waftage TBD
waggon “wagon”
waggons “wagons”
wagoner a wagon driver
wagoners wagon drivers
wailings moanings reflecting mourning or pain
wain TBD
wains TBD
wainscotted to line or panel a room (or wall) with a facing or paneling, usually made of wood
waitest “wait”
waitings expectations, waiting for events to occur
waiveth “waives”
wakenest TBD
wakerife TBD
wakest “wake”
waldenses “Waldensians”
waldensians faithful Christians in Italy and France that resisted Catholicism
waldensians members of a Christian sect of dissenters originating in southern France in the late 12th century under the leadership of Peter Waldo, a Lyon merchant, and adopting Calvinist doctrines in the 16th century
walkings behaviors, ways of life
wallowest “wallows” or “wallow”
walloweth “wallows”
waltzer one who performs a waltz dance
wamblings wobbles or rolls; unstable changes; used often in conjunction with stomach nausea
waneth “wanes”
wanings gradual decreases or declines in size, amount, intensity or degree
wantedst “wants” lacks
wantest “want”
wantoned TBD
wantoning to act, grow or move in an immoral or unchaste manner
wanzy TBD
wardeth “wards”
wardship the position of being a ward (a keeper, manager or overseer)
wared TBD
warfaring fighting a war
waring TBD
warmings become warm or comforted
warmness “warmth”
warner one that warns
warneth “warns”
warpings deformations or contortions
warrantable able to be authorized or certified or sanctioned
warrantableness the condition of being able to be authorized or certified or sanctioned
warrantably authorized or certified
warranteth “warrants”
warrest “wars” or “war”
warrings “wars” fights, strifes, or contentions
washen “washed”
washeth “washes”
wassel an English beverage used at Christmas, and made of apples, sugar, and ale
wasteless without end, unable to be wasted or used up
wastery TBD
wastest “waste”
wastings the slow consumptions, dissolutions, or wasting away of something
watchest “watch”
watchings acts of watching, as in guarding
watchless not watching
waterer one who waters
waterers those who water
waterings the pouring forth or watering
waterman boatman
watermen boatmen
wath TBD
waverers those who are undecided, who waver back and forth
waverings swinging or swaying back and forth, either physically or in thoughts or emotions
wavest “waves” or “wave”
wavings multiple instances of waving
waxings increases in progress, becoming larger, stronger, or more intense
waylayeth “waylays”
wayless pathless
waymark TBD
waywardness the condition of wanting one’s own way in spite of the advice or wishes of another; willfulness
weakener one who weakens
weakenest “weaken”
weakenings things that make something weak
weanedness withholding a mother’s milk and substituting something else
wearables things that are able to be worn
wearest “wear”
weariedness “weariness”
wearisomeness the condition of being mentally or physically fatigued
weaved “woven”
weepedst “wept”
weeper one who weeps
weepers those who weep
weepings tearful occasions
weigher one who weighs
weighest “weigh”
welcomely in a desirable, timely or welcome manner
welcomeness being desired, timely or welcome
welcomer one who welcomes
welcomest (most welcome)
welcometh “welcomes”
wellhead the source, as of a well or stream
wen a cyst, especially on the scalp or face, that contains pus or infection
wens cysts, especially on the scalp or face, that contains pus or infection
wervils TBD
wesleyan of or pertaining to John or Charles Wesley or to Methodism
wesleyanism Methodism, as taught by the Wesleys
wesleyans those who hold to Methodism, as taught by the Wesleys
wether a gelded male sheep, a ram
wethers TBD
wetteth “wets”
whappets aggressive, yapping puppies
whatsover “whatsoever”
wheelings turnings, as of a wheel
wherries TBD
wherry TBD
whiffling passing, easily displaced; to blow or scatter with gusts of air
whinching “wincing”
whins spiny shrubs
whippeth “whips”
whipt “whipped”
whirlings states of mental giddiness or confusion
whisketh “whisks”
whispereth “whispers”
whistleth “whistles”
whistlings “whistles”
whited “whitened”
wholer (more whole)
wholesomest the most wholesome
whoredom fornication; harlotry
whoredoms fornications; harlotries
whoremaster a fornicator
whoremonger a fornicator
whoremongers fornicators
wicked's belonging to the wicked
wickednesses acts of wickedness
wicked’s belonging to the wicked
wideneth “widens”
widespreading reaching over or affecting a wide area
wieldeth “wields”
wifeish of or like a wife
wigglings multiple instances of wiggling
wight a human being, creature
wights human beings, creatures
wilful “willful”
wilfully “willfully”
wilfulness “willfulness”
willedness condition of being controlled by the will
willer (one who wills or believes in willing as in “free-willer” i.e. an arminian)
willest “wills” or “will”
willinger more willing
willingnesses desires or wishes to do something
willings desires or wishes to do something
willness TBD
windeth “winds”
winkest “wink”
winnest “win”
winnowest “winnows” or “winnow”; to beat or thresh
winnowings the separating of the chaff from grain by means of a current of air
winterly cold and inhospitable, like winter
wipings TBD
wiseman a wise man
wishers those who wish
wishest “wish”
wisheth “wishes”
wishings things that one wishes
wishly in a wishing manner
wist “known” or “knew”
wistly done with wit; “wistfully” in a longing manner
witchcrafts practices of witchcraft or sorcery
witcracks “wisecracks” jokes or puns
witfully “knowingly”
withdrawings removals or retractions
withdrawment the act or removing or withdrawing
withe a tough, supple twig used for binding things together
witherings circumstances that cause one to be worn down or discouraged
withholden kept in check; restrained
withholdest “withhold”
withstandeth “withstands”
withstandings multiple instances of withstanding
witnessest TBD
witnessings occasions of witnessing or observing
witted having wit
wiving the finding or seeking after wives
wo “woe”
woaded TBD
woful “woeful” mournful
wofullest TBD
wofully “woefully” mournfully
wolfianism TBD
wolvish like or resembling a wolf
wonderest “wonders” or “wonder”
wondereth “wonders”
wonderfullest most wonderful
wontedness the quality or state of being accustomed to
wooes “woos”
wooest “woos” or “woo”
wooeth “woos”
wooings drawings or solicitations
workest “work”
worldling a person absorbed in or devoted to this world
worldlings people absorbed in or devoted to this world
worldlymindedness having desires and affections for things of the world
worldtime the timeframe in which the world has existed
worldward in a manner toward the things of the world
worser “worse”
worshiped “worshipped”
worshipfulness the property of being worshipful or inclined to worship
worshiping “worshipping”
worshippest “worships” or “worship”
worshippings acts of worship
wot knew; first and third person singular present tense of wit
woulded TBD
wouldest “would”
woulding a desire that something or someone “would” do something
wouldings desires that something or someone “would” do something
woundest “wound”
woundings “wounds”
wrangleth “wrangles”
wranglings disputes, quarrellings
wrapt “wrapped”
wreaketh “wreaks”
wreckt “wrecked”
wrestings twisting, as of meaning; violent twisting movements
wrestlest “wrestles” or “wrestle”
wrestleth “wrestles”
wrestlingly TBD
wrestlings strivings, contendings
wretchednesses multiple instances of wretchedness
wretchlessness “wretchedness”
wrigglings wigglings
wright TBD
wringeth TBD
writhings twists or squirms, as in pain
wrongest “wrong”
wrongness the condition of being incorrect
wrongous TBD
wrongously TBD