sabbatarian a person who believes in strict observance of the Sabbath; a person who observes Saturday as the Sabbath, as in Judaism and some sects of Christianity
sabbatarianism the belief in strict observance of the Sabbath; a person who observes Saturday as the Sabbath, as in Judaism and some sects of Christianity
sabbatarians people who believe in strict observance of the Sabbath; people who observe Saturday as the Sabbath (as in Judaism and some sects of Christianity)
sabbathless deprived of a Sabbath
sabbatic “sabbatical” pertaining or appropriate to the Sabbath as the day of rest
sabbatising observance of the Sabbath
sabbatism celebration of the Sabbath
sabbatisms practices relating to the observation of the Sabbath
sabbatists those who believe in observing the Sabbath
sabbatized observed the Sabbath
sabellian TBD
sabellianism a version of modalism holding that the Godhead was differentiated only into a succession of modes or operations and that the Father suffered as much as the Son
sabellians those who believed in Sabellianism (a version of modalism holding that the Godhead was differentiated only into a succession of modes or operations and that the Father suffered as much as the Son)
sabre “saber” a heavy cavalry sword with a one-edged, slightly curved blade
sacerdotalism the belief that priests act as mediators between God and man
sacerdotalist one who holds to sacerdotalism (the belief that priests act as mediators between God and man)
sacerdotalists TBD
sackage (the process of sacking)
sackclothes garments made of rough cloth of camel’s hair, goat hair, hemp, cotton or flax, worn as a symbol of mourning or penitence
sackful TBD
sacramentalism TBD
sacramentally done as pertaining to, of the nature of, or used in a sacrament
sacramentarian one who regards the sacraments as merely visible symbols, not inherently efficacious nor corporeally manifesting Christ
sacramentarianism the belief that the sacraments act as merely visible symbols, not inherently efficacious nor corporeally manifesting Christ
sacramentarians those who regard the sacraments as merely visible symbols, not inherently efficacious nor corporeally manifesting Christ
sacramentary TBD
sacramentless deprived of the sacraments
sacrificer one offering a sacrifice
sacrificers those who offer a sacrifice
sacrificings “sacrifices”
sacrilegians those who commit sacrilege
sacrist one who has care over the maintenance of a temple
sadded “saddened”; make more compact, strengthened
sadducean TBD
sadduceeism TBD
sadducism (system of the Sadducees)
sadnesses sorrows, pains, sad feelings
sads “saddens”
sagacities wise, prudence actions
sagan TBD
sagans TBD
saileth “sails”
saintling a little saint
saintlings little saints
saintship a recognition by the Roman Catholic Church as being entitled to public veneration and as being capable of interceding for men on earth; one who has been canonized
saleable “salable” marketable
salineness “salinity” saltiness
salique TBD
sallads TBD
sallet a light helmet with or without a visor
saltatory of, pertaining to, or adapted for leaping or dancing
salter “saltier”; one who makes or sells salt
salters those who make or sell salt
saltest to salt; “saltiest”
saltings applications of salt
salubrity the condition of being healthful; conducive or favorable to health or well-being
saluter one who salutes
salvability capable of being salvaged or saved
salvationists TBD
salvations occasions of being saved, especially in a spiritual sense
salvatory relating to salvation
salveth “salves” soothes or comforts; to save from danger, loss or destruction; safeguard
salvific relating to salvation
salvifical TBD
samaritanism TBD
samphire any of several Old World plants of coastal areas
sanatory something used to restore sanity or peace of mind
sanctifiedly done in a pious, Godly or sanctified way
sanctifier one who sets apart, consecrates, purifies or makes holy
sanctifyingly TBD
sanctional able to be approved, supported or sanctioned
sanctitude “sanctity”
sandastra a precious stone
sandels “sandals”
sandemanianism TBD
sanhedrim a Jewish council of law
sanhedrims Jewish councils of law
sapless lacking spirit or energy
sappers those who dig fortifications
sarcasms mocking or sarcastic words
sarcastical “sarcastic”
sardonia an herb
satanical “satanic” pertaining to or suggesting of Satan or evil
satiateth “satiates” (satisfies fully)
satisfactionaries TBD
satisfier one who satisfies, fulfills
savans TBD
saveable able to be kept
savingly done in a manner so as to save
savingness ability to save
saviourhood the role or position of being a savior
saviourship the role or position of being a savior
savorly characterized by a distinctive taste or aroma; done in a manner of savoring; enjoyed with zest or relish
savoured “savored”
savoureth “savors” to taste or enjoy with zest; to relish
savourily done in a pleasant, fitting or savoury way
savouriness the characteristic of being appetizing to the taste or smell
savouring “savoring”
savourless lacking savor (a distinctive taste or aroma); lacking appeal to the senses
savours “savors” to taste or enjoy with zest; to relish; tastes of in a figurative sense
savoury “savory” appealing
sawings the act of being sawing
sayeth “says”
scalbs TBD
scamped to perform in a careless or superficial way
scandalise “scandalize”
scandalised “scandalized”
scandalising “scandalizing”
scandalizeth “scandalizes”
scandalousness being openly sinful or scandalous
scapebird TBD
scapulary a monk’s sleeveless outer garment hanging from the shoulders and sometimes having a cowl; a badge worn by members of certain religious orders, consisting of two pieces of cloth joined by strings and worn under the clothing about the shoulders
scareful “scary” terrifying, alarming
scareth “scares”
scarfs pieces of clothing worn around the head or neck for protection
scarifiers TBD
scathless without harm
scatteredly “scattered”
scatterer one who scatters
scatterest “scatter”
scatteringly done in a way so as to disperse
scatterings acts of distributing randomly or irregularly
scenical for the purpose of drawing attention to, or “making a scene”; “scenic”
sceptic “skeptic”
sceptical “skeptical”
sceptically “skeptically”
scepticism “skepticism”
sceptics “skeptics”
sceptre “scepter”
sceptres “scepters”
scheses the manners in which a thing is related to something else
schismatical characterized by division into factions
schismatics those who encourage or attempt to divide into factions
scholastical TBD
scholasticate something organized or existing for the purpose of teaching
scholasticizing TBD
scholia explanatory notes or commentaries, as on a Greek or Latin text
scholium an explanatory note or commentary, as on a Greek or Latin text
schoolfellows students who attended school with one another at the same time
schoolmen philosopher or theologians of medieval universities; professional educators or scholars
schwelksendians TBD
scientifical “scientific”
sciolism TBD
sciolist one who maintains a pretentious attitude of scholarship, superficial knowledge
sciolists those who maintain a pretentious attitude of scholarship, superficial knowledge
scoffeth “scoffs”
scoffingly done in a skeptical, mocking or scoffing manner
scoldings multiple instances of scolding
scorbutics TBD
scorcheth “scorches”
scorchings searing burns; censures
scorest (keeps score)
scoreth “scores”
scorners those who feel or express contempt or disdain towards people or objects considered inferior or despicable
scornfullest most scornful
scornings contempt or disdain, as felt or expressed towards people or objects considered despicable or inferior
scotchman a male Scot
scotchwoman a female Scot
scotists those who follow the scholastic philosophy of John Duns Scotus
scotticisms expressions, idioms or phrases unique to Scottish conversation
scourgest “scourges” or “scourge”
scourgings whippings (sometimes used for punishment generically)
scourings the refuse that remains after scouring grain; dregs, scum
scragged TBD
scrapeth “scrapes”
scratcheth “scratches”
screamings loud, violent yells or cries of distress
screechings high-pitched, piercing shrieks
screeks “screeches” shrieks
screweth “screws”
scribblings random, disorderly marks make with a pen or pencil
scrimpily TBD
scrimpness TBD
scrimptly in a scare, bare or scrimping way
scrips TBD
scripturality the extent to which something is based on the Scriptures
scripturalness the extent to which something is based on the Scriptures
scripturefulness TBD
scriptureless having no connection to the Scriptures
scrupler TBD
scruplers TBD
scrupleth “scruples” to hesitate or become reluctant
scrupulosities TBD
scrutinies close examinations
scrutinous in a close, careful, examining way
sculler (one who practices sculling in boats)
sculls long oars twisted from side to side over the stern of a boat to propel it; “skulls”
scums skims the scum (impure matter) off the top of something
scurfed to be have covered or be covered in a crust or scurf
scurfing to cover with a crust or scurf; the formation of a crust or scurf
scutcheon a shield-shaped object
seagulfs TBD
sealings the assurance or sealing of promises or blessings
searce TBD
searcer TBD
searchable able to be searched
searchingness an attitude or condition of searching
searedness condition of being hardened or seared
searings multiple instances of searing
seasonableness the condition of being timely or appropriate
seasoneth “seasons”
seateth “seats”
seceders those who withdraw formally from membership in an organization, association or alliance
secludeth “secludes”
seclusters TBD
secondaries TBD
secondeth “seconds”
secrecies the qualities or conditions of being secret or hidden; concealment
secresy “secrecy”
secretest “most secret”
secretness “secrecy”
sectarial identifying one as a member of a sect
sectaries Protestant nonconformists
sectarists TBD
sectary a dissenter from an established church
secularise “secularize”
secularistic considering that the present well-being of mankind should predominate over religious considerations in civil affairs
securement TBD
secureth “secures”
sedateness serene, calm deliberation
sederunt TBD
sederunts court meetings; lists of judges
sedgy characterized by sedge, plants resembling grasses
seditions insurrections; rebellions
seditiously done in a subversive, deceitful, rebellious or seditious manner
seedings plantings or sowings
seedness TBD
seedsman one who sows or scatters seed
seedsmen those sowing or scattering seeds
seeingly TBD
seeings visions
seekingly done in a seeking way
seekings seeking after things or ideas
seemest “seem”
seest “see”
segar “cigar”
segars “cigars”
seigniories kingdoms or areas of influence
seisin the act or an instance of taking legal possession of property
seizeth “seizes”
seizings multiple instances of seizing
seldomer more seldom
seldomness being occasional or seldom
selectest “select”
selecteth “selects”
selemnized made solemn or binding
semblances outward tokens or appearances
semiarians TBD
semiquavers a sixteenth note in music
senatorian characteristic of a Senator, a leading political figure
sensative pertaining to the senses; “sensitive”
senseth TBD
sensibleness being appropriate or sensible; having a sense of
sensitives organisms possessing sense; animals
sensories senses or organs of sense (such as the eyes, the ears, etc.)
sensorium the entire sensory system
sensualities lasciviousness
sensualize to make sensual
sensualizing making sensual
sentatory TBD
sentenceth “sentences”
sentencial TBD
sententiousness the condition of being given to pompous moralizing
sentimentalisms ideas or expressions marked by excessive sentiments
sentrying being on guard, watchful
separably TBD
separatical (tendency to separate)
separatistic TBD
sepiae a species of fish
sepoys In some Middle Eastern countries, a native regular soldier; especially, a native Indian soldier formerly under British command
septenary of or pertaining to the number seven
sepulture the act of internment; burial
sequacious disposed to follow any leader; dependent
sequents sequence
sequestereth “sequesters”
seraphical having the characteristics of a seraph (an angel having three pairs of wings)
serened made serene
sergeantry TBD
serjeant “sergeant”
sermonizer one who delivers a sermon
sermonizers those who deliver sermons
sermonless deprived of sermons
serpenting like a snake or serpent
servanthood the role or position of being a servant
servetianism TBD
serviceableness suitability, ability to render service
servilely done in an obsequious manner, characteristic of a slave or servant
servileness done like a slave or servant
sessional characteristic of a session, a governing body of the church
sessionally TBD
sessioner a member of a session
sesterces silver or brass coins of ancient Rome, equal to 1/4 of a denarius
settelest “settle”
settledness being settled or content
settleth “settles”
severals several things or items
severeth “severs”
severities harshness, rigor, extreme strictness
shabble TBD
shaddai a name for God, Almighty
shadest “shade”
shadowings “shadows”
shadowless without a shadow
shaleing (taken, probably, from shale, meaning a husk or shell; hence, outside, specious)
shallop TBD
shamefulest “most shameful”
shamest “shames” or “shame”
shapen “shaped”
shapings changing the form of objects
sharest “share”
shareth “shares”
sharpers those who deal dishonestly with others’ especially, a gambler who cheats
shattereth “shatters”
shaveling one whose head is shaved (used mockingly of monks and other Roman catholic officials)
shavelings those whose heads are shaved (used mockingly of monks and other Roman catholic officials)
shearer one who cuts or clips sheep’s wool
shearings the cutting off of hair
sheddest “sheds” or “shed”
sheddings dropping, losing; pouring forth
sheephood the position of being a sheep (used for Christians submitting to God)
sheepman one who keeps, tends to or cares for sheep
sheepmen those who keep, tend to or care for sheep
shekinah (an aspect or manifestation of God’s glory)
shelterest “shelters” or “shelter”
sheltereth “shelters”
shelterless TBD
sheol hell
shepherdhood the position of being a shepherd
shepherdize to do everything like a shepherd
shepherdless without a guide or shepherd
shewers (those that show things such as a puppet-show)
shewn “shown”
shews “shows”
shieling a shepherd’s hut
shiftest “shifts” or “shift”
shiftings “shifts” changes
shinest “shines” or “shine”
shingly TBD
shinings radiating, emitting
shintoists those who worship with the aboriginal religion of Japan, marked by the veneration of nature spirits and of ancestors
shipwright a carpenter employed in the construction or maintenance of ships
shoar “shore”
shoeth “shoes”
shootest “shoot”
shoreth “shores”
shorteneth “shortens”
shouldst “should”
shoutings “shouts” loud outbursts of noise
shovelled “shoveled”
showedst “showed”
showerest “showers” or “shower”
showereth “showers”
showest “show”
showeth “shows”
shrap a place baited with chaff to entice birds
shrape a place baited with chaff to entice birds
shrewishly done in a shrewish manner
shrewishness being like a shrew
shriekings “shrieks” shrill outcries
shrinketh “shrinks”
shrinkingly TBD
shrinkings drawings back from, cringes
shrivelled shrunk or wrinkled
shroudings “shrouds”
shube a fur gown or coat
shufflings acting shiftily or in a deceitful manner
shunners those who shun
shunneth “shuns”
shuttest “shut”
sibber More nearly related, as in siblings
sibness kinship or relation
sickeneth “sickens”
sickishness “sickliness”
sickled TBD
sidedly (as in many-sidedly)
sidelings directed to one side, sloping
sidest (join the side of)
siftest “sifts” or “sift”
sighingly done with a sigh, to suggest longing or mourning
sighings feeling of lamentation, longing, mourning or grief
sightliness TBD
sightly (opposite of unsightly)
signalised “signalized” to have made remarkable or conspicuous; to have pointed out particularly
significancy “significance”
significations intended meanings or senses
significative indicative, suggestive, symbolic
silenceth “silences”
sillily (silly like)
sillinesses immature or silly behaviors
silverings pieces of silver
similarness “similarity”
similitudes similarities, analogies or parables
simoniacal (behavior like that of Simon Magus)
simonist one guilty of simony (the selling of clerical offices)
simonists those who are guilty of simony (the selling of clerical offices)
simpleness “simplicity”
sinable able to sin
sinaitic referring to, or having to do with, Sinai
sinecurist TBD
sinfuller more sinful
sinfullest TBD
singable able to be sung
singest “sing”
singleth “singles”
sinistrous sinister
sinistrously TBD
sinkest “sinks” or “sink”
sinketh “sinks”
sinkings acts of becoming weaker, quieter, or less forceful
sinlessly done without sin
sinlessness condition of being sin-free, the absence of sin
sinnedst “sinned”
sinnership the position of being a sin
sinnings “sins”
sinuosities being characterized by curves or turns, winding
sippest “sip”
sippeth “sips”
sirname “surname” a person’s family name, as distinguished from his given name
sirnames “surnames” people’s family names, as distinguished from their given names
sirrah fellow; used as a contemptuous form of address
sist to cause to take a place, as at the bar of a court; to summon; to bring into court
sisted caused to take a place, as at the bar of a court; summoned
sisting causing to take a place, as at the bar of a court; summoning, bringing into court
sists causes to take a place, as at the bar of a court; summons
sitten “sat”
sizy TBD
skaith TBD
skeletonize TBD
skeletonizing TBD
skep TBD
skilful “skillful”
skilfullest “most skillful”
skilfully “skillfully”
skilfulness “skillfulness”
skilfulnesses abilities, experience or expertise
skilleth “skills”
skillfullest most experienced or skilled
skimmeth “skims”
slabber TBD
slackeneth TBD
slacketh “slacks”
slaketh “slakes” to satisfy or satiate
slappings “slaps”
slasheth “slashes”
slaters TBD
sleeped “slept”
sleightily TBD
slenderly slightly, meagerly, in a small amount
slidings (as in backslidings)
slighters those who treat disrespectfully or discourteously
slighteth “slights”
slightily contemptuously or in way to undervalue
slightingly done in a manner conveying disrespectfulness and discourteousness
slightings disrespectful or discourteous actions or manners
slightness the condition of small importance or consideration
slighty contemptuously or in way to undervalue
slily “slyly”
slimsy frail, flimsy
slippest “slips” or “slip”
slippings “slips”
slipt “slipped”
slough a state of deep despair or moral degradation
sloven TBD
slubber to cover carelessly; to do lazily, imperfectly or coarsely
slubbered covered carelessly; done lazily, imperfectly; coarsely
slubbering TBD
slumberers those who slumber or sleep, usually inappropriately
slumberest “slumber”
sluttery TBD
sluttishly of loose morals
smarteth “smarts”
smartings sharp pains or winces
smatterers those who gather a small bit (a smatter) of something
smellest “smells” or “to smell”
smilest “smiles” or “smile”
smileth “smiles”
smilings “smiles”
smiter (one who smites)
smitings strikes, heavy blows
smoketh “smokes”
smoothe “smooth”
smothereth “smothers”
smoulder “smolder”
smouldering “smoldering”
smutch to soil or stain; a stain or spot of dirt
smutcheth “smutches” (to soil or stain)
snakebone TBD
snapt “snapped”
snarlings roars, growls or snarls, usually of a wild animal
snatchest “snatch”
snatcheth “snatches”
sneakingly done in a secretive, furtive way
sneeringly done in a scornful or contemptuous way
sneezeth “sneezes”
snegs TBD
snib to latch a door
snibbed to have latched a door
snibbing the latching of a door
snudges misers
soaketh “soaks”
soareth “soars”
soarings TBD
sociableness the condition of being friendly, pleasant or affable
socinian characteristic of the teachings of a sect holding unitarian views, including denial of the divinity of Jesus
socinianism the teachings of a sect holding unitarian views, including denial of the divinity of Jesus
socinianizers those seeking to proclaim the teachings of a sect holding unitarian views, including denial of the divinity of Jesus
socinianizing TBD
socinians those who believe the teachings of a sect holding unitarian views, including denial of the divinity of Jesus
sodomitical relating to or resembling sodomy or sodomites
softeneth “softens”
softenings the growing more soft or tender in actions, attitude or affections
softlier more softly
sojournings travels, wanderings or journeys
solacest “solace”
solaceth “solaces”
solafideanism TBD
soldiership the position or role of being a soldier
solemnisation “solemnization”
solemnise “solemnize”
solemnising “solemnizing”
solemnness being solemn, important or grave
solicitest “solicits” or “solicit”
soliciteth “solicits”
solifidians people who believe that faith alone is sufficient to ensure salvation
solitariness the condition of being alone or remote from others; isolation
solitudal “solitary”
solitudes lonely or secluded places
solity TBD
solsequy early name of the sun flower
sombre “somber”
somebodies people of significance or special worth
songless without song
songmen TBD
sonship condition of being a son
soop TBD
sooted covered with soot
sooth reality, truth
soothings things expressed to calm, mollify or placate
soots to make sooty
sophister one skillful in devious argumentation, a philosopher engaged in overly subtle, self-serving reasoning
sophisters those skillful in devious argumentation, philosophers engaged in overly subtle, self-serving reasoning
sophistical characterized by devious argumentation, engaged in overly subtle, self-serving reasoning
sophisticating making something more complicated than it really is
sopited synonym for seared
sorbonnist TBD
sorceries witchcraft; black magic
sorcerous “sorcerer-like”
sordidness the condition of being filthy, foul or dirty
sorrily poorly or pathetically
sorrowedst “sorrowed”
sorrowingly in a manner characterized by sorrow
sorrowings TBD
sorteth “sorts”
sortilege the act or practice of foretelling the future by drawing lots
soteric TBD
soteriological the adjective form of “soteriology” (the theological doctrine of salvation as effected by Christ)
soteriology the theological doctrine of salvation as effected by Christ
sottish stupefied or drunk
sottishly done in a stupefied way or as if drunk
sottishness the condition of being stupefied from or as if from drink
soughtest “sought”
souled given a soul
soureth “sours”
sourness the condition of tasting acidic, sharp, tart or tangy
soutanes cassocks worn by Roman Catholic priests
sovereignly done in a supreme, superlative, sovereign manner
sower one who sows or distributes seed in a field
sowers those who sow or distribute seed in a field
spake “spoke”
sparedst “spared”
sparingness being frugal or sparing
sparkleth “sparkles”
sparklings shining flashes or glitters
spattle “spit”
speakings spoken things
speakless things that cannot be spoken about
speat TBD
specialism confinement or limitation to some field of study or occupation
specialities “specialties”
speciality “specialty”
specialness the condition of being exceptional, distinct above others
specifical “specific”; “specified”
specificate “specify”
specificates “specifies”
specificating “specifying”
specificness “specificity”
specifieth “specifies”
spectatorship the role or position of being a spectator
spectre “specter” a ghost, apparition, phantom
spectres “specters” ghosts, apparitions, phantoms
specular of, resembling, or produced by a mirror or speculum
speculatist one who meditates or reflects on a given subject
speedest “speeds” or “speed”
speel TBD
speins TBD
spence TBD
spendings spending resources (such as money)
spermal TBD
spermatical TBD
sphericity TBD
spheroidal shaped like an ellipsoid that is generated by revolving an ellipse around one of its axes
sphragistic characterized by the study of seals and signets
sphragistics the study of seals and signets
spieth “spies”
spight “spite”
spillest “spills” or “spill”
spillings “spills”
spinned “spun”
spiration TBD
spired “inspired”
spiritedness TBD
spiritednesses TBD
spiritful full of energy, zeal and spirit
spiritualise “spiritualize”
spiritualised “spiritualized”
spiritualising “spiritualizing”
spiritualities Godly or spiritual behaviours
spiritualizations TBD
spiritualize to impart a spiritual nature or meaning to; refine, purify
spiritualized to have imparted a spiritual nature or meaning to; refined, purified)
spiritualizeth “spiritualizes”
spiritualizing the act of imparting a spiritual nature or meaning to; refining, purifying
spiritualness be Godly or spiritual in nature
spiry TBD
spital “spittle” spit or saliva
spiteth “spits”
spittals hospitals for those with contagious diseases
spittest “spits” or “spit”
spittings spitting upon
splendent shining or lustrous; brilliant; celebrated; illustrious
splendour “splendor”
splendours “splendors”
splitted “split”
splittings TBD
spokenness the act of speaking or uttering
spokest “speak” or “spoke”
spoliations the acts of despoiling or plundering; the intentional alteration or destruction of a document
spongioles little hair-like roots sent out from plants
sponsion the act of becoming surety for another
sponsory assuming the responsibility for a person or group
spontaneousness the property of being spontaneous
sportest “sport”
sportful characterized by sports activities
sportfully doing in a playful or sporting manner
spouters TBD
sprawleth “sprawls”
sprightful full of energy
springings leaps and bounds of joy
springles pine needles
springlock a lock in which the bolt shoots automatically by means of a spring
sprouteth “sprouts”
sproutings shoots or buds; sudden eruptions
spues “spews”
spuing “spewing”
spunge “sponge”
spurneth “spurns”
squanderers those who waste or squander resources
squanderest “squanders” or “squander”
squareth “squares”
squeaketh “squeaks”
squeasy “queasy”
squeezeth “squeezes”
squinancy “quinsy” (an inflammation of the tonsils, or any parts of the throat)
squirmings multiple instances of squirming
stabbeth “stabs”
stablish “establish”
stablishes “establishes”
stablishing “establishing”
stackyards yards or enclosures for stacks of hay or grain
stadia TBD
stadtholder the governor or ruler of a fortress; viceroy
stadtholdership the role of a governor or ruler of a fortress; the position of viceroy
staggerers TBD
staggerings “staggers”
stainer one who applies stain, as in painting
staineth “stains”
stalworth “stalwart” strong, sturdy, robust, resolute, uncompromising
stammerer TBD
stammerings “stammers”
stampeth “stamps”
stampt “stamped”
standers those who stand
stange TBD
stanzaic characterized by stanzas, one of the divisions of a poem
stareth “stares”
startest “start”
starteth “starts”
startings jumps, jerks or other sudden, involuntary movements
startleth “startles”
startlingness the condition of alarming, frightening, or surprising
starvedly being deprived or starved
starveth “starves”
starvlings TBD
statedly having stated something
statemanship the office or duties of one who is a leader in national or international affairs
staters shekels of the sanctuary
stateth “states”
statical “static”
statics TBD
statists “statisticians” (those who gather or analyze statistics)
statuted legislated statutes
staunched stopped the flow of
stayedness determination
stayer one who stays (provides strength or support)
stayest “stay”
steads places or positions
stealest “steal”
stedfast “steadfast”
stedfastly “steadfastly”
stedfastness “steadfastness”
steepness rising or falling sharply, dramatically or precipitously
steereth “steers”
stepdame step-woman, as in referring to relationships
steppest “steps” or “step”
stept “stepped”
sternness the condition of being firm, unyielding, inflexible, stern
stewardly done in a manner of a steward, faithfully managing the things that belong to another
stewartry the tasks and concerns pertaining to a steward
stickest TBD
stickle to argue or contend stubbornly, particularly about trifles
stickled to have argued or contended stubbornly, particularly about trifles)
stickling arguing or contending stubbornly, particularly about trifles
stiffeneth “stiffens”
stiffneckedness “stubbornness”
stiflings TBD
stigmatical having or being a stigma (a sign or mark of reproach)
stigmatise “stigmatize”
stigmatised “stigmatized”
stigmatises “stigmatizes”
stigmatizeth “stigmatizes”
stigmatological TBD
stigmatology accentuation of the Hebrew Bible
stiled “styled”
stilly quiet, calm
stinged “stung”
stingest “strings” or “sting”
stingings “stings”
stirrest “stirs” or “stir”
stoick “stoic” a person seemingly indifferent to or unaffected by joy, grief, pleasure or pain
stomachful stubborn, obstinate or perverse
stomachfulness stubbornness; willfully obstinate; perverseness
stonings stoning people or things
stoopest “stoops” or “stoop”
stoppest TBD
stopt “stopped”
storeth “stores”
storey “story”
storeys “stories”
stormeth “storms”
stounds TBD
stoup a basin or font for holy water at the entrance of a church; a bucket or pail
stoups basins or fonts for holy water at the entrance of a church; buckets or pails
stouted TBD
straggleth “straggles”
stragglings straying or falling behind
straineth “strains”
strainings “strains”
straitenedness being constricted, confined or restricted
straitenings constrictions, confinements or restrictions
straiter more direct
straitness “straightness”
stranged wonder, marvel, balk at
strangership TBD
stranging wondering
strangury a disease involving slow, painful urination
strapadoes (instrument of beating torture)
stratigraphic TBD
stratigraphical TBD
stratigraphy the study of strata
strawed spread straw
strayeth “strays”
strayings acts of wandering away or straying
streakings “streaks”
streamings “streams”
strengthener one who strengthens
strengthenest “strengthen”
strengthenings things with give support, energy or strength
strengthless without strength, power or energy
streperous TBD
stressings “stresses”
stretchings TBD
strickly “strictly”
strictnesses harsh, tough, or restrictive actions
strifes conflicts, dissensions, contentions
strikest “strike”
strikings multiple instances of striking
strippest “strips” or “strip”
strippings the removing of things
striver one who strives or contends
strivers those who strive or contend
strivest “strive”
stroketh “strokes”
strout to swell, puff out, or project
strouting swelling, puffing out, projecting
struggleth “struggles”
strugglings “struggles”
struthiocamelus an ostrich
stubbornest most stubborn
studiers those who study
studiest “study”
stumblest “stumbles” or “stumble”
stumblingly done in an unsteady or faltering manner
stumblings “stumbles”
stunkard TBD
stuntings constraints, limitations, reductions in
stupefactives (those which induce a stupor; anesthetics)
stupendousness the property of being tremendous, amazing or stupendous
stupified amazing, astonishing, with the senses dulled
stupifieth “stupefies”
stupifying causing amazement or astonishment, or dulling the senses
stye “sty”
styes “sties”
styleth “styles”
suasion “persuasion”
suasions “persuasions”
suasive “persuasive”
suasory “persuasive”
suavities smooth graciousness in social manner
subducted pulled underneath
subducting pulling underneath; withdrawing, taking away, deducting
subduer one who conquers or subjugates
subjecteth “subjects”
subjectible TBD
subjectivizing making subjective (proceeding from an individual’s mind or emotions)
subjectless with a subject
subjectlessness the condition of not having a subject
subjector TBD
subjoineth “subjoins” (to add at the end; append)
sublapsarian one who believes in sublapsarianism (the predestination doctrine that God allowed the fall of man and elected some from the fallen to be saved by a redeemer)
sublapsarianism the predestination doctrine that God allowed the fall of man and elected some from the fallen to be saved by a redeemer
sublapsarians those who believe in sublapsarianism (the predestination doctrine that God allowed the fall of man and elected some from the fallen to be saved by a redeemer)
sublation a taking away from
sublimary (root is “sublime”)
sublimeness high spiritual, intellectual or moral worth
sublimer “more sublime”
sublimest “most sublime”
sublimities things that have high spiritual, intellectual or moral worth
sublimity characteristic of being highly spiritual, intellectual or moral
submiss “submissive”
submissiveness the condition of being docile, yielding to authority
submitteth “submits”
subordinationism TBD
subordinations conditions of belonging to a lower rank or class
subscribeth “subscribes”
subsequents that which is “subsequent”
subserve to serve to promote; be useful to; to further
subserved to have served to promote; been useful to; to have furthered
subserves to serve to promote; be useful to; to further
subserviency the condition of being subordinate in capacity or function
subserving promoting, furthering, being useful to
subsidences TBD
subsistences means of sustenance
subsistencies means of sustenance
subsistency a means of sustenance
subsistents something that subsists; something that really exists
subsisteth “subsists”
substantials essentials
substantival of, pertaining to, or of the nature of something independent in existence or function
substitutional being substituted; taking the place of something else
substitutionary characteristic of something that takes the place of something else
subterraneous underground
subtile “subtle”
subtilely “subtly”
subtilis Latin: “of senses”
subtility “subtlety”
subtilized made more and obscure or subtile
subtilly “subtly”
subtilties “subtleties”
subtilty “subtlety”
subverters those who destroy completely or ruin
succedaneous TBD
succeedeth “succeeds”
successless without success
successlessness unable to have success
succorers those who assist or help in time of distress
succourers “succorers” those who assist or help in time of distress
succourest “succours” or “succour” (provide support, help, defense)
succouring “succoring”
succourless without succour (support, help, defense)
succours “succors”
suckest “sucks” or “suck”
sucketh “sucks”
sucklings young mammals that have not been weaned
sueable TBD
sueing “suing”
suer one bringing a lawsuit, a plaintiff
suest “sues” or “sue”
sueth “sues”
sufferable capable of being endured or permitted; tolerable
sufferedst “suffered”
sufficience “sufficiency”
sufficiencies adequacies
sufficientized made complete and sufficient
suffragan a bishop elected or appointed as an assistant to a bishop or ordinary of a diocese, having administrative and episcopal responsibilities but no jurisdictional functions
suffragans bishops elected or appointed as an assistants to a bishop or ordinary of a diocese, having administrative and episcopal responsibilities but no jurisdictional functions)
suggesters those who suggest
suggesteth “suggests”
suicidally TBD
suings (as in suing for peace; as in lawsuits)
suiteth “suits”
sullenness showing a brooding ill humor or resentment
sulphur “sulfur” a pale-yellow nonmetallic element
sulphureous of or pertaining to sulfur
sulphurous of, relating to, derived from, or containing sulfur
sultanies sultanates
summarises “summarizes”
summeth “sums”
summoners those who summon
summoneth “summons”
summonings calls, orders or summons to appear at a certain place
sumpter a pack animal, such as a horse or mule
sundred TBD
sunshining TBD
superabound to be unusually or excessively abundant
superabounded to have been unusually or excessively abundant
superabounding unusually or excessively abundant
superabounds to be unusually or excessively abundant
superadd to add over and above; to annex, as something extrinsic
superadded added over and above; annexed, as something extrinsic
superaddition adding over and above; annexing, as something extrinsic
superadds adds above and beyond what has already been added
supercede “supersede” (to take the place of)
superceded to have taken the place of
supercession taking the place of
supercessive taking the place of
supereminence prominence above all others
supereminent prominent above all others
supererogate to do more than is ordered, required or expected
supererogating TBD
supererogations TBD
superfices TBD
superficialness being superficial or temporary
superficiary “superficial”
superficies surfaces of an area or body
superfluousness being unnecessary, extra or superfluous
superinduce to introduce as an addition
superinduced introduced as an addition
superinduces introduces as an addition
superinducing introducing as an addition
superinduction the act of introducing as an addition
superintendence the act of having charge of, exercising supervision over, managing
superintendency having charge of, exercising supervision over, managing
superiour “superior”
superlativeness the condition of being of the highest order, quality or degree, superior to all others
supermaterialism an excessive emphasis on material things
supernaturalistic the quality of being supernatural
supernaturalists those who believe in a supernatural agency that intervenes in the course of natural laws
supernaturalized TBD
supernaturalness the condition of being supernatural (pertaining to existence outside the natural world)
supernaturals TBD
superrational above and beyond rational reason
superscribe to write on the outside or upper part of
superscribed written on the outside or upper part of
superscriptions things written above or outside something
supersedeas TBD
supersensual beyond or above that which can be perceived with the senses
supersensuous beyond or above that which can be perceived with the senses
superstructed built on top of a foundation
superstructory being built on top of a foundation
supervenient TBD
supervention an occurrence that is extraneous, additional or unexpected
supineness the condition of being indisposed to act or object; lethargic; passive
suppest TBD
supplantation being undermined, betrayed or supplanted
supplanter one who takes the place of or ousts
supplanters those who take the place of or oust
suppled made supple (pliant, agile, limber)
supples makes supple (pliant, agile, limber)
supplicatory characterized by asking for, humbly or earnestly, as by praying
suppliest “supplies” or “supply”
supportation “support”
supporteth “supports”
supportings TBD
supportment “support”
supportments “supports”
supposable that can be supposed or conjectured
supposableness able to be supposed; possible
supposal “supposition”
supposer one who assumes or supposes
supposest “supposes” or “suppose”
supposeth “supposes”
supposititious substituted with fraudulent intent; spurious; counterfeit
suppresseth “suppresses”
supputation the act of calculating or computing; a calculation, computation or reckoning
supralapsarian any of the Calvinists who believe that God’s determination of the elect preceded the fall of man from grace and that the fall itself had been predestined
supralapsarianism the belief that God’s determination of the elect preceded the fall of man from grace and that the fall itself had been predestined
supralapsarians any of the Calvinists who believe that God’s determination of the elect preceded the fall of man from grace and that the fall itself had been predestined
supranaturalistic TBD
suprarational above or beyond rational reason
supremeness “supremacy”
supremest “most supreme”
surah a soft twilled fabric of silk or of a blend of silk and rayon
surceasing TBD
surehold holding fast or firm
suretiship the condition of being a guarantor; being the underwriter of a loan
suretyship the condition of being a guarantor; being the underwriter of a loan
suretyships conditions of being a guarantor
surfeitest “surfeits” or “surfeit”
surmounteth “surmounts”
surnaming to give someone a surname
surpassest TBD
surpasseth “surpasses”
surpassingness the condition of being exceptional or exceeding
surpentine “serpentine” of or resembling a serpent, as in form or movement; sinuous, winding
surpliced TBD
surplusage surplus, excess
surprisal the act of surprising or the condition of being surprised
surprisals acts of surprising or conditions of being surprised
surpriseth “surprises”
surprizal the act of surprising or the condition of being surprised
surprizals acts of surprising or conditions of being surprised
surprize “surprise”
surprized “surprised”
surprizeth TBD
surrendry “surrender”
surreption acts performed by secret, clandestine or stealthy means
surrogation the substitution of one person for another
surroundeth “surrounds”
surviveth “survives”
susception reception; the act of taking
susceptor TBD
suspectest “suspect”
suspecteth “suspects”
suspendest “suspends” or “suspend”
suspendeth “suspends”
sustainer one who maintains or prolongs
sustainest TBD
sustaineth “sustains”
sustainment the condition of being kept in existence; maintained; prolonged
sustentation support; sustenance; food
swail “swale” a low tract of land, especially moist or marshy land
swallowers those who consume or swallow
swallowest TBD
sware “swore”
swaredst “swears” or “swore”
swarmeth “swarms”
swate “sweat”
swayeth “sways”
sweal a flame or blaze; burning or consuming in a flame
sweals flames or blazes; to burn or consume in a flame
swearer one who swears or takes an oath
swearers those who swear or take an oath
swearest “swear”
swearings curses, oaths or deprecations
sweateth “sweats”
swedenborgian of or related to the teachings of Swedenborg
sweepeth “sweeps”
sweeteneth “sweetens”
sweetnesses pleasant or appealing things
swellest “swell”
swelleth “swells”
swerveth “swerves”
swervings the turnings aside from straight courses
swimmed “swam”
swindlings acts of cheating of defrauding someone of money or property
swinked caused to toil or drudge; tired or exhausted with labor; acquired by labor
swoonings repeated fainting or collapsing from exhaustion
sybils TBD
syllabical having syllables or spoken in syllables
syllabled having syllables or spoken in syllables
syllogistical of, pertaining to, resembling or consisting of a syllogism (a form of deductive reasoning consisting of a major premise, a minor premise, and a conclusion)
syllogized TBD
syllogizing reasoning or arguing by means of syllogisms
symbolise “symbolize”
symbolised “symbolized”
symbolises “symbolizes”
sympathise “sympathize”
sympathised “sympathized”
sympathiser “sympathizer”
sympathisers “sympathizers”
sympathises “sympathizes”
sympathiseth “sympathizes”
sympathising “sympathizing”
sympathisingly “sympathetically”
symphonize to harmonize by combining elements
symptomatical “symptomatic”
synecdoches figures of speech by which a more inclusive term is user for a less inclusive term, or vice versa
synecdochial characterized by the use of a synecdoche (a figure of speech by which a more inclusive term is used for a less inclusive term, or vice versa)
synecdochical characterized by the use of a synecdoche (a figure of speech by which a more inclusive term is used for a less inclusive term, or vice versa)
synecdochically characterized by the use of a synecdoche (a figure of speech by which a more inclusive term is used for a less inclusive term, or vice versa)
synechdochical “synecdochical” (characterized by the use of a synecdoche--a figure of speech by which a more inclusive term is used for a less inclusive term, or vice versa)
synergist an adherent of the doctrine that regeneration is effected by a combination of human will and divine grace
synergists adherents of the doctrine that regeneration is effected by a combination of human will and divine grace
synodal characterized by a council or assembly of church officials; an ecclesiastical council
synodical pertaining to or of the nature of a synod (a council or assembly of church officials; an ecclesiastical council)
synodically done in a way like or as a synod (a council or assembly of church officials; an ecclesiastical council)
synoptics of or designating the first three Gospels of the New Testament, which correspond closely
synthetical TBD
syrens “sirens”
syriac TBD
syringer “syringe”
syringeth “syringes”; the motion of a syringe
systematical “systematic” of, characterized by, based upon, or constituting a system; carried on in a step-by-step procedure
systematician one who carries things out in an orderly, step-by-step manner or formulates something into an orderly system
systematicians those who formulate something into an orderly system
systematics the formulation of something into an orderly system
systematizer one who formulates something into an orderly system
systemless without a system or orderly arrangement