taber “tambourine”
tabernacled to enshrine; to dwell temporarily
tabernacling enshrining; dwelling temporarily
tachta a Persian bed or couch
tactible able to be felt or touched
taintest “taints” or “taint”
tainteth “taints”
talebearing spreading malicious stories or gossip
talkativeness the inclination to talk loquaciously
talkings “talks”
tallowy characterized by tallow (a mixture of the whitish, tasteless solid or hard fat obtained from parts of the bodies of cattle, sheep, or horses, and used in edibles or to make candles, soap, leather dressing and lubricants)
tambouring TBD
tameless not able to be tamed or domesticated
tamperings interfering in a harmful manner
taskings TBD
tastedst “tasted”
tastest “taste”
tastings likings; distinguishing the flavor of by taking into the mouth
tateth “tat”
taunters those who deride or reproach with contempt; mockers
tauntings “taunts”
tautologize to make into a tautology (a logical construct that says the same thing twice)
taverners those who frequent or attend taverns or pubs
taxations acts of levying or collecting taxes
taxeth “taxes”
teachability the characteristic of being readily teachable
teachableness the ability to be taught
tearest “tears” or “tear”
tearings “tears”
teasle TBD
teazed “teased”
technics the theory, principles, or study of an art or process
ted to strew or spread (newly mown grass, for example) for drying
tedder one who strews or spreads (newly mown grass, for example) for drying
teddered to have strewn or spread for drying; tethered, limited
teinds TBD
telic directed or tending toward a goal or purpose; purposeful
tempereth “tempers”
templer one who inhabits the temple or God’s house
temporals things that are temporary, in this life
temporising “temporizing” compromising or acting evasively in order to gain time, avoid argument, or postpone a decision
temptest “tempts” or “tempt”
temptings attempts to seduce or distract with a desired object or pleasure
tenableness ability to be believed, proposed, defended or maintained
tendance care, as in “being tended”
tendence care, as in “being tended”
tenderer “more tender”; one who makes an offer of money or service in payment of an obligation
tenderest “most tender”; “tender”, to offer formally
tendereth “tenders”
tendernesses acts of tenderness
tendest that which leads to
tenon TBD
tenour “tenor”
tentation “temptation”
tentations “temptations”
tenter a framework upon which milled cloth is stretched for drying without shrinkage
tenters frameworks upon which milled cloth is stretched for drying without shrinkage
tenuity lack of firmness or mettle; delicate fragility
teraphim small domestic images or idols revered by ancient Semitic people
tergiversations changing sides, equivocating, using ambiguities or evasions
termeth “terms”
terminateth “terminates”
terminations endings, conclusions, or closings
terminatively TBD
terraqueous composed of both land and water
terrene of or pertaining to the earth; earthly
terriblest “most terrible”
terrifieth “terrifies”
tesselated formed into a mosaic pattern, as by using small squares of stone or glass
testamental TBD
testification “testimony”
testifications “testimonies”
tetrarchies kingdoms ruled by three men
tetrarchy rule by three rulers
tetter a general term for any disease that creates sores on the skin (such as ringworm, eczema, etc.)
textuaries specialists in the study of the Scriptures
textuarist TBD
textuary TBD
thanker one who expresses thankfulness
thanketh “thanks”
thanksgivings acts of giving thanks
thaweth “thaws”
theanthropic both divine and human in nature or quality
theatre “theater”
theatres “theaters”
theatric “theatrical”
theistical characterized by the belief in a god or gods, especially, belief in a personal God as creator and ruler of the world
theocentric centering on God as the prime concern
theocentrically centering on God as the prime concern
theocentricism TBD
theocentricity TBD
theodicy a vindication of divine justice in the face of the existence of evil
theogonies recitations of the origin and genealogy of the gods, especially as in ancient epic poetry
theologic TBD
theologues theological pundits
theophanies appearances of God or of a god to man; divine manifestations
theophany an appearances of God or of a god to man; a divine manifestation
theopneustic given by the inspiration of the Spirit of God
theopneustics those who are inspired by the Spirit of God
theopneusty the quality of being given by the inspiration of the Spirit of God
thereanent TBD
thermic having to do with heat
thetes TBD
thew TBD
thews muscular power or strength
thir (these)
thirstest “thirsts” or thirsts after
thirstings acts of being thirsty or desiring after something
thitherward in that direction; thither
thomists TBD
thoughted TBD
thrack to load or burden
thracked loaded or burdened
thraldom servitude; bondage
thraldoms servitudes; bondages
thrasheth to thrash about or struggle wildly
thrasonical boastful
threap TBD
threatenedst “threatened”
threatenest “threaten”
threateneth “threatens”
threatenings “threats”
thriftlessness not frugal or wise in the management of resources
thrivest “thrive”
thrivings successes or accomplishments
throbbings “throbs” pulsing movements
throned “enthroned”
thronger TBD
throngest TBD
throughly “thoroughly”
throwest “throw”
throweth “throws”
thrustings “thrusts”
thumbkins TBD
thunderer one who thunders or causes the thunder
thundergust loud burst of sound, similar to thunder
thwarteth “thwarts”
thwartings obstacles, interference, impedance or interruptions
ticklings “tickles”
tiest “tie” or “ties”
tieth “ties”
tillings TBD
tilth TBD
timbrels ancient percussion instruments similar to tambourines
timeous timely
timeously promptly, punctually, timely,
tinklings TBD
tipplings intoxications or drunkenness
tipt tipped
tiresomeness the condition of causing fatigue or boredom
tireth “tires”
titheable subject to a tithe
tithers those who give tithes
tittle the tiniest bit, an iota
tittling TBD
toilest “toil”
toileth “toils”
toilful full of work, effort or toil
toilings TBD
tolbooth tollbooth
toldest TBD
tole to draw, or cause to follow, by displaying something pleasing or desirable; to allure by some bait
toled drawn by degrees
tomans Persian currency
tomtom an instrument shaped like a kettle drum
tomtoms instruments shaped like kettle drums
tonsors TBD
tookedst “took”
topful full to the top; filled to the brim
topick “topic”
topstone a stone that is placed on the top, or which forms the top; “capstone”
tormenteth “torments”
tortureth “tortures”
tosseth “tosses”
tossings trials, disturbances
tost “tossed”
tottereth “totters”
touchest “touch”
towardliness the condition of being favorable and advantageous
towardly TBD
towardness TBD
towerings things that are of imposing height or importance
towery like a tower
toyish like a toy or plaything
tracest TBD
traceth “traces”
tractableness desire, willingness or eagerness to help, learn or be instructed
tractate a treatise, essay
tradest “trades” or “traded”
tradeth “trades”
tradings “trades”
traditionary “traditional”
traditionists those who hold to a philosophical system that all knowledge is derived from original divine revelation and is transmitted by tradition
traduceth despises, speaks ill of, scorns or belittles
traducianism the belief that the soul is inherited from the parents along with the body
traduction slandering; speaking falsely or maliciously of
trafficketh “traffics”
traffickings carrying on trade, having dealings
tragical “tragic”
trainedst TBD
traineth “trains”
trajection TBD
trajections TBD
trammelled confined, hindered, entrapped
trampledst “trampled”
tramplest “trample”
trampleth “tramples”
tranquility the state or quality of being serene
tranquillity “tranquility” (the state or quality of being serene)
tranquillizing making serene or quiet
transacteth “transacts”
transactings “transactions”
transcendencies TBD
transcendency the state of having surpassed others of the same kind, being pre-eminent
transcriber one who writes or types a copy of something, usually from shorthand notes or spoken form
transcribers those who write or type a copy of something, usually from shorthand notes or spoken form
transcriptional used to describe something that has been transcribed
transfixeth “transfixes”
transformeth “transforms”
transformings acts of changing
transfuseth “transfuses”
transitoriness TBD
translateth “translates”
translatitious being short lived or transitory
transmigrations the passing of souls into other bodies after death
transmundane referring to “above the earth” or something or someone that is not of this earth
transplaced “transposed” (having been swapped, traded, or switched)
transplacing “transposing” (swapping, trading, or switching)
transplacings “transpositions” (being swapped, traded, or switched)
transplendent brilliantly translucent; resplendent in the highest degree
transportations means for carrying things from one place to another
transporteth “transports”
transposal “transposition”
transubstantiators those who believe in the doctrine of Transubstantiation
transumption TBD
trapan to ensnare or catch by stratagem
trapanned to have ensnared or caught by stratagem
trappan “trepan” snare
travelled “traveled”
traveller “traveler”
travellers “travelers”
travellest “travel”
travelling “traveling”
travellings “travels”
traverse to travel over, across or through
traverseth “traverse” (to travel over, across or through)
treadest “tread”
treafe peevish, petulant, irascible
treasons acts of betrayal toward the state or King
treatest “entreats” or “entreat”
treateth “treats”
trembledst “trembles”
tremblest “tremble”
tremblings fearful quakings
tremulousness the act of vibrating, quivering, or trembling
trepanners TBD
trespasseth “trespasses”
triangularity pertaining to, involving or consisting of three interrelated entities, as three persons, objects or ideas
tribeship TBD
tribual TBD
tribulated TBD
tribulationalists TBD
tribunicial TBD
tribunitial TBD
trichotomic divided into three parts, specifically, the theological division of man into body, soul and spirit
trichotomy the division into three parts, specifically, the theological division of man into body, soul and spirit
trickishness “trickiness”
tricotomist one who believes there are three basic parts of man: physical, mental and spiritual
trier one who tries cases
trier, a city in West Germany; site of Roman ruins
triers those who try, as in a court of law
triflest “trifle”
triflingly done in a way characterized by frivolity or idleness
triflingness something of slight importance, insignificant
triflings things that are insignificant, of slight importance
trilemma a difficult choice between three paths
trimeters verse lines of three metrical feet each
trinal having three parts; threefold; triple
trinitarian believing or professing belief in the Trinity or the doctrine of the Trinity
trinitarianism the belief in the doctrine of the Trinity
trinitarians those who believe or profess belief in the doctrine of the Trinity
tripersonality three-fold personality
triplicity the condition or quality of being triple
trippeth “trips”
trist “trust”
tristeth “trusts”
tristing “trusting”
trists “trusts”
tritheism belief in three gods; specifically, the belief that the Father, Son and Holy Ghost are three separate and distinct gods
tritheistic adjective form of “tritheism” (belief in three gods; specifically, the belief that the Father, Son and Holy Ghost are three separate and distinct gods)
tritheists those who believe in “tritheism” (belief in three gods; specifically, the belief that the Father, Son and Holy Ghost are three separate and distinct gods)
triumpher one who triumphs
triumphers those who triumph
triumpheth “triumphs”
triumphingly “triumphantly”
triunity trinity
trivialty “triviality” (an idea, matter or occurrence of little importance or significance)
trochylus a parasite-eating bird
trophied made into a trophy or prize
troubledness state of being troubled or upset
troubler something that, or someone who, causes trouble
troublers things that, or people who, cause trouble
troublous attended with trouble; uneasy; causing trouble; troublesome
troublousness being full of pain and troubles
trouling TBD
trover a legal action to recover the value of personal property which has been illegally assumed or converted by another
trow to think or suppose
trowelful TBD
troweth to think or suppose
trowling pouring or tumbling
trows thinks or supposes
truantly negligent, frequently absent or remiss
trulier (more true)
trumpeth “trumps” (variant of triumphs); proclaims (as a trumpet would)
trumph “triumph”
truncal related to the trunk (as in the trunk of a tree)
trusters TBD
trustings TBD
trysted to have had an agreement to meet at a certain time or place; tried
trysting agreeing to meet at a certain time or place
tuckt “tucked”
tuggest TBD
tumblest “tumble”
tumbleth “tumbles”
tumblings repeatedly falling and rolling about
tumour “tumor”
tumultations “tumults”
tumultuary marked by haste, disorder and irregularity; showing haste and confusion
tumultuate to make tumultuous (riotous; noisy and disorderly)
tumultuating making tumultuous (riotous; noisy and disorderly)
tumultuations “tumults”
tun a large cask or barrel for liquids
tunably able to be tuned; tuneful
tuneableness the ability to be tuned
tuneth “tunes”
tunicles short vestments worn over the alb by a sub-deacon or with the dalmatic by a bishop or cardinal
tunned stored up, as liquor was stored in large quantities (in tun units)
turbated “perturbed”
turbulency emotional agitation, commotion
turfs areas of earth on the surface containing a dense growth of grass
turfy TBD
turmoiled suffered turmoil
turmoiling being agitated or in turmoil
turmoilings agitations, commotions
turmoils agitations, commotions
tush used to express mild reproof, disapproval or admonition
tutelar adjective form of “tutelage” (the act or capacity of a tutor; instruction; teaching)
tutoress female tutor (private instructor)
tutorings lessons or instructions
tutory TBD
twain two
twilights evenings
twinings TBD
twinklings “twinkles”
twinship similarity, as that characteristic of twins
twistings “twists”
twitchings TBD
tympanized TBD
tympany “tympani” or “timpani” a set of kettle drums; the swelling sound characteristic of such drums
typicalness TBD
typification being made into a foreshadow or type
typifieth “typifies”
tyrannise “tyrannize”
tyrannised “tyrannized”
tyranniseth “tyrannizes”
tyrannising “tyrannizing”
tythe “tithe”