ubiquitarian one who believes that Christ's physical body can be in multiple places simultaneously
ubiquitarians those who believe Christ’s physical body can be in multiple places simultaneously
ubiquitary TBD
ubiquitists TBD
ultimating TBD
ultraism extremism, especially in politics or government; radicalism
ultraisms TBD
umpirage the service of an umpire or moderator
unabating not abating or decreasing
unabolished not abolished or annulled
unabrogated not abolished or annulled
unacceptableness TBD
unaccepted not accepted
unaccessible not able to be accessed
unaccomplished not completed
unaccountableness TBD
unacquaintance the condition of not being acquainted or familiar with
unacquaintedness not familiar or acquainted with
unactive “inactive”
unadvisable not advisable
unadvisedness the condition of having received no advice
unaffecting not changing or modifying
unafflicted not afflicted
unagreeable disagreeable
unalienably TBD
unallayed not lessened or relieved
unallowed not permitted
unalterableness unable to be changed or altered
unaltering not altering or changing
unambitious not motivated by a strong desire to achieve
unamenable not willing to follow advice or suggestion
unamendable unable to be amended or added to
unamended not corrected or improved
unamiable not good-natured or agreeable
unamusing not humorous
unanalyzable unable to be analyzed
unangry not angry
unanswerableness unable to be challenged or answered
unanxious not worried or uneasy
unappalled not filled with consternation or dismay
unapplicable not applicable or relevant
unapprehended not secured, guarded or in custody
unapproachableness the condition of being not accessible
unapproached not approached
unapproved not approved
unapproven not approved
unapt not appropriate
unaptly TBD
unaptness not apt, appropriate or fitting
unargumented not supported with credible arguments
unaspiring not having a great ambition or ultimate desire
unassailed not attacked or assaulted
unassaulted not attacked or assaulted
unassayed not examined by trial or experiment
unatoned not having amends made for something, such as a fault or sin
unattainableness the condition of not being able to be gained or accomplished
unattempted not tried
unattracted not drawn or attracted by
unaudible “inaudible” (incapable of being heard)
unauthentic not genuine
unauthenticated not established as worthy of a belief
unauthenticity the condition or quality of not being trustworthy or genuine
unauthorised “unauthorized”
unavailableness without effect or avail
unavenged not having had revenge or satisfaction exacted for a wrong, injury or the like
unavoidableness the property of not being able to be avoided
unavowed not acknowledged or confessed openly
unawakened not awakened
unawakening not producing a response
unbaken not baked or cooked
unballasted weighted or balanced
unbeautifies makes not beautiful
unbeautiful not beautiful
unbeclouded clear, not clouded
unbecome does not fit or become
unbecomes not fitting or becoming
unbefriended not aided or assisted
unbeginning no beginning
unbegotten not born or begotten
unbegun not begun
unbelieved “disbelieved”
unbelievings doubtful, skeptical or unbelieving actions
unbended TBD
unbenefited not benefited or assisted
unbeseeming not appropriate or fitting
unbeseems TBD
unbiassed “unbiased” (without prejudice, impartial)
unbiassedly done without prejudice or bias
unbiblical not according to scriptural teaching
unbitted not having a bit
unblamable no deserving blame
unblameable not deserving of blame
unblameableness the condition of being not deserving of blame
unblameably done in a way such as not to deserve of blame
unblamed not accused or blamed
unblasted not blasted
unblenched TBD
unblenchingly TBD
unblessed not blessed
unblest “unblessed”
unblocked not blocked or obstructed
unbloodily without blood
unbloody without blood or violence
unblotted without spot, wrinkle or blot
unblown not blown
unbodied without body or form; incorporeal
unbodily done outside or without a body
unbone remove the bone
unbosom figuratively, to unload or unburden
unbosomed figuratively, unloaded or unburdened
unbosoming figuratively, the act of unloading or unburdening
unbosoms unload or unburden
unbottom TBD
unbought not bought
unboundedness the condition of having no boundaries or limits; uncontrolled, unrestrained
unbowelled opening the most personal thoughts and emotions; disemboweled
unbracketed without brackets
unbreakableness unable to be broken
unbribable not able to be corrupted by bribery
unbribed without being bribed
unbridged not having a bridge or means to cross
unbridledness inability to be restrained
unbrokenness the condition of not being broken
unbrother TBD
unbrotherliness the quality of being unkind or not brotherly
unbrotherly unkind or not brotherly
unbruised TBD
unbrushed not having brushed one’s hair or clothes
unbuilt TBD
unburning not burning
uncaging TBD
uncancelled not cancelled
uncandid prejudiced, partial
uncandidly done vaguely or in an unclear or dishonest manner
uncanonical not authoritative or orthodox
uncapable “incapable” (lacking the ability or power)
uncaptured TBD
uncased taken out of a case, revealed, opened
uncaseth “uncases”
uncast not cast
uncatechised not having been taught the systematic truths of the scripture through the learning of the catechism
uncautious not careful
unceiled without a ceiling or roof
uncemented not bound, bonded or cemented together
uncensured not rebuked or censured
unceremonial informal, without formalities
unchallengeable not able to be challenged or disputed
unchangeability the condition of not being able to be changed
unchangeableness the condition of not being able to be changed
uncharitableness the condition of not being loving
uncharity not kind or charitable
uncharmed not charmed
unchastened not tempered by chastening
unchasteness the quality of being unchaste
unchastised TBD
unchastities TBD
unchastity non-purity
uncheckable “unstoppable”
uncheered not happy or cheered
uncheerful unhappy, not cheerful
uncheerfully “unhappily” not cheerfully
uncheering not cheerful or cheering
unchild to stop being a child
unchildlike not like a child
unchosen not chosen
unchrist not like Christ
unchristianism TBD
unchristianized not Christian
unchristianly not acting in a manner consistent with biblical principles, as characterized by the behavior of a Christian
unchurch to reverse the effects and teachings of the church
unchurched not showing the effects of the teachings of the church
unchurches to reverse the effects and teachings of the church
unchurching the act of reversing the effects of the teachings of the church
unchurchly not characteristic of the true teachings of the church
uncircumcisedness not being circumcised
uncircumcision the state of not being circumcised; those who have not been circumcised; in the Scriptures, the Gentiles
uncircumscribed TBD
uncircumspect not prudent
uncircumspectly TBD
uncivilised “uncivilized”
uncleanest most unclean
uncleanliness the condition of being not clean
uncleannesses things that are not clean or things that are sinful
uncleansed not cleansed
uncleared not cleared
unclerical TBD
uncloudy TBD
uncloven TBD
uncloying TBD
uncoerced not coerced or forced
uncoffined taking out of a coffin
uncombined not combined or joined
uncomelily in an unpleasant or uncomely fashion
uncomeliness the condition of being not seemly, proper or attractive
uncomelinesses unattractive or unpleasant features
uncomely not seemly, proper, or attractive
uncomfortableness not being comfortable
uncommanded not commanded
uncommission to take away power or authority
uncommissioned TBD
uncompassed TBD
uncompassionate not compassionate
uncomplex simple
uncompliant not yielding or submissive
uncomplying not willing to cooperate or comply
uncomposed not calm, serene or self-possessed
uncompounded simple
uncompounding done without mixing or compounding
uncomprehensible “incomprehensible” incapable of being understood
unconcealable not able to be concealed
unconceivable “inconceivable” unbelievable
unconceivableness “inconceivableness” the condition of being unbelievable
unconceivably no believable
unconceived not conceived
unconcernedness the condition of being not interested, indifferent
unconcerted unplanned or not thought out
unconcluding “inconclusive”
uncondemned not condemned
unconditionality the state of being absolute, without conditions
unconditionate without conditions
unconfessed not confessed
unconfessing TBD
unconfinedness not being confined; being free
unconform not to bend, mold or conform to
uncongenial not agreeable, sympathetic
unconnection TBD
unconquerableness unable to be conquered or defeated
unconscionableness TBD
unconsecrated not made holy or sacred
unconstancy the state of being not constant
unconstant not constant
unconsulted not consulted
unconsumed not consumed
uncontingent not contingent or dependant on
uncontradicted not contradicted
uncontrollableness the condition of not being able to be controlled
uncontroulable “uncontrollable”
uncontrouled “uncontrolled”
uncontroverted to not deny or voice opposition to
uncontrovertible adjective form of not denying or voicing opposition to
unconversable not willing to talk, interact or converse with others
unconversible TBD
unconversion TBD
unconvicted TBD
uncorrelated not related
uncorrigibleness incapable of being corrected or reformed “incorrigibleness”
uncorrupt not corrupt
uncounselable cannot be counseled
uncounterfeited real, not pretended or faked
uncourteous not courteous
uncourteously not done in a courteous manner
uncourtly unsuitable, inappropriate, coarse
uncouthness the condition of being crude. unrefined, rude
uncovenanted not bound or guaranteed by a covenant
uncoverings removing the coverings of
uncracked no cracked
uncreate the opposite of create
uncreated not created
uncredited not credited
uncrown to remove a crown or to remove the authority represented by a crown
uncrowned to have removed a crown or to have removed the authority represented by a crown
uncrucified TBD
uncrutched TBD
unctions solemn warnings or commands
unculpable not responsible, liable or culpable
uncurable cannot be fixed, assuaged or cured
uncurrent not current (can be applied to currency that is not in use)
uncursed not cursed
uncurst “uncursed”
uncurtailed not abbreviated or cut short
uncustomed TBD
undauntedness not being discouraged or daunted by difficulties
undazzled TBD
undebatable not able to be debated
undebauched not perverted or morally corrupted
undecayed not decayed
undecaying never to grow old or decay
undeceiver someone who clears away deceit or misunderstandings
undecent “indecent”
undecisive “indecisive”
undecreed not decreed
undefaced not disfigured or marred
undefilable not able to be defiled
undefiledness the condition of not being able to be defiled
undefinable not able to be defined
undefining not delineated
undeflected not turned aside
undeifies to not worship or revere as a god
undeify to not worship or revere as a god
undeifying the act of not worshipping or revering as a god
undelighted not pleased
undenied TBD
undepraved not morally corrupt
underanged orderly and organized, not deranged or disorderly
underdo to do or effect to an insufficient degree
undergird to gird, support or strengthen underneath
undergirds to gird, support or strengthen underneath
undergoest “undergoes”
undergoeth “undergoes”
underived not obtained from a source
underivedly TBD
underkeep to not sufficiently provide for
underlaying putting one thing under another
underminer one who supplants, sabotages, or undermines
underminers those who supplant, sabotage, or undermine
undermineth “undermines”
underminings acts of weakening or undermining by wearing away at a base or foundation
underprising undervaluing
underprize undervalue
underprizers those who undervalue something
underprop to support or prop up from below
underpropped to support or prop up from below
underpropper something that supports or props up from below
underproppeth supporting or propping up from underneath
underpropt to support or prop up from below
undertakest “undertake”
undertaketh “undertakes”
undervaluation an underestimation; an assigning too low a value to
undervaluers those who underestimate or underrate
undervaluest “undervalue”
undervalueth “undervalues”
underweening TBD
undescribable “indescribable” not able to be described
undescribed not described
undeservedness the condition of not deserving something
undeservings things that we do not deserve
undesigned not designed
undesignedly done without design or premeditated purpose; not intended
undesirableness the condition of being not desired
undeterminateness the condition of lacking clarity or precision
undetermines not able to determine or specify
undeviatingly not deviating or turning from a specified course
undevout not deeply religious or pious
undifferencing TBD
undifferentiating not perceiving or showing a difference between
undipped not having been dipped
undiscerned not discriminated or perceived
undiscernible not able to be discerned
undiscerning not discriminating or perceptive
undischarged not carried out
undisciplinable TBD
undiscoverable not able to be discovered
undiscoverably not able to be discovered
undiscussed not discussed
undisguisedly done in a way so as not to be disguised or concealed
undisplayed not displayed
undisposed TBD
undisquieted TBD
undissembled not concealing one’s real motives
undistinctive TBD
undistinguishing not recognized as different or distinct
undistracted not distracted
undistractedly done in a manner so as not to be distracted
undistracting not diverting or distracting
undisturbedly done in a manner so as not to disturb
undiverted TBD
undividedly done in a manner so as not to divide
undivine not being or having the nature of a deity
undocile not teachable
undoers those who undo what has been done
undoeth “undoes”
undogmatic not characterized by an authoritative, arrogant assertion of unproved principles
undoneness TBD
undoubtingly done in a manner without doubt
undrainable cannot be drained
undrained not drained
undreggy TBD
undulatory TBD
undutiful not bound by duty
undutifully done in a manner so as to portray that one is not bound by duty
undutifulness the condition of doing something in a manner so as to portray that one is not bound by duty
unearnest not showing deep sincerity or feeling
uneasiest TBD
uneasinesses misgivings, apprehensions or uneasy feelings
unecclesiastical TBD
unedified not instructed so as to encourage moral or spiritual improvement
unedifying not encouraging spiritually
uneffectual not effectual
unelected not chosen by God for salvation before the foundations of the world
unembarrassedly done without embarrassment
unembodied not invested as if with bodily form
unemptied TBD
unendingness being without end
unendowed TBD
unengaged not occupied or employed
unenjoyed TBD
unenlivened not made spirited or lively
unentangled not complicated or confused
unequality “inequality”
unequalled not equal with
unequalness not be equal with
unequals not equals
unequitable “inequitable” unfair, unjust
unequitably TBD
uneradicable unable to be destroyed, removed or eradicated
unerasable cannot be erased
unerasably done in such as way as to be impossible to erase
unescapable “inescapable” not able to escape
unespied not noticed
unessayed “untried”
unessentials things that are not necessary
unestablished TBD
unestimated not estimated or approximated
unevangelic not pertaining to the Christian gospel
unevangelical not pertaining to the Christian gospel
unevangelically not done in a manner consistent with the Christian gospel
unevangelistic not pertaining to the Christian gospel
unevangelized not given the gospel
unevenliness not being smooth or even
unevennesses irregular, ragged or uneven places
unexcusable without excuse, unforgivable
unexcusableness being with excuse
unexemplariness being a bad example
unexemplified TBD
unexercised not given exercise
unexhausted not exhausted
unexpanded not expanded
unexpectedness the condition of being not expected
unexpensive “inexpensive”
unexperienced “inexperienced”
unexperiential unable to be felt or experienced
unexperimental TBD
unexpiated not having made atonement for
unexplorable not able to be explored
unexpressible “inexpressible” not able to be expressed
unexpressibleness unable to be spoken or expressed
unexpressibly “inexpressibly”
unexpressive not expressive or communicative
unexpunged not removed, cleansed, eradicated or expunged
unextended not extended
unextinguishable TBD
unextinguished not extinguished
unfading not fading
unfainting inexhaustible, unfailing
unfallen not fallen
unfashionableness TBD
unfashioned TBD
unfatigued not tired or fatigued
unfavorableness TBD
unfavourable “unfavorable”
unfavourably “unfavorably”
unfearing not fearing
unfeelable cannot be felt
unfeignedly done in a way that is real, not simulated
unfeignedness the condition of being done in a way that is real, not simulated
unfelled not felled or cut down
unfervency lack of passion or fervency
unfilial unlike a father
unfirm TBD
unfitly done in an inappropriate way
unfitter less fit
unfittest “unfit”
unfixedness not being fixed or decided
unfluctuating not changing or fluctuating
unfoldings workings out of
unfollowed not followed
unforbidden not forbidden
unforeknowable cannot be known ahead of time
unforeknown not known beforehand
unforetold not told ahead of time
unforgiven not forgiven
unformable cannot be formed
unforsaken not forsaken
unfortunateness TBD
unfought not fought
unframes TBD
unfraternal TBD
unfree not free
unfrequent not often
unfrequentedness TBD
unfrequently not done frequently
unfrugal not frugal
unfruitfully in a poor, wasteful or unfruitful way
unfruitfulness the state of not being productive or fruitful
unfrustrable (not subject to frustration)
unfrustrableness unable to be impeded, confounded or frustrated
unfrustrably done in a way that is unable to be confounded or frustrated; irresistible
ungagged TBD
ungainable not able to be gained
ungained not gained
ungainsomely TBD
ungarnished not garnished or embellished
ungarrisoned without a wall, fort or other form of protection
ungathered TBD
ungenial not pleasant or cordial
ungenteel not gentle or polite
ungentle not gentle
ungird to remove or take off
ungirt to remove of take off
ungiving not giving
unglorified not yet glorified
unglossed untainted, pure
ungod not god
ungodlily in a sinful or ungodly way
ungodliness not acting in a Godly manner
ungods not gods
ungood not good
ungospel not related to the gospel; to make against the gospel
ungospelize to make against the gospel
ungracefulness not being gracious or graceful
ungranted not granted
unground not ground
unguardedness the property of not being guarded
unhallow not setting apart as holy
unhallowing profaning, degrading or violating something holy
unhandsomeness not having attractive or handsome features
unhanged not hanged or killed
unhappinesses unpleasant, unhappy events
unharbour to take away the shelter, place of safety or harbour
unharmonizable not able to be reconciled or harmonized
unharmonized not reconciled or harmonized
unheaded not guided or directed
unhealthiness the condition of being not healthy
unhearted “disheartened”
unheartiness TBD
unheartsome not done heartily
unheavenliness not resembling heaven
unhelped not helped
unhewn not cut down with an ax
unhired not hired
unhistoric not having historic significance
unholiest most unholy
unholily done in a manner that is not holy
unholiness the state of being not holy
unhonored not honored
unhonoured not honored
unhooped without a hoop binding it together
unhospitality “inhospitality”
unhouse to take away or remove a house
unhuman not human
unhumbled not humbled
unhumbledness not be humble
unhumbleness TBD
unhypocritical not characterized by hypocrisy, falseness
unicals TBD
uniformitarian one who believes that natural processes have continued, without change or interruption since time began
uniformitarians those who believe that natural processes have continued, without change or interruption since time began
uniformities consistencies
unillustrated without pictures
unimitable inimitable; matchless
unimitated not imitated
unimmersed not submerged; not baptized by submersion in water
unimpeachableness not able to be tainted or reduced
unimpeached not tainted or reduced
unimpelled “unimpeded”
unimposed not levied or applied in a compulsory way
unimpressiveness TBD
unindividualized not particularized or considered individually
unindoctrinated not instructed in a body of doctrine
uninfluential not influential
uninstituted not established, organized and set in operation
uninstructive not conveying knowledge or information
unintellectual TBD
unintelligibleness the quality of not being understandable or unintelligible
uninterfered TBD
unintermitted not suspending activity repeatedly
unintermittedly done in a manner so as not to suspend activity repeatedly
unintermittent not suspending activity repeatedly
unintermittently done in a manner so as not to suspend activity repeatedly
unintermitting TBD
unintolerable bearable, supportable
unintroduced TBD
uninured not used or accustom to
unisonal done in unison, agreement or harmony
unitarian a monotheist who rejects the doctrine of the Trinity
unitedly done in a united manner
unitedness the condition of being united or in agreement on a matter or position
uniteth “unites”
unities united or cooperative behaviours
unition “uniting”
unitive TBD
universalian one who holds the doctrine of universal salvation
universalising “universalizing” to make universal; generalize
universalism the doctrine of universal salvation
universalist one who holds to the doctrine of universal salvation
universalists those who holds to the doctrine of universal salvation
universalities the qualities, facts or conditions of being universal
universalness the condition of pertaining to, extending to, or affecting the entire world or all within the world
unjointed lacking joints
unjuster less just
unjustifiableness the condition of not being able to be justified or defended
unjustify TBD
unjustifying TBD
unkennel to uncover, disclose
unkennelled uncovered, disclosed
unkindnesses acts or deeds that are unkind
unking to remove from being king
unknowableness the quality of not being able to be known
unladen unloaded, discharged
unlaw to make something be against the law
unlearnedly TBD
unlikelihood the state of being unlikely or improbable
unlikelihoods the states of being unlikely or improbable
unlikeliness TBD
unlimed not being bemired, trapped or ensnared
unlimitedness the state of not being limited
unlocated not located
unlonely not being lonely
unlooked not looked; unforeseen
unlooseth “unlooses”
unlorded TBD
unloseable not able to be lost
unloveliness the state of not being lovely
unloving not loving
unlovingly not done in a loving or kind way
unlovingness TBD
unloyal not loyal
unmalleable cannot be molded, form, or worked
unmanifested not made apparent; unrevealed
unmanlily done in an unmanly fashion
unmannerliness being rude, uncouth or unmannerly
unmanufactured not made or manufactured
unmanured TBD
unmaskest discovers, shows openly, removes the mask from
unmastered not mastered
unmatchably not able to be equaled, rivaled or matched
unmeasurable not able to be measured
unmeasurableness unable to be fully comprehended, discovered or measured
unmeasurably done in a way not able to be measured
unmeasureableness not measurable
unmeditated not pondered or contemplated
unmeekened TBD
unmeet not fit, suitable or appropriate
unmeetly TBD
unmeetness unsuitable or inappropriate
unmellowed not relaxed or softened
unmelted not melted or softened
unmended not mended
unmercifulness the state of not showing mercy
unmeritedly TBD
unmeritedness the state of not deserving something
unmind to put out of mental normalcy
unminded TBD
unmindfulness the state of not being aware or mindful of something
unmingled not mixed
unministering TBD
unmixedly done in a manner that is not mixed or integrated
unmoistened not moistened
unmortal TBD
unmortified not humiliated or disciplined by self-denial
unmortifiedness the state of being not humiliated or disciplined by self-denial
unmovable not able to be moved
unmovableness the state of not being able to be moved
unmovably cannot be moved
unmoveable not able to be moved
unmuddied not stirred up, cloudy or muddy
unmuffled not muffled
unmurmuringly done in a manner without complaining or murmuring
unmutilated not deprived of an essential part or damaged
unmuzzled to remove a muzzle or restraint from the mouth
unnavigable cannot be navigated
unnecessitated to make not necessary
unneighbourly to act in an unfriendly way
unnoble “ignoble” not upright or noble
unnutritious TBD
unobliged not owing anything, not bound to do anything, not influenced or intimidated by anyone else
unobnoxious agreeable; not offensive
unobscured not obscured
unobservedly without being observed
unoffended not offended
unoffending not offending
unoratorical not pertaining to an orator; not skilled in public speaking
unordained not ordained
unorderly not done in an orderly manner
unordinarily TBD
unorganised “unorganized”
unpacified not calmed or appeased
unpardonableness unable to be forgiven, forgotten or pardoned
unpardoned not forgiven or released from punishment
unparsable not able to be broken down into its component parts of speech
unpartial “impartial”
unpassable not able to be passed
unpassionate not passionate
unpavable unable to be flattened, leveled or paved
unpayable cannot be paid
unpeaceable not peaceful
unpeaceableness not being quiet, tranquil or peaceful
unpeaceably done in a way that is not peaceful
unpenitent not feeling or expressing remorse for one’s misdeeds or sins
unpeople depopulate
unpeopled not populated; “depopulated”
unperceivably unable to be seen or perceived
unperfect “imperfect”
unperfectly “imperfectly”
unperformable not able to be performed
unperishing not perishing
unpermitted not permissible
unperplexed TBD
unpersuadable not able to be persuaded
unpersuadableness the condition of being not able to be persuaded
unpersuaded not persuaded
unpertinency “impertinency”
unperverted right or correct
unphilanthropic not concerned about the well being of others; not charitable
unphilosophic not philosophically sound
unphilosophical not philosophically sound
unpictured without pictures
unpicturesque without flashiness, quietly
unpitied not pitied
unplagued TBD
unplastered without plaster
unpleaded without your asking or begging
unpleasedness not pleasing or pleasant
unpleasing difficult, not pleasing
unpliable TBD
unploughed not plowed
unplucked not taken away or plucked
unpoetical TBD
unpolemic not polemic (controversial or tending to spark controversy)
unpolitic not ingenious or shrewd
unpoliticly unwisely or inappropriately
unportable not portable or easily moved
unpositive TBD
unpossessed TBD
unpracticable “impractical”
unpractical “impractical”
unpractised not experienced, accustom to or practiced
unpraised without thanks or praise
unprayed TBD
unpraying not praying
unprays retracts his prayers
unpreached not preached
unpreaching not preaching
unprejudicedly without preconception or prejudice
unpreparedly done in a manner of not being prepared
unpreparedness the act of not being prepared
unpresbyterian not presbyterian (usually applied to actions or a form of government that goes against presbyterian principles)
unprized TBD
unprofitableness the condition of serving no purpose; useless
unprofited not helped or profited by
unprogressive old-fashioned and out of date
unprophetic not prophetic
unpropitious not presenting favorable circumstances
unproportionable TBD
unpropped TBD
unprosperous not having success
unprotection TBD
unprovided not having necessities
unprovoking not inciting to anger or resentment
unpruned not pruned
unpunishable cannot be punished
unpurchasable (not able to be purchased)
unpurchased not purchased
unpurged not purged
unpurposed unintended or unplanned; mistaken
unquestionableness not able to be questioned or challenged
unquickened not alive
unquietly not quietly
unquietness lack of quietness
unravelled revealed
unravelling to make clear, discover or unravel something
unreadiness condition of not being prepared
unrealised not realized
unreaped TBD
unrebukable not able to be rebuked or reproved
unrebuked not rebuked
unreckoned not reckoned
unreclaimable not able to be reclaimed
unreclaimed not reclaimed
unrecompensableness unable to be replaced, restored or recompensed
unreconcilable irreconcilable
unreconcilableness unable to be rejoined with or reconciled to
unreconciled not rejoined to
unreconciledness TBD
unrectified not corrected
unredressed not challenged to rectify or remedy
unrefreshed not refreshed
unrefutable not able to be refuted or disputed
unrefuted not disputed
unregarded not considered attentively
unregeneracy not being regenerated or effecting salvation spiritually
unregenerated not having been regenerated (as in, spiritual salvation)
unregenerates those who have not been regenerated, especially spiritually
unregeneration the state of not be regenerated, especially spiritually)
unrelaxable cannot be relaxed
unrelaxed not relaxed
unrelaxing not relaxing
unreliableness the quality of not being reliable
unrelievable not able to be relieved or lessened
unrelievedly done in a manner so as not to relieve or lessen
unreluctant TBD
unremedied without cure or relief
unremembering TBD
unremitted without pause, break or relief
unremovable unable to be taken away or removed
unremoved not removed
unrendered not considered or discussed
unrenewed unsaved, unregenerate
unrepaired not repaired
unrepealable not able to be rescinded or changed legally
unrepealed not changed legally
unrepeated not repeated
unrepented not remorseful or regretful
unrepenting refusing to confess, repent or turn from a course of action
unrepining TBD
unreproachable not able to be rebuked or blamed for
unreprovable not able to be rebuked or blamed for
unreproveableness the condition of not being able to be rebuked or blamed for
unreproved not rebuked, punished or reproved
unrequired TBD
unrescued not rescued
unreserve not having any reservations
unresisted not resisted
unresistedly TBD
unresistible not able to be resisted
unresolvedness being undecided, hesitant or unresolved
unrested not having enough relaxation or rest
unresting TBD
unrestrainable not able to be restrained or controlled
unrestrictive TBD
unretracted TBD
unreturnably not permitting return; not able to be passed through again
unrevealed not revealed
unrevenged not avenged or revenged
unrevengeful not vengeful
unreverend not done in a reverent way
unreverent “irreverent”
unreversed not reversed, especially in a legal sense
unrevised not revised
unrevoked not revoked
unrewarded without reward or profit
unrhetorical TBD
unriddle figure out the meaning of
unriddled figured out the meaning of
unriddles explains or clarifies
unriddling to explain or clarify
unrighteous sinful
unrighteously done in a sinful manner
unrighteousnesses ungodly or unrighteous actions
unripeness condition of not being ripe or ready for harvest
unrisen TBD
unrivalled not challenged
unroyal not characteristic of royalty or the behavior of monarchs
unrusted not decayed, molded or rusted
unsabbatic not done in a manner consistent with the Sabbath
unsafely done in a dangerous manner
unsaint to make not a saint (in a spiritual sense, a regenerate person); to slander
unsainted made not a saint (in a spiritual sense, a regenerate person); to have slandered
unsainting making not a saint; slandering
unsaleable not able to be sold
unsaluted not hailed or acknowledged in a respectful manner
unsanctified not set apart as holy
unsanctify to make something no longer sanctified (set apart to God)
unsanctifying non-holy or not respectful of God’s Word
unsanctioned not endorsed, supported, condoned or sanctioned
unsatiableness the condition of not being able to be satisfied
unsatisfaction not satisfied
unsatisfactoriness the condition of not being satisfactory or sufficient
unsatisfiableness not being able to be content or to be satisfied
unsatisfiedness not being content or satisfied
unsatisfying insufficient
unsavouriness immorality, offensiveness
unscalable not able to be climbed, scaled or attained
unscaleable not able to be climbed, scaled or attained
unscholarlike not like a scholar; not done in a scholarly way
unscriptural not in accordance with the scriptures
unscripturally done in a manner that is not in accordance with the scriptures
unscripturalness the condition of not being in accordance with the scriptures
unscrutinized not thoroughly examined
unsearchable not able to be discovered or examined
unsearchableness the condition of not being able to be discovered or examined
unsearchably not able to be discovered or searched out
unsearched not searched; not cleansed (in a medical context)
unseasonableness the condition of not being appropriate for the time or conditions
unsectarian not characterized by sects, or divisions within
unseduced not drawn away, especially unto evil
unselfed TBD
unselfing TBD
unsensibleness TBD
unsent not sent
unseparable “inseparable”
unseparated TBD
unseriousness not being serious or appropriately grave
unserved TBD
unserviceableness not being useful, suitable or serviceable
unserviceably TBD
unsettledness the condition of being wavering or not established
unshadowed not darkened or marred by shadows or discouragements
unshakingly without doubt, mistrust or shaking
unshamefaced not ashamed
unshameful not being characterized by shame or regret
unshapen not shaped
unshared not shared with something else
unsheathable unable to be ignored, hidden or stopped
unshelter prevent from being protected or sheltered
unshrinkingly TBD
unsimilar dissimilar
unsincerely not done sincerely
unsinful without sin
unsinged not singed or burned
unsinking TBD
unsinning without sin
unskilful without skill or expertise
unskilfully done in a manner demonstrating lack of skill or expertise
unskilfulness the condition of lacking skill or expertise
unskillfulness the condition of lacking skill or expertise
unskin to remove skin
unslaked not “slaked” (satisfied, satiated or fulfilled)
unsleepy not sleeping or prone to sleep
unslumbering not asleep
unsmoked TBD
unsociableness the quality of not being friendly or sociable
unsocial not friendly or pleasant in demeanor
unsodden not sodden (made wet)
unsoftened not softened
unsolvable not able to be solved
unsorrowed not repented or sorrowed over
unsorrowing not sorrowing
unsoul to misuse or misapply our spiritual nature
unsouled discouraged
unsouls discourages
unspeakableness not able to be spoken of, implying a degree of something beyond what words could describe
unsphering removing from a position of prominence
unspirits TBD
unspiritual not spiritual
unspirituality condition of not being interested or affected by spiritual matters
unspiritualizing characterized by non-spiritual behavior
unspiritualness not being like a spirit; earthly
unspottedly in a pure or holy manner
unspottedness the quality of being without spots
unspouse not like a spouse
unsprinkled TBD
unstabilized not characterized by consistency
unstaggering unable to be staggered or made to doubt
unstanchable not able to be staunched or stopped
unstanding TBD
unstatesmanlike not done in a diplomatic or politic manner
unsteadfast not consistent, wavering
unsteadfastness the condition of not being consistent, waveringly loyal
unstedfast not consistent, wavering
unstedfastness the condition of not being consistent, waveringly loyal
unsting remove the sting from
unstinged not felt with pain
unstinging TBD
unstock to remove the livestock from
unstoppeth opens up
unstrangled not strangled or killed
unstript “stripped”
unstruggling not struggling or resisting
unstung taken away the pain of
unsubduable (not able to be subdued)
unsubdued not under control or subjugated
unsubduedness the condition of being not under control or subjugated
unsubjected not subjected or brought under authority
unsubjection rebellion, not being under subjection
unsubjugated TBD
unsubmissive not submissive
unsubmissiveness rebellion, lack of submission
unsubordinate not subordinate or under authority
unsubordinated TBD
unsubservient TBD
unsubstantial shallow, lacking depth of argument or substance
unsuccessive non-continuous, not in order
unsufferable not able to be borne or endured
unsufferably “insufferably”
unsufficient insufficient
unsuggestive not suggestive
unsuperfluous not extra or superfluous
unsuperstitious not superstitious
unsupplied not fulfilled or provided for
unsupportable not able to be supported
unsupposable not able to be supposed or considered
unsurmountable “insurmountable”
unsurpassingly TBD
unsurpliced TBD
unsusceptible not readily subject to an influence
unsusceptive TBD
unsuspectedly without being suspected
unsuspicious not distrustful or suspecting
unsuspiciously done in a manner communicating trust
unsuspiciousness not being suspicious; trusting
unsustained not substantiated or validated
unswathed not wiped or made clean
unswear renounce an oath; to make an oath no longer binding
unsweetened bitter
unswerved unshaken; refusing to be intimidated or to swerve out of a course of action
unsympathizing TBD
unsystematized not yet organized into a system or
untaking TBD
untameable cannot be tamed
untameableness the condition of not being able to be tamed or controlled
untangible not able to be touched physically
untasted not tasted or experienced before
untasteful “distasteful”
unteachable not able to be taught
unteachableness the condition of being not able to be taught
unteaches unlearns; teaches to forget or abandon previous beliefs
unteaching demonstrating the opposite of other teaching
untempered unabated, not diminished
untempted without temptations
untenableness the quality of being untenable (impossible to rationally accept or believe)
untenant TBD
untender harsh, not tender or gentle
untenderly harshly, not tenderly or gently
untenderness the condition of harshness, of not being tender or gentle
unterrified not frightened
unthanked TBD
unthankfullest most ungracious or unthankful
unthankfully done in an ungrateful manner
unthankfulness the condition of being ungrateful
unthought not thought
unthoughtful not heeding or attentive
unthrashed not threshed
unthreshed TBD
unthrift TBD
unthriftily TBD
unthriftiness not being moderate, prudent, or thrifty; being wasteful
unthrifty wasteful in terms of spending or allocating resources
unthriving not growing or thriving
unthrone to deprive of the power to rule
unthroned deprived of the power of ruling
unthroning the depriving of the power to rule
untieth “unties”
untiled removed tiles from
untilled not cultivated
untimeliness being inconvenient or untimely
untinkered not adjusted or amended
untolerable cannot be tolerated
untombed uncovered or brought out of the ground
untoothsome TBD
untowardliness rebelliousness, harshness, unfavorable attitude toward
untowardness rebellion, harshness, an unfavorable attitude towards
untractable not able to be controlled
untractableness the condition of being not able to be controlled
untrammelled unaffected
untransferable not able to be transferred
untranslated not translated
untransported not moved from one place to another
untravelled not travelled
untrodden not walked upon
untrusty not trustworthy
untunable off-key or off-pitch, in musical terms
untunably characterized by being out of tune or off pitch musically
untune TBD
untuned off-key or off-pitch, in musical terms
untunes TBD
untwine to loosen or separate
ununitable cannot be joined or united
unuseful not beneficial, useless
unvail TBD
unvaluable “invaluable”
unvariable not varying, constant
unvaried not modified or changed
unviewable TBD
unviolable “inviolable”
unviolated pure, untarnished
unvisited not visited, not characterized by
unvitiated TBD
unwall breaks down or takes away the defenses
unwalls the breaking down or taking away of defenses
unwarrantableness TBD
unwasting never depleted, used up or wasted
unwatchful not vigilant, especially spiritually against sin
unwatchfully TBD
unwatchfulness the condition of not being vigilant, especially spiritually against sin
unwatered TBD
unweaned TBD
unweariable not able to be tired out or wearied
unweariedly done in a manner characterized by energy, not be tiredness
unweariedness the condition of not being worn down or tired
unwearily done in a manner characterized by energy, not be tiredness
unwearying not growing tired of
unweave to remove the interlacing or relatedness of thoughts or interactions
unweeded not removing the weeds
unweighted TBD
unwelcomest TBD
unwhipped not punished
unwieldiness the condition of being difficult to carry or manage
unwillingnesses things that one is not willing to do
unwinded “unwound”
unwindeth “unwinds”
unwinnable cannot be won
unwinnowed not winnowed (beaten or thrashed)
unwisdom lack of wisdom or good judgment
unwiser more unwise
unwisest most unwise
unwithered not withered
unwitnessed not witnessed
unworked not worked
unworldliness not worldly
unworthier less worthy
unworthiest least worthy
unworthily in a manner that was not proper or deserved
unwrested TBD
unzealous not zealous
unzealousness the quality of not being zealous
upborne supported, sustained, borne up
upbraidest “upbraids” or “upbraid”
upbraidings rebukes or criticisms
upbuilding supporting, sustaining, building up
upheaved TBD
upheaves breaks up, destroys from the foundations
upheavings things that cause commotion or destroy by attacking foundations
upholden to be sustained or held up
upholdings encouragements or supports
uplifter one who lifts up or supports
upmaking TBD
upreared reared up
uprearing rearing up
uprears TBD
uprighteous “upright”
uprightest most upright
uprightnesses ones who are upright, or righteous
uprisen risen up
uptaking a taking in or receiving
uptakings taking in or receiving
urgest “urges” or “urge”
urgeth “urges”
usages the acts of using
usedst “used”
ushereth “ushers”
usufructuaries TBD
usufructuary TBD
usurpations illegal encroachments upon or exercises of authority belonging to another
usurpeth “usurps”
usward “us”
utilitarians those who stress the value of the practical over the spiritual or aesthetic
utterable able to be spoken
utterest “utters” or “utter”
utterings multiple instances of uttering
uxoriousness an excessive or irrational submission or devotion to one’s wife