish, rebuke or censure incorrectly
miscensured punished, rebuked or censured incorrectly
miscensures incorrect punishments, rebukes or censures
miscensuring punishing, rebuking or censuring incorrectly
mischances unfortunate occurrences or events
mischiefed brought to harm, damage or injury
mischiefs harms, damages, or injuries
mischieving TBD
mischievousness the property of causing harm, damage or injury
mischosen chosen incorrectly
misconceit a delusion; an incorrect interpretation
misconceits delusions; incorrect interpretations
misconducted to behave improperly; to administer or manage poorly or dishonestly
misconducting behaving improperly; administering or managing poorly or dishonestly
misconstructing inaccurately explaining, interpreting or reporting
miscontentedly “discontentedly”
miscounters TBD
misdemeanour “misdemeanor” misbehavior; an offense of lesser gravity
misdemeanours “misdemeanors” misbehavior; offenses of lesser gravity
misdone done incorrectly
misemploy to put to a wrong use; abuse
misemployed to have put to a wrong use; abused
misemploying the act of putting to a wrong use or abusing
miserableness TBD
miserablest most miserable
misgave to have aroused suspicion or apprehension in
misgive to arouse suspicion or apprehension in
misgiven TBD
misgives arousing suspicions or apprehensions in
misgivingly done in a way that arouses suspicions
misgrounded TBD
misimprove TBD
misimproved TBD
misimprovement TBD
misimprovements TBD
misimprover (one who fails to improve at or in something)
misimproving TBD
misimputed not assigned or imputed correctly
misinfer (infer incorrectly)
misinformations incorrect pieces of information
misjudgeth “misjudges”
misken disregard; to not know
miskenning neglecting; mistaking; overlooking
misknow (fail to know)
misleadeth “misleads”
misleadings TBD
misleared unmannerly; ill-bred
mislike “dislike”
misliked TBD
misliking “disliking”
mismade created incorrectly
mismanagers TBD
misology hatred of reason, argument or enlightenment
mispense TBD
mispersuasion TBD
mispersuasions TBD
mispointing pointing to or pointing out in a wrong way
misprize to undervalue; disparage
mispunctuations TBD
misreadings TBD
misrecited TBD
misregard “disregard”
misreports to report mistakenly or falsely
misrequited TBD
missest TBD
misseth “misses” to fail to reach or attain
missingness TBD
misspenders TBD
misspense the act of spending in a wrong way
mistakers those who are mistaken about something
mistakest TBD
mistaketh “mistakes” to interpret the wrong way
mistakings TBD
mistel TBD
mistraining TBD
misuser TBD
mither's “Mother’s”
mither’s “Mother’s”
mithridate to tolerate a poison by taking gradually larger doses of it
mitigateth “mitigates”
mitigations moderations in force or intensity; an alleviations
mitre “miter” a tall, pointed hat with peaks in front and back, worn by bishops
mitres “miters” (tall, pointed hats with peaks in front and back, worn by bishops)
mittimus a writ instructing a jailor to hold a prisoner; a dismissal, especially from a job or office
mixeth “mixes”
moanings multiple instances of moaning
moated TBD
mockage “mockery” scornful contempt; ridicule
mockings scornful contempt; ridicules
modalism an early heresy which teaches that God has only one person which was manifested or revealed in different ways (modes) throughout history
modalistic have several distinct forms or modes; relating to or resembling the doctrine of modalism
modalists TBD
modelled “modeled” to plan or fashion
modelling “modeling” planning or fashioning
moderatest TBD
moderateth “moderates” to make less violent, severe or extreme
moderatism “moderation”
modernise “modernize” to make current in appearance, style, or character
modernly done in a current style or made current in appearance, style or character
modester more modest
mohametanism “Mohammedanism” the Islam religion
mohametans “Mohammedans” followers of Mohammed; Muslims
mohammedan a follower of Mohammed; a Muslim
mohammedanism Islam
mohammedans followers of Mohammed; Muslims
mohammedism “Mohammedanism”
moilest “moil” (to toil or slave; to churn about)
moileth “moils” (to toil or slave; to churn about)
molestations unwanted accostings, interferences or disturbances
molesteth “molests” to disturb, interfere with, or accost
molinism TBD
molinist a follower of the Arminian opinions of Molina, a Spanish Jesuit; opposed to the Jansenists
molinists followers of the Arminian opinions of Molina, a Spanish Jesuit; opposed to the Jansenists
mollah “mullah” Moslem religious teacher or leader
mollahs “mullahs” Moslem religious teachers or leaders
mollifieth “mollifies”
moly (a herb)
momentaneous momentary
momentariness TBD
momently TBD
monachism the monastic system
monarchial pertaining to a monarch
monarchianism a Christian heresy of the second and third centuries that denied the doctrine of the Trinity
monastical “monastic” pertaining to or characteristic of monasteries or people living in religious or contemplative seclusion
monergism the doctrine that regeneration is wholly the work of the Holy Spirit
monied “moneyed”
monies “money”
monitress a female monitor
monkery monastic life or practices
monkism the system of having monks or clerical hermits
monophysite an adherent of the doctrine that in the person of Christ there was but a single divine nature
monopolise “monopolize” to dominate by excluding others
monopoliser one who builds or creates monopolies
monothelism the doctrine that Christ had but one will as He had but one nature
monothelite one who believes “monothelism” (the doctrine that Christ had but one will as He had but one nature)
monothelites those who believe “monothelism” (the doctrine that Christ had but one will as He had but one nature)
montanism the belief that faith was fixed, but there was constant need of continued supernatural revelation of truth
montanist one who believes “montanism” (the belief that faith was fixed, but there was constant need of continued supernatural revelation of truth)
montanists those who believe “montanism” (the belief that faith was fixed, but there was constant need of continued supernatural revelation of truth)
moonrakers sails sometimes carried in light winds, above a skysail
moonshiny “moonlit”
moorish characterized by swampy, poorly drained conditions
moorland uncultivated land
moorlands uncultivated lands
mopeth “mopes” to cause one to be gloomy or dejected
mopish gloomy or dejected
mopishness the act of brooding or sulking
moppish brooding or sulking
moralised “moralized”
moralising “moralizing” to reform; to improve the morals of
moralisings attempts to reform or improve the morals of
moralism the practice of or belief in a system of moral principles as distinguished from an organized religion
moralizings multiple instances of moralizing
moravian a Protestant denomination founded in Saxony in 1722 by Hussite emigrants from Moravia
morbific TBD
morisonians those who believe the Arminian position that Christ died for all men; the antithesis of the doctrine of election
moroseness gloominess; sullen melancholy
morosity being sad, downcast, depressed or morbid
morphia TBD
mortiferous TBD
mortifications disciplines of self-denial and austerity
mortifier one who denies or puts to death
mortifiers those who deny or put to death
mortifieth “mortifies” to deny or put to death
mosaical of or pertaining to Moses or his laws and writings
mossed TBD
mosshags TBD
motived motivated; given motives
motivity the quality or capacity of initiating motion
mould form; “mold”
moulded formed; “molded”
moulder “molder” decay or crumble
mouldered decayed or crumbled
mouldering decaying or crumbling
moulders decays or crumbles
mouldeth “molds”
moulding “molding” becoming moldy
moulds “molds” becomes moldy
mouldy “moldy”
mountainousness TBD
mountest “mount” to rise up or ascend
mounteth “mounts” to rise up or ascend
mournest “mourn” to express or feel grief or sorrow; to deplore
mourningly done in a way so as to express grief or sorrow or to deplore
mournings actions of grief or sorrow
movableness TBD
moveables “movables” things able to be moved
movest “move”
movings actions that cause one to be moved, either physically or in emotion
moweth “mows”
moyen sway or influence
muchness “much”
muckish “mucky” anything regard as filthy or disgusting
muckle Scottish expression meaning “great” or “big”
muckworms worms or larvae found in mud and animal droppings
muffleth “muffles”
muggish TBD
muir TBD
mulattoes people having one white and one Negro parent
mulets a type of fish
multiformity the characteristic of having many forms, shapes or appearances
multiloquy a confused chatter of talk
multiplications increases
mumblest TBD
mumblings “mumbles”; indistinct, slurred or confused speaking
mummied “mummified”
mumming mumbling indistinctly
murdereth “murders” to take the life of
murmurer one who complains, utters or murmurs against
murmurest “murmur”
murmuringly done in a complaining way
murmurings “murmurs” complaints against something or someone
muser one who ponders or considers at length
museth “muses”
musicianly of or pertaining to a musician
musks strong odors used as perfumes
musqueteers “musketeers”
musselman Moslem
musselmen Moslems
mutabilities TBD
mutableness the characteristic of being subject to change or alteration
mutterest TBD
mutteringly TBD
myriads large, indefinite numbers
myrrhed TBD