pacha a former title of honor placed after the name of Turkish military and civilian officials
pacificatory soothing, satisfying or pacifying
packest “packs” or “pack”
packeth TBD
packman peddler
pacquet “packet”
paction an agreement or pact
pactional based on an agreement or pact
pactions agreements or pacts
paedobaptism the belief in and practice of infant baptism
paedobaptist one who believes in and practices infant baptism
paedobaptists those who believe in and practice infant baptism
paganish pertaining to a heathen
paganize to make or become pagan
paganized to have made pagan
paineth “pains” or causes pain
painteth “paints”
paleontologic TBD
paleontological TBD
palingenesis the doctrine of transmigration of souls
palladian of, pertaining to, or characterized by wisdom or study; of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom
palliations acts of making [an offense or crime] less severe, excusing, alleviating, reducing the pain or intensity thereof)
palliators those who “palliate” (make an offense or crime less severe, excuse, alleviate, reduce the pain or intensity thereof)
palmiest most prosperous, flourishing
palmy TBD
palsified paralyzed, deprived of strength, palsied
palsying making paralyzed, depriving of strength
pamperest “pamper”
pampereth “pampers”
pancratium TBD
pandaemonium “pandemonium” wild uproar or noise
pandemoniums wild uproars or noises
panderism something that caters to the lower tastes and desires of others or exploits their weaknesses
pandiabolism TBD
panegyrical adjective form of “panegyric” (a formal eulogistic composition intended as a public compliment; elaborate praise or laudation)
panegyrized eulogized
pannel jury or sometimes defendant
pannelled brought together as a group, as in a panel
panoplied TBD
pantest “pants” or “pant”
pantheistical adjective form of “pantheism” (the doctrine identifying the Deity with the various forces and workings of nature)
pantheizing promoting the doctrine of pantheism (the doctrine identifying the Deity with the various forces and workings of nature)
pantings longings, desires
papalism of or pertaining to the Papacy (the Pope)
papalist one promoting the Papacy (the Pope)
papalists those promoting the Papacy (the Pope)
papism Roman Catholicism
papistic characteristic of the Papacy of the Roman Catholic Church
papistical “papist” relating to the Roman Catholic Papacy
papistry pertaining to the Roman Catholic Church (the Papacy)
paps teats or nipples
parabolical of or like a parable
parabolically TBD
paraclete The Holy Ghost
paradisaic TBD
paradisaical TBD
paradisiacal of or pertaining to paradise
paragogically TBD
paragraphical TBD
paralized “paralyzed”
paralleleth “parallels”
parallelizing making parallel
paralogism fallacious or illogical reasoning; a faulty argument of whose fallacy the one who is reasoning is not aware
paralogisms fallacious or illogical reasoning; faulty arguments of whose fallacy the one who is reasoning is not aware
paralysed “paralyzed”
paralysing “paralyzing”
paralytical “paralysis”
paralytically TBD
paramountly of paramount importance; most importantly
paranymphus TBD
paraphraser one who restates a text or passage in another form or other words
paraphraseth “paraphrases”
paraphrasis restating a text or passage in another form or other words
paraphrast one who restates a text or passage in another form or other words
paraphrastic restating a text or passage in another form or other words
paraphrastical done in a paraphrasing way (restating a text or passage in other words)
paraphrasts “paraphrases”
parative TBD
parcelled divided into portions or allotments for distribution
parcheth “parches”
parchingly making very dry; being parching
pardonableness ability to be forgiven, forgotten or pardoned
pardonest TBD
parenetic persuasive; encouraging
parenetical TBD
parentalism TBD
parility “parity” equality
parleyings negotiations, discussions
parlied “parleyed” discussed, conferred, debated, as with an enemy or over a disagreement
parlying “parleying” discussing, conferring, debating, as with an enemy or over a disagreement
parsonic TBD
parsonships the positions of roles of being a parson (a pastor)
partaketh “partakes”
partest “part”
parti “multi”
participations taking part in or sharing
participatively TBD
participially TBD
particularise “particularize” to state or enumerate in detail; itemize
particularising “particularizing” the act of stating or enumerating in detail; itemizing
particularism exclusive adherence to or interest in one’s own group, party, sect or nation
particularisms exclusive adherence to or interest in particular groups, parties, sects or nations
particularistically adjective form of “particularism” (exclusive adherence to or interest in one’s own group, party, sect or nation)
particularizeth “particularizes”
partitive serving to divide something into parts
partitively serving to divide something into parts
partizan “partisan” a militant supporter of a cause, faction, person or idea; a weapon having a long shaft surmounted by a blade with broad, horizontally projecting cutting edges, used chiefly in the 16th and 17th centuries
partizans militant supporters of a cause, faction, person or idea; weapons having a long shaft surmounted by a blade with broad, horizontally projecting cutting edges, used chiefly in the 16th and 17th centuries
partizanship militantly supporting a party, cause, faction, person or idea
partnery partnership
partyism TBD
passability TBD
passible capable of suffering, sensitive
passingly temporarily, in passing
passings “passes”
passionateness the act of being passionate; having intense emotions, being excitable
passivities TBD
pastored was the pastor of or took pastoral care of
pastoring TBD
patchery TBD
patefaction TBD
patena TBD
pathed laid out the way, course or path
pathetical “pathetic” of, pertaining to, expressing or arousing pity, sympathy or tenderness
patines layers of sheen, as on antique surfaces; thin layers of corrosion
patly steadfastly, unwilling to change an opinion on
patriarchate the territory, rule or rank of a patriarch
patriarchates the territories, rules or ranks of a patriarch
patristical of or relating to the fathers of the early Christian church or to their writings
patrociny TBD
patronise “patronize”
patronised “patronized”
patronising “patronizing”
patronizer “patron” (supporter)
patronymically TBD
pauseth “pauses”
pavilioned to shelter in, as if in a pavilion
pawings objections, attestations
pawneth “pawns”
pax Latin: peace
payest “pay”
peaceableness peacefulness, the condition of being peaceful
pease “peas” (the vegetable)
peats TBD
peccability TBD
peccable (opposite of impeccable)
peccant sinful; guilty
pedlar “peddler”
pedlars “peddlers”
peepeth “peeps”
peevishnesses contrary, discontented, fretful complaints
pelagian one who believes in pelagianism (the doctrine that denies original sin and affirms that man is able to be righteous by the exercise of free well)
pelagianism the theological doctrine propounded by Pelagius, a British or Irish monk, and condemned as heresy by the Roman Catholic Church in A.D. 416. Included in its tenets were denial of original sin and affirmation of man’s ability to be righteous by the exercise of free will.
pelagians those who believed in pelagianism (the theological doctrine propounded by Pelagius, a British or Irish monk, and condemned as heresy by the Roman Catholic Church in A.D. 416. Included in its tenets were denial of original sin and affirmation of man’s ability to be righteous by the exercise of free will.)
pellicle a thin skin or film, such as an organic membrane or a liquid film
peltings blows, strokes or buffetings
penally of or pertaining to punishment, especially for breaking the law
penances an act of self-mortification or devotion performed by way of demonstrating contrition for sin
pendantly TBD
pendency TBD
pendicle Compendium or summary
penetrateth “penetrates”
penitency a repented or sorrowful attitude for past errors
penitentially of, pertaining to, or expressing penance
penitentials those who expressed penance; accounts of sins or follies
pensionary TBD
pent penned or shut up, closely confined
pentarchy rule by five rulers
pentecostal referring to the Day of Pentecost; characteristic of seeking to be filled with the Holy Ghost as were the disciples at Pentecost
penuriousness the condition of being miserly, stingy, barren
perceivedst “perceived”
perceptively done in a way such as to express a precept; done in a didactic manner
percheth “perches”
perclose conclusion, ending
pere TBD
peremptor TBD
perfecter one who perfects something
perfectest “most perfect”
perfecteth “perfects”
perfectionistic having the property or tendency to perfection every detail, even when unnecessary
perfections perfect characteristics
perfective promoting, tending toward perfection
perfectness perfection
perfector one who perfects
performable able to be performed
performest “perform”
perfumeth “perfumes”
perfunctoriness the condition of acting routinely and with little interest or care
perfusive coated or permeated with light, color or liquid
perhapses TBD
pericopes TBD
peripatetics TBD
periphrase “paraphrase”
perishableness the condition of being able to perish
perishest “perish”
perishment TBD
perjurious characterized by perjury (any violation of an oath or promise)
perjuriously TBD
permitter one who allows or permits
permittest “permits” or “permit”
permitteth “permits”
perplexedly to act in a puzzled, bewildered, or confused way
perplexedness being confusing, puzzling bewildering, or perplexing
perplexeth “perplexes”
perplexings things which confuse, befuddle, or bewilder
perriwigs headdresses of false hair, usually covering the whole head, and representing the natural hair
persecuteth “persecutes”
perseverances multiple instances of perseverance
perseverest “perseveres” or “persevere”
persevereth “perseveres”
persic “Persian”
persistest “persists” or “persist”
persisteth “persists”
personate “impersonate”
personates “impersonates”
personed TBD
perspicuousness the condition of being easy to understand, lucid
persuable TBD
persuadingly done in a manner that is convincing or persuading
persuasible TBD
persuasibleness ability to be persuaded
persuasives persuasive arguments
pertinaciously holding firmly or tenaciously to some purpose, belief or opinion
pertinaciousness the condition of holding firmly or tenaciously to some purpose, belief or opinion
pertinacy stubbornness, obstinacy
pertinency the characteristic of being related or connected with a specific matter
pertinents TBD
perturbated “perturbed”
perturber disturber or one who perturbs
perturbers disturbers or those who perturb
perusers TBD
pervader one who is always present or pervades
pervasiveness the quality or tendency to permeate
perversed “perverted”
perversenesses odd, annoying, aggravating or perverse behaviours
perverter one who corrupts or perverts
perverters those who corrupt or pervert
pervicacity obstinacy, perverseness, willfulness
pestil TBD
pestilences usually fatal epidemic diseases; pernicious, evil influences or agents
pestilency “pestilence”
petitionary characterized by making a solemn supplication or request to a superior authority
petitory in the form of a petition
petrification TBD
phantams “phantoms”
phantasie “fantasy”
phantasies “fantasies”
phantastic “fantastic”
phantastical “fantastical”
phantasy “fantasy”
pharisaical characteristic of the Pharisees; hypocritically self-righteous and condemnatory
pharisaically like the Pharisees; hypocritically self-righteous and condemnatory
pharisaism the condition of being characteristic of the Pharisees; hypocritically self-righteous and condemnatory
pharisee a member of the Jewish sect that emphasized strict interpretation and observance of the Mosaic law
phariseeism “Pharisaism” hypocritical observance of the letter of religious or moral law without regard for the spirit
pharisees members of the Jewish sect that emphasized strict interpretation and observance of the Mosaic law
pharmacia “pharmacy” medicinal practices
phenixes things or people of unsurpassed excellence; paragons
phial “vial” (a small bottle)
phials “vials” (small bottles)
philologian TBD
philosophaster “philosopher”
philosophists “philosophers”
philosophizings speculations in a philosophical manner
phlegmatical having or suggesting a calm, sluggish temperament; unemotional
photic of or pertaining to light
phraseth “phrases”
phrenetic “frenetic”
phrensies frenzies, as in phrenetic
phrensy “frenzy”
phrenzied “frenzied”
phrenzy “frenzy”
phthisical characterized by asthma
physicked medicated, cared for using medicine
physicking to treat with or as if with medicine
physiognomist TBD
piacular making expiation or atonement for a sacrilege
pickeries small thefts
pickery small theft; pickpocket crime
picketh “picks”
pickroons TBD
pickwickian TBD
piecemeals “piecemeal”
piercer one who pierces
piercest “pierce”
piercingness being especially sharp or piercing
pietist TBD
pietists TBD
pild pointed, having a point or nap
pillageth “pillages”
pillowed laid as upon a pillow
pincheth “pinches”
pinchingly in a tight, painful or difficult way
pinchings “pinches”
pinnace a small, light boat
pinnied TBD
piosity ostentatious piousness; exaggerated devoutness
pipeth “pipes”
piralis a bird with chameleon-like characteristics
pistaches “pistachios”
pistoled shot with a pistol
pitcheth “pitches”
pitchy extremely dark, black
pitiest “pities” or “pity”
pitifulness filled with pity or compassion
placability the characteristic of being easily calmed or pacified; tolerant
placable being easily calmed or pacified; tolerant
placableness the condition of being easily calmed or pacified; tolerant
placest “places” or “place”
placeth “places”
plack a small copper coin formerly current in Scotland, worth less than a cent
plagiarisms the acts of stealing or using the ideas or writings of another as one’s own
plagueth “plagues”
plained converted into a plain
plaisters TBD
planing leveling or smoothing using a plane tool
plantest “plants” or “plant”
plashy TBD
plasterings TBD
platonism the philosophy of Plato, especially insofar as it asserts the ideal forms as an absolute and eternal reality of which the phenomena of the world are an imperfect and transitory reflection
platonist one who believes in Platonism (the philosophy of Plato, especially insofar as it asserts the ideal forms as an absolute and eternal reality of which the phenomena of the world are an imperfect and transitory reflection)
platonists those who believe in Platonism (the philosophy of Plato, especially insofar as it asserts the ideal forms as an absolute and eternal reality of which the phenomena of the world are an imperfect and transitory reflection)
platonizing espousing Platonism (the philosophy of Plato, especially insofar as it asserts the ideal forms as an absolute and eternal reality of which the phenomena of the world are an imperfect and transitory reflection)
plausibilities “possibilities”
plausibleness seemingly or apparently valid; likely or acceptable
plausiblest most likely or plausible
playest “play”
pleadable able to be pled or requested
pleadest “plead”
pleasable pleasing
pleasedly with pleasure
pleasedness the condition of being pleased
pleasers those who please
pleasest “please”
pleasingness “pleasantness”
pleasurableness the condition of being pleasurable
pledgeth TBD
plenarily complete in all aspects or essentials; full; absolute
plenished TBD
plenishing furnishing, filling up, replenishing
plenteously in abundance
plentifulness abundance
plentily “plentifully”
plentitude plenty
pleonastical TBD
plerophory full persuasion; fullness
plethoric excessive in quantity; superabundant
pliableness the condition of being easily bent or shaped; flexible
pliantly easily bent or shaped; flexible
pliest TBD
plieth “plies”
plottings secret plans, strategies or plots
plough “plow”
ploughed “plowed”
plougher one who plows
ploughers those who plow
plougheth “plows”
ploughing “plowing”
ploughings using ploughs to break up the ground
ploughman “plowman”
ploughmen “plowmen”
ploughs “plows”
ploughshare “plowshare” the cutting blade of a plow
ploughshares “plowshares” the cutting blades of a plow or plows
plumeth “plumes” to pride or congratulate oneself upon
plundereth “plunders”
plunderings lootings
plungeth “plunges”
plungings sudden falls, jumps or leaps downward
plurally in groups of more than one
plussed TBD
pneumatology the doctrine or study of spiritual beings and phenomena; especially, the belief in spirits intervening between man and God
poignard TBD
pointedness emphasized, marked; condition of being emphasized
pointeth “points”
pointings a diacritical grammar mark
poiseth “poises”
poisonable poisonous
poisoner one who poisons
poisonest “poisons” or “poison”
poisonful “poisonous”
poize “poise”
polemicized argued or refuted, especially as an attack upon a specified opinion, doctrine, or the like
policied TBD
polisheth “polishes”
politicating politicking
politicly “politically”
pollium TBD
pollutest “pollutes” or “pollute”
polluteth “pollutes”
pollutions corruptions
poltroonly done like a poltroon (a knave, rogue, liar, coward, despicable person, etc.)
pomecitron TBD
pomps dignified or magnified displays; vain or ostentatious displays
ponderable capable of being weighed or assessed; appreciable
ponderableness able to be thought upon or pondered
ponderest TBD
ponderousity TBD
poorness “poverty”
popedom the office, jurisdiction or tenure of the pope; papacy
popishly like a Pope
poppets beams of a launching cradle supporting a ship’s hull; “puppets”
populacy “populace” the common people; masses
populousness “populous”
portioner TBD
portioners TBD
poseth “poses”
posey a flower
posie a flower
positiveness TBD
positivity TBD
positure “position”
possest “possessed”
possibles “possibilities”
posteriority the condition of being posterior in location or time
posterities future generations
posteth “posts”
postulata “postulates”
potching stumbling
potchy potholed, pockmarked
pottle a pot or drinking vessel with a two-quart capacity
pourings TBD
pourtrays “portrays”
powow American Indian conjurer
powowing American Indian conjuring
powows American Indian conjurers
practibility “practicality”
practic “practice”
practicableness “practicality”
practicalness “practicality”
practicer “practitioner” one who engages in, acts out or practices something
practick “practical”
practics “practices”
practise “practice”
practised “practiced”
practiser one who practices
practisers those who practice a thing
practises “practices”
practisest “practices” or “practice”
practiseth “practices”
practising “practicing”
praeter “praetor” a high elected magistrate of the Roman Republic, ranking below the consuls and functioning for one year as a high judge and for the next year as the chief administrator of a province
praeternaturalistic TBD
praetorship the office of praetor (a Roman official)
pragmatical dealing with facts or actual occurrences; practical
pragmaticalness being practical or pragmatic
praiseful full of praise or worthy to be praised
praisefulness worthy to be praised
praiser one who praises
praisers those who praise
praisest “praises” or “praise”
pranceth “prances”
prancings TBD
pranking to decorate or dress ostentatiously or gaudily; to make an ostentatious display
prattler one who talks idly or meaninglessly; a babbler
prattlers those who talk idly or meaninglessly; babblers
prattlings TBD
pravity “depravity”
prayedst “prayed”
prayerfulness done in prayerful fashion; consistently praying
prayerlessly done without prayer or supplication to God
prayerlessness the condition of not praying
prayings “prayers”
preachership the office of a preacher or pastor
preachings the preaching of sermons
preadventism the belief in the proximate personal coming of Christ; also called Second Adventism
preambulary prefacing; coming before as a preamble
preapprehension knowing in advance
prearrangement arranging in advance
prebend TBD
prebendal TBD
prebendaries TBD
prebendary TBD
prebends TBD
precatorily TBD
precatory relating to or expressing entreaty or supplication
precedaneous preceding; antecedent; previous
precedences TBD
precedencies TBD
precedency having set a precedent, an act or instance that may be used as an example in dealing with subsequent similar cases; to be in a position in front of
precedeth “precedes”
precent to direct the singing
precented to lead a group in singing, usually a church congregation using the psalter
precenting the action of directing the singing
precentor one who directs the singing
precentors those who direct the singing
preceptive of or expressing a precept; didactic
preciousest most precious
precipitancy the quality of being impulsive (falling or rushing headlong into something)
precipitantly to do something in an impulsive manner
precis a concise summary of the essential facts or statements of a book, article or other text; an abstract
precisest “precise”
precisianism meticulous law keeping; the living in strict accordance with God's law
precisians people who are strict and precise in adherence to established rules, forms or standards
precomposed prepared in advance; composed ahead of time
preconcerted past tense of “to agree on or arrange in advance”
precourse TBD
predestinarian believing in or based on the biblical doctrine of predestination; one who adheres to biblical predestination
predestinarians those who believe in the doctrine of predestination
predestinate to determine in advance; foreordain
predestinated determined in advance; foreordained
predestinates determines in advance; foreordains
predestinateth “predestinates”
predestinating determining in advance; foreordaining
predestinations determinations; foreordinations
predeterminated “predetermined”; foreordained
predetermineth “predetermines”
predicter “predictor”
predictory TBD
predisposeth “predisposes”
predispositioned disposed or prejudiced
predispositions the state of being predisposed (making someone inclined to something in advance)
predominancy the state or quality of being predominant (having the greatest importance, influence, authority)
predominants people or things which have the greatest importance, influence or authority
predominateth “predominates”
predominatingly to have authority, power, or controlling influence
preeminencies the chief, head or foremost positions
preeminency the chief, head or foremost position
preestablished established beforehand
preexilian pertaining to the history of the Jewish people prior to their exile in Babylonia at the end of the sixth century
preexisterian TBD
prefaceth “prefaces”
preferableness being more desirable or preferable
preferments the acts of advancing to a higher position or office; promotions
preferrest “prefer”
preferreth “prefers”
prefidence pre-confidence
prefiguration the act of representing, suggesting or imagining in advance; foreshadowing
prefigurations the acts of representing, suggesting or imagining in advance; foreshadowing
prefigurative TBD
prefigurement the suggesting or representing of something by an antecedent form or model; a foreshadowing
prefigurements the suggestions or representations of something by an antecedent form or model; a foreshadowing
prefigureth “prefigures”
prefixeth “prefixes”
pregnantly full of meaning
prejudgeth “prejudges”
prejudicate prejudice
prejudicated TBD
prejudiceth “prejudices”
prelapsarian TBD
prelatic pertaining to a prelate (a high-ranking clergyman such as a bishop or abbot)
prelatical “prelatic” pertaining to a prelate (a high-ranking clergyman such as a bishop or abbot)
prelatically TBD
prelation TBD
prelatism the system or belief in a prelacy (hierarchical ranking of Church officers)
prelatist one who supports or advocates prelacy or the government of the church by prelates; hence, a high churchman
prelatists those who support or advocate prelacy or the government of the church by prelates; hence, high churchmen
prelection a lecture or discourse in public
prelections lectures or discourses in public
prelibation a foretaste
prelibations foretastes
preluding to introduce or preface something
preludium prelude
premeditatingly done in a premeditated or preplanned fashion
premillenarian a person who believes in premillennialism
premillenarians people who believe in premillennialism
premillennial of or happening before the millennium
premillennialism the belief that Christ’s second coming will immediately preceded the millennium
premillennialist one who believes in premillennialism
premillennialists those who believe in premillennialism
premiseth “premises” (to state in advance as introduction or explanation)
premonish warn or admonish ahead of time
premunire bad or difficult situation or position
premunires TBD
prenotices notices given ahead of time
prenticeships “apprenticeships”
prentises “apprentices”
prentiship “apprenticeship”
preoccupates TBD
preoccupations things that engross the mind or absorb the attention or intellect
prepadeutic TBD
preparationism TBD
preparatives serving or tending to prepare or make ready
preparatories “preparatives”
prepense contemplated or arranged in advance; premeditated
preponderation thought or consideration ahead of time
prepositing a word or particle put before another in grammar
prepositive TBD
prepossesed possessed ahead of time
prepossesseth “prepossesses”
prerequired “prerequisite”
prerogatival TBD
presageth “presages”
presbyterate the office of a presbyter; the body or order of presbyters
presbyterially TBD
prescriber TBD
prescribest “prescribe”
prescribeth “prescribes”
presences TBD
presentative having the capacity or function of bringing an idea or image to mind
presentatively TBD
presentee a person who is presented; a person to whom something is given
presentest TBD
presenteth “presents”
presentiary TBD
presentiate TBD
presentiated TBD
presentness “presence”
preservable able to be preserved
preservance “preservation”
preservings TBD
preses TBD
presidentship the office of president
presider one who oversees or presides
presideth “presides”
presignification foreshadowing, prefiguring
presignified to have shown or signified ahead of time
presignify to show or signify ahead of time
pressest “press”
prestatement TBD
presumer one who presumes
presumers those who presume
presumest “presume”
presumeth “presumes”
presumptively providing a reasonable basis for belief or acceptance
presupposeth “presupposes”
presuppositional TBD
pretemporal TBD
pretences “pretenses”
pretendedly “pretended”
pretendedst TBD
pretendest “pretend”
pretendeth “pretends”
preterite denoting the verb tense that expresses or describes a past or completed action or condition
preterition the doctrine that God neglected to designate those who would be damned, positively determining only the elect; the act of passing by, omitting, or disregarding
pretermit to disregard intentionally, or allow to pass unnoticed or unmentioned
pretermitted to have disregarded intentionally, or allowed to pass unnoticed or unmentioned
pretermitting disregarding intentionally, or allowing to pass unnoticed or unmentioned
preterperfect TBD
prethink think ahead
prevailer one who triumphs or succeeds with
prevailers those who triumph or succeed
prevailings the overcoming of someone of something
prevalency “prevalence” the condition of being widely or commonly occurring or existing; generally accepted or practiced
prevarications lies or equivocations
preveened went before
prevenient antecedent; previous; preceding
preventedst “prevents” or “prevent”
preventer one who prevents or that which prevents
preventeth “prevents”
preventings those things which hinder, interfere with or prevent
preyeth “preys”
prickest “pricks” or “prick”
pricketh “pricks”
prickings “pricks”
prideful full of pride
pridest “pride”
prideth “prides”
priestcraft trade or occupation of priest
priestling a little priest (used mockingly of a Roman catholic priest)
priestlings little priests (used mockingly of Roman catholic priests)
prigging stealing or pilfering
primariness the condition of occurring first in time, sequence or importance
primest most prime
primigenial first life-giving
princeliness have the quality of characteristics of a prince
principial out of conviction or principle
principially out of conviction or principle
principling instilling principles into
prise pry bar
prisoned “imprisoned”
prithee please; I pray thee
privacies private actions
privateering the act of being a privateer (a person who is authorized by one nation to attack or seize the goods or property of another nation)
privatest “most private”
privative causing deprivation, lack or loss
privatives things that cause deprivation, lack or loss)
privity knowledge of something private or secret shared between individuals, especially with the implication of approval or consent
prizest “prizes” or “prize”
prizeth “prizes”
probableness TBD
probational pertaining to a trial period in which a person’s fitness for membership in a working or social group is tested
probations trial periods in which a person’s fitness for membership in a working or social group is tested
probatory “probative” serving to test, try or prove
probings careful examinations
proceedest “proceeds” or “proceed”
procerity TBD
proclaimer one who proclaims
proclaimers those who proclaim
proclaimings multiple instances of proclaiming
proconsular TBD
procrastinations the putting off of doing something until a future time; postponing or delaying needlessly
procreant characterized by producing, creating, originating
procuration TBD
procurative TBD
procuratory that which gains or procures
procuress a female which obtains or acquires
procurest “procures” or “procure”
prodigalities TBD
prodigiousness TBD
producest TBD
produceth “produces”
producible able to be produced
producive TBD
productiveness the property of being productive
profanations the acts or instances of profaning; desecrations
profaneness the act of showing contempt or irreverence toward God or sacred things; being blasphemous
profanenesses acts showing contempt or irreverence toward God or sacred things; being blasphemous
profaner one who shows contempt or irreverence toward God or sacred things
profaners those who show contempt or irreverence toward God or sacred things
profanest “profane”
profanings the acts or instances of profaning; desecrations
professest “profess”
professeth “professes”
proficience “proficiency”
proficients experts
profitableness the condition of gaining benefit from
profligacies the giving over to recklessly wasteful or wildly extravagant actions
profluent flowing in a full stream
profuseness plentiful, overflowing abundance
profusest most profuse
profusive plentiful, overflowing, abundant or profuse
progeniture TBD
progged TBD
progging TBD
programme “program”
progressiveness a proceeding in steps
prohibiteth “prohibits”
prohibitionism TBD
prohibitory “prohibitive” forbidding, preventing or discouraging purchase or use of something
prole “prowl”
prolepsis the anticipation and answering of an objection or argument before one’s opponent has put it forward
proleptic characterized by the anticipation and answering of an objection or argument before one’s opponent has put it forward
proleptical characterized by the anticipation and answering of an objection or argument before one’s opponent has put it forward
proleptically TBD
proletaries TBD
prolifical “prolific” producing offspring or fruit in great abundance; fertile
proling “prowling” searching about secretively
prolings TBD
prolixly wordy and tedious
prolixness TBD
prolocutor a presiding officer or chairmen, especially of the lower house of a convocation in the Anglican Church
prolongedly TBD
prolonger one who extends or prolongs
prolongest “prolongs” or “prolong”
promanation a flowing forth; effluence; emanation
prominency prominence as in a geologic feature
promisee (the recipient of a promise)
promiser one who promises
promisers those who promise
promisest “promise”
promiseth “promises”
promisings “promises”
promoteth “promotes”
promotive tending to promote
prompteth “prompts”
promptings “prompts” encouragements to a duty or task
promulged made known, put into effect
promulgers those who make know or put into effect
promulges teaches, spreads or expounds
pronely lying with the front or face downward; prostrate
proner more likely
pronouncest “pronounces” or “pronounce”
pronounceth “pronounces”
propaedeutic providing introductory instruction
propaedeutics TBD
propagandism the art of using propaganda (false information spread abroad to manipulate people)
propagateth “propagates”
propagations ideas which are disseminated, as of a belief; increasing or spreading
propagative that which tends to increase, spread; makes known, publicizes
propaled presented; displayed
propaling “publishing”
propend to have an innate inclination or tendency toward
propense “propensity” an innate inclination; tendency
propensed TBD
propenseness “propensity” an innate inclination or tendency; bent
propension “propensity” an innate inclination or tendency; bent
propensions “propensities” innate inclinations or tendencies; bents
properest “most proper”
prophesiedst “prophesied”
prophethood the office or role of being a prophet
prophetical “prophetic” of the nature of prophecy; of or belonging to a prophet or prophecy
prophetism the giving of prophets to His people by God
propitiatary TBD
proponant “proponent”
proponants “proponents”
propone to argue in support of
proportionable being in due proportion
proportionableness the condition of being in due proportion
proportionably properly related in size or other characteristic
proportioneth “proportions”
proposant (French churches: probationer)
proposer one who proposes
proposers those who propose
proposest “proposes” or “propose”
proposeth “proposes”
propositional characterized by a plan or scheme suggested for acceptance
propounders those who teach or publicly read (those who propound)
propoundest “propound”
propoundeth “propounds”
propraetor A Roman official appointed, usually immediately after holding the praetorship, to be the chief administrator of a province
proprietaries that which befits owners
prosecuteth “prosecutes”
prosecutrix (female prosecutor)
proselyted newly converted to a religion or doctrine
proselyting “proselytizing”
proselytise “proselytize” to convert from one faith or belief to another
proselytism the practice of converting from one faith or belief to another
proses works of prose
prosignification TBD
prosopopeia the impersonation of an absent or imaginary speaker; personifications, as of abstractions or inanimate objects
prosopopoeical adjective form of “prosopopeia” (the impersonation of an absent or imaginary speaker; personifications, as of abstractions or inanimate objects)
prosperities conditions of having good fortune or financial success
prostrations the acts of prostrating oneself
protasis a subordinate clause, especially in a conditional sentence
protectest “protects” or “protect”
protecteth “protects”
protectoress a female guardian or patron; a title given to a female who ruled during the absence, minority, or illness of the monarch
protectorship the duties or office of a guardian or one who ruled during the absence, minority, or illness of the monarch
protectress “protectoress” (a female guardian or patron; a title given to a female who ruled during the absence, minority, or illness of the monarch)
protestanism the movement that seceded from the Church of Rome at the time of the Reformation
protestant any Christian belonging to a group descending from those that seceded from the Church of Rome at the time of the Reformation
protestants Christians belonging to a group descending from those that seceded from the Church of Rome at the time of the Reformation
protesteth “protests”
protevangelium TBD
proverbializing TBD
provest “prove”
providences the care, guardianship, and control exercised by a deity; divine directions
providest “provide”
providings “provisions”
provisionless without supplies or provision
provisor provider; enabler
provisors those who provide or enable
provocations causes of irritation; things that provoke
provocatives things that provoke, excite or stimulate
provoker who to stirs up or provokes to anger
provokest “provoke”
provokings things which provoke, stir up anger or irritation
provostship TBD
prudentest most prudent
prudentials things which arise from or are characterized by prudence; exercising good judgment or common sense)
pruneth “prunes”
prunings cutting off or removing dead or living parts or branches to improve shape or growth
pruriences TBD
pryed “pried”
pryeth “pries”
præfect “prefect” an officer of the law in the Roman Empire
psalmfully done with or through the perspective of the Psalms
psalmisters TBD
psalmodic consisting of Psalms
psalmodist one who sings the Psalms in divine worship
psychologic TBD
publicness being open and exposed to public view
pudder bustle, confusion, tumult, bother
puddered confused, bothered
puddled to have made muddy; to have processed by puddling (a technique for purifying impure metal)
puddling the purification of impure metal
puerilities childish actions, ideas or utterances
puft “puffed”
pulleth “pulls”
pulpiteers those who use the pulpit to serve their own ends
pulsations beats, throbs or vibrations
pulseless without a pulse or signs of life
punctualness “punctuality”
punishableness worthy to be disciplined or punished
punishest “punishes” or “punish”
punisheth “punishes”
punishings multiple instances of punishing
punitory punitive
punner one who makes puns or plays on words
pupilage the role or condition of being a pupil
pupillarity being a pupil
purchaseth “purchases”
purgations TBD
purger one who purges
purgest “purge”
purgings purifying; freeing from impurities
purifications acts or processes which cleanse or purify
purificatory characterized by freeing from sin, guilt or other defilement
purifyings freeing from impurities
puritanic pertaining to the Puritans
puritanicalness TBD
puritanism the practices and doctrines of the Puritans
puritanization made like the Puritans
purlin one of several horizontal timbers supporting the rafters of a roof
purlins TBD
purloineth “purloins”
purposest “purposes” or “purpose”
pursuantly in accordance with
pursuasives things that convince or persuade
pursuest “pursue”
pursuings “pursuits”
pursuivant follower or attendant
pursuivants followers or attendants
puseyite one who follows Puseyism, the teachings of Edward B. Pusey
puseyites those who follow Puseyism, the teachings of Edward B. Pusey
pusheth “pushes”
putrefieth “putrefies”
putrified “putrefied”
putrifieth “putrefies”
putrify “putrefy”
puttings settings
puttock a kind of animal
puzzleth “puzzles”
puzzlingly in a manner so as to confuse or puzzle
pyed TBD
pyragnus a plant in Greece
pyrausta TBD